The SPSE Essay

Week 2, Academic English II, Even Semester 20132014
What does SPSE stand for?
Workshop 1
In pairs, come up with your own definition of the
SPSE essay by making use of the key terms on the
previous slide.
The SPSE Essay defined
The SPSE essay discusses a situation and a
problem then offers or proposes a solution
(solutions) and an evaluation of this solution.
-Macmillan Publishers, 2008
How does SPSE fit into the general
essay structure?
describes and contextualizes the situation and the problem
may define concepts or technical terms (jargons)
starts from general to specific statements
may also include what is not raised in the essay
includes the thesis statement
Writing the thesis statement for the
SPSE essay
To write an effective thesis statement ask yourself
the following questions:
What is your writing purpose?
What problem will be discussed?
In what context or milieu are you
How will it be organized?
Workshop 2
Analyze the sample thesis statement below based on
the questions from the previous slide.
Of all the possible problems, this essay focuses on
language issues, in particular meeting the educational
needs in the UK of workers whose first language is not
English. Two solutions are then offered and assessed from
financial, practical and social perspectives.
- Macmillan Publishers, 2008
How does SPSE fit into the general
essay structure?
• takes up about 80% of the essay
• describes the problem in much more detail; e.g., causes and effects
of the problem
• offers a detailed solution/describes a response
• offers alternative solutions/responses
How does SPSE fit into the general
essay structure?
• confirms the writer’s stance (which is the best solution or response to
the problem?)
• includes a final statement
Workshop 3
Read the sample essay handed out by your lecturer and
answer the following questions:
1. In which paragraphs are the situation and
problem described?
2. In which paragraphs are the possible solutions set out?
3. In which paragraphs is the evaluation found?
4. How is the essay concluded?
5. Pick out the key noun defined in the introduction?
Workshop 4
Think of a possible topic for an SPSE essay then
prepare an outline for it.
Appendix: Sample SPSE essay [hard copies provided;
source: Macmillan Publishers, 2008 (pdf)]
Appendix: Sample SPSE Essay [hard copies provided;
source: Macmillan Publishers, 2008 (pdf)]
Appendix: Sample SPSE essay [hard copies provided;
source: Macmillan Publishers, 2008 (pdf)]
Appendix: Sample SPSE essay [hard copies provided;
source: Macmillan Publishers, 2008 (pdf)]
Macmillan Publishers. (2008). Sample (SPSE) essay. Retrieved from
Birmingham City University Centre for Academic Success. (2011). Academic
Guides: writing. Retrieved from