CURRENT ISSUES OF ZAKAT & TAKAFUL •ONLINE PAYMENT OF ZAKAT -Online payment is one of an approach by electronic payment or better-known as epayment. It capable to implement payment process through the network internet with simple way and fast without use the manual process - These efforts are to make sure each group that qualified to pay zakat not give plenty of reason or to avoid from fulfil the rukun Islam. BENEFIT: With the momentum spread of information it is expected every state in Malaysia to improve result of zakat from year to year. the State Islamic Religious Council Johor (MAINJ) has diversified its zakat payment methods in order to save time and simplify the way the payment of zakat for the Muslims in the state of Johor. Reduce use of paper in MAINJ. On-line system This limits the use of the payment form to be filled manually used to process the payment of zakat. Track the status of current information when users use the central system of zakat. Users can track the status of the information, to eliminate concerns whether the information will be lost or misplaced. Manage accounts online charity. Zakat payers may check the payment records of zakat through the accounts that have been added registered. Zakat payers also have the ability to update their personal information without the need to counter charity TAKAFUL IKHLAS WINS BEST PRODUCT AWARDS Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd.. (Takaful) has won the Best Takaful products at the International Takaful Awards 2010 held in conjunction with the Fourth International Takaful Conference 2010 at the Jumeirah Carlton Tower, London. The award was achieved through product Medic Assist Takaful Ikhlas (IMAT), a unique medical plan. The product is designed for the public to seek treatment in hospital and at the same time accelerate the waiting period for treatment of diseases and surgery. ADVANTAGES OF ZAKAT Helping the poor people. Increasing demand is one important component in the calculation of KDNK. Generating investment. For national development. Create a relationship among different levels of wealth. Prevent stingy nature. Strengthen the economy of the Muslims. ADVANTAGES OF SYSTEM TAKAFUL Guarantee financial protection against Islamic principles. Periodic contribution in Family Takaful. Profit sharing between companies and Takaful participants through contract sharing. Helpful to families when the participant dies. DISADVANTAGES OF SYSTEM TAKAFUL Shortage of Registered Operators. Lack of exposure on the Takaful system.