By: Ms.Fusco
What Do Engineers Do ?
Students research and explore the different types of engineers and
what they do.
Design Process
Identify problem
Brain Storm
Test, Evaluate, and Redesign
Share Solution
DESIGN PROCESS – The steps that engineers use to arrive at a solution, solve the problem.
What are some different ways to tackle today’s challenge ?
Off-the-wall suggestions often speak GREAT ideas. How creative can you be ?
Which brainstormed ideas are really possible, given your time, tools, and materials?
what are some problems you need to solve as you build you build your project/
How can a sketch help clarify your design?
What materials will you need?
what can you learn by looking at other students’ projects?
Why is it a good idea to keep testing a design?
What specific goal are you trying to achieve, and how will you know if you’ve been successful?
How does the design process meet the criteria for success presented in the challenge?
What’s the best feature of your design? Why?
What were the different steps you did to get your project to work?
What was the hardest problem to solve?
Did you have to do something a few times to get it to work? What?
If you had more time, how would you improve your project?
• Students review the element of line.
• Students will research the artist M.C. Escher and
his art work
• Review video Optical Illusions How to Create them.
The Mathematic Element
In Escher’s World students are able to think about mathematical ideas in an expressive way.
Element of Design
An element of art that is used to define shape,
contours, and outlines, also to suggest mass and
volume. It may be a continuous mark made of a
surface with a pointed tool or implied by the
edges of shapes and forms.
Tools used to create designs are ruler,
t-square, compass, protractor, circle
template, and Sharpie marker.
Science Element
Kinetic Sculpture……
Kinetic art is art that contains
moving parts or depends on
motion for its effect. The moving
parts are generally powered by
wind, air, force of gravity or
Marcel Duchamp mounted a spinning bicycle
wheel onto a stool to make what is
considered the first kinetic sculpture. The
wheel required the reaction of a viewer, but
later experiments incorporated pulleys and
motors to create motion.
Kinetic art incorporates an element of
mechanical or random movement, or gives
the illusion of movement by the use of optical
Mobile kinetic sculptures
The meaning of the term
”mobile” as applied to
sculpture has evolved since it
was first suggested by
Marcel Duchamp in 1931 to
describe the early,
mechanized creations of
Alexander Calder.
At this point, “mobile” was
synonymous with the term
“kinetic art”, describing
sculptural works in which
motion is a defining
NewtoN’s three Laws of
Law 1 - An object moving in a
straight line will continue
moving in a straight line, unless
acted on by an outside force.
Also, an object at rest will stay
at rest.
Law 2 – Force will cause a
change in the motion of an
object. The change in motion
depends on the amount of force
and the mass of the object.
There is a formula for this F=ma
(force equals mass times
Law 3 – For each action, there is
an equal and opposite reaction.
• Force is a push or a pull
• Motion is moving something
from one place to another.
• Speed is a scientific term
that means the rate of
motion, or how fast
something travels or moves.
• Gravity is a force that pulls
everything toward the
center of the Earth.
• Weight is the measure of
gravity’s force.
Leonardo da Vinci
Painter, sculptor, architect,
mathematician, engineer,
Da Vinci is widely considered
to be one of the greatest
painters of all time and
perhaps the most diversely
talented person ever to have
Coloring Aspect
Color, Value and Hue
Color is one of the most powerful of elements. It has tremendous expressive qualities. Understanding the uses of
color is crucial to effective composition in design and the fine arts. The word color is the general term which
applies to the whole subject - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, black and white and all possible combinations
thereof. Hue is the correct word to use to refer to just the pure spectrum colors. Any given color can be described in
terms of its value and hue. In addition, the various physical phenomena and psychological effects combine to affect
our perceptions of a color.
Line also
communicates emotion
and states of mind
through its character
and direction
Quality finished
pieces of the Art
Building process
Assemblage- A 3-dimensional
work of art made by joining
objects together.
To construct is to build or form by
putting together parts, frame or
Art -In- Motion
Special thanks to:
Adam Scribner for this knowledge, patience and guidance for walking
us through the STEAM experience.
Steven Institute of Technology for offering this workshop to educators
to broaden our students’ knowledge, as well as making the
connection among Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation for giving Stevens the ability to offer a
grant to make this wonderful workshop possible to educators.
* A special thanks to Denise Peguero and Brandon Lyons for assisting
in the creation of this power point presentation.