Circle of Grace FC1-2

Holy Spirit,
show us the way.
Be with us in all we think,
do, and say.
A picture or an object that stands for
something else
A picture or an object that stands for
something else
Everyone has a Circle of Grace
Does Jesus always love us?
Is Jesus always with us?
If God is always with us, we are always in a
Circle of Grace
God is always present in our Circle of Grace
because he wants a close relationship
with each of us.
If we can remember that we are in a Circle of
Grace, with God and surrounded by God’s love,
what will that help us remember to do?
Keep in Circle? Keep out of Circle?
Keep In Circle of Grace? Keep Out?
Keep In Circle of Grace? Keep Out?
Keep In Circle of Grace? Keep out?
Keep in Circle of Grace? Keep Out?
Keep in Circle of Grace? Keep Out?
Keep in Circle of Grace? Keep Out?
Keep in Circle of Grace?
Keep Out?
Keep in Circle of Grace? Keep Out?
Keep in Circle of Grace? Keep Out?
Red = STOP!
Green = GO
God helps us know what
belongs in our Circle of Grace
Mom or Dad hugs you when you are sad.
Your Grandmother wipes your tears when you
fall down and hurt yourself.
You push someone out of line so you can be
Your friend wants you to play a video game
your mom and dad don’t want you to play
An adult asks you to go with him without
asking permission from your parents.
You stay with your friends when you go
anywhere together.
Someone makes you do something that you don’t
want to do and then tells you to keep it a secret or
you will get in trouble if you tell anyone.
Someone touches you in a way that makes
you feel funny or uncomfortable.
You are lost at the mall and you ask a Mom
who is with her children to help you.
There are people who we can trust to help us.
Trusted adults are people who help you to stay
safe in your Circle of Grace and to respect
others within their Circle of Grace.
God helps us know what
belongs in our Circle of Grace
How do I ask these trusted people for help?
• Look at the Person
• Clearly describe the problem.
• Say, “ I need to tell you something
• Thank the person for helping you.
• Each one of us has a Circle of _______________.
• ______ is always with us in our Circle of Grace.
• To be safe, we should always:
• Ask a trusted ________ first before we go with anyone.
• Stay with a group of ___________ when we are out in public.
• Always tell ____________ if we are asked to do something
we don’t want to do.
• Ask a trusted adults for ___________ when we are in
Thank you, God,
for always being with me
in my Circle of Grace.
Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit
who helps me know what is good.
Thank you for giving me people
who care about me
and want me to be safe.