
MieletönMuutos application
Janne Vainio
MAIN VIEW (Front view)
Backend functionality:
Saving user feeling to database when user change it.
Define algorithms and principles for coach comments (Janne).
Testing in different resolutions (applies in all views)
Change the layout in bigger resolutions (applies in all views)
Coach figures (Janne&Sinikka)
Smileys, graphics
LogData (for research purpose):
Log feeling change (Max is currently implementing general logging
functionality, which can be utilize easily in all loggins)
Prompt change
Log time stamp for pressing of all the buttons (applies in all views)
Log entering the view and returning from view (applies in all views)
Content (in database):
Update prompt database (Sinikka)
Open questions?:
Do we need shortcuts to some functions like “Toimi”(todo for today) or
“Peer group”?
Should we define different view in desktop/tablet resolutions,what
devices to support and optimize?
How many feelings, what feelings? (sad, tired, happy, very happy,
neutral, “depressed”, scared, surprised,…., or just classical happyneutral-not happy)?
Useful if red tasks done
Today’s tasks VIEW (“Toimi”)
Backend functionality:
• Load tasks defined for current day/previous day from
database (all user tasks are now loaded) User can change the
task status for today or yesterday and task list should be
updated after the selection
• TASKDATA:Saving task status (done, not going to do, task
comments) to database
• LogData (for research purpose):
• Log task status action (done, not done, cancel)
Content (in database):
• Update task database (define tasks and their categories)
Open questions?:
• Do we need shortcuts to Plan/“suunnittele”-view?
• Do we want “coach present” in the view, now
“encouragement” is delayed until user press back button to
main screen. We could also have coach present in bigger
screens and hide in small screens->complicated in research
• Do we need longer past time period to be able to update your
taks data (whole week, longer,….)?
Useful if red tasks done
Planning VIEW (“Suunnittele”)
Backend functionality:
• Saving task plan (in which day to do) to database
• Saving adding and removing of tasks from the
• Get user main goal from database (show it in
• Get the task description from the database (show it
under task
• Show only tasks belonging to selected category (see
filter in “Lisää tehtäviä ohjelmaasi”-section)
LogData (for research purpose):
• Log changing/removing of tasks
Content (in database):
• Check that task database have all the required
attributes and they are loaded from there (Janne)
Open questions?:
• -
Useful if red tasks done
Progress VIEW (“Seuraa”)
Backend functionality:
• Getting user data for selected time period (week, month,
whole time)
• Getting peer group’s data for selected time period (week,
month, whole time)
• Update the peer group data according to user actions
• Visualize the data for week/month/whole period for user
• Visualize the data for week/month/whole period for the peer
LogData (for research purpose):
• Log the viewing of peer group data
• Log the selection of time period
Content (in database):
• Define “virtual” peer persons in database
Open questions?:
• How to visualize?
• What to visualize: amount of tasks done, percentages of done
tasks versus plans?
Useful if red tasks done
Info VIEW (“Sivisty”)
Backend functionality:
• Getting the material from database (can be
also hardwired external pages for the pilot
• Offer at least list of links to open the existing
• Filter material, search material
LogData (for research purpose):
• Log the reading of different content
Content (in database):
• Define info content (Sinikka)
Open questions?:
• What additional content is still needed?
• Could we just create a single browsable
“book” and offer hyperlinks, so user can jump
into category or just browse like a book ?
Useful if red tasks done
Change coach VIEW (“Valmentaja”)
Backend functionality:
• Save the new coach
• Link the change coach view from
LogData (for research purpose):
• Log the change of the coach
Content (in database):
• Open questions?:
• - Do we need separate view or just
put it in the settings if we have
such a view?
Useful if red tasks done
Settings VIEW (“Asetukset”)
Backend functionality:
• Load/Save user settings to/from
• Create user settings UI
LogData (for research purpose):
• Log the change of settings
Content (in database):
• Create user settings database
Open questions?:
• - Do we need settings-view,
maybe not in first phase?
Useful if red tasks done
Other stuff to consider
Backend functionality:
• UI:
• LogData (for research purpose):
• Content (in database):
• Open questions?:
• How the coach (picture and speech
bubble) is present in views, now only in
main view, should we “stuff” it in all or
some of the other views (consistency,
space considerations)?
• Do we allow the hiding of coach?
• Only picture or bubble or both?
Useful if red tasks done