Developing your use of our VLE and new technologies

Before we start…
New Academic Staff
Induction project
Dr Helen Webster
Academic Developer,
Anglia Learning and Teaching
This session….
• …ISN’T an IT training session
• …IS a chance to find out more about how
you can enhance your teaching with the
technology ARU offers (in particular, the
Before we get onto specific tools,
platforms and software…
What IS a “Learning
Early Learning Technology
Early learning technology in use
So what’s special about digital technology?
• Digital
• Networked
• Open
• (Martin Weller, The Digital
Scholar 2012)
Digital, Networked, Open
• How does technology change the role of
• The teacher
• The student
• The learning environment (the learning materials,
the classroom, academic services, institution)
• And how do we harness this to enhance
Your previous experience
• What technologies have you used at
previous universities (or other education
• What could these technologies do – what
functionality did they have?
• How were they used? What were they used
• How well were they used?
Learning Technologies at ARU
• My Anglia Portal
• The VLE (based on Microsoft Sharepoint)
• Media creation and hosting
• BoB – Box of Broadcasts
• AV equipment in teaching spaces (including Lecture
• Support for using other software and social media for
learning and teaching
Why use learning technologies to enhance your
The Corporate Plan 2012-14
Goal 7:
“Students will use our Virtual Learning Environment
(VLE) on a daily basis”
• Increase the student take-up of the VLE to 90% and ensure
students use the VLE on a regular basis, including prior to
their arrival at Anglia Ruskin.
• Rapidly develop and utilise the VLE to its full
• Ensure that the content of the VLE is of consistently high
quality so as to attract greater student usage.
• Ensure all academic staff receive appropriate VLE training.
Milestones: increase percentage of students who use the VLE regularly
2012: 70%; 2013: 80%; 2014: 90%
Learning and Teaching Strategy
4: Using Technology-Enhanced Learning
Milestones: 2013-14
• 90% [of students] are using our VLE on a regular basis
• The technology-rich audio-visual and media classroom resources
are fully utilised by staff and students
All courses and modules have a fully embedded blended
learning environment.
Our VLE and other electronic means are the principle
environments for delivering distance learning.
Our VLE is the principle vehicle for receiving students’ written
coursework and giving formative and summative feedback
The use of our Helix Media Library and iTunesU is firmly
established in course delivery
A significant proportion of online module content makes use of
media objects.
Student Charter
“Our VLE is where you will access online information relating to
your studies, including course and module guides, documents
and teaching notes, as well as blogs, surveys and discussion
We will:
• Make sure that online course material associated with a module is
available to you within 24 hours of you being registered for that
• give you access to our virtual learning environment (VLE) for every
module you register on
We will expect you to:
• Visit the VLE at least twice a week if your course has online content
• Use our VLE and other forms of technology we provide to help you
with your studies
Why use the VLE?
Walled Garden
Big Wide World
And why should students engage with the VLE?
Students will only engage with the VLE on a regular
basis if:
• there is regular new content to engage with
• which relates to what they are currently doing in
their studies
• and is easy to locate and use
• regular VLE use is modelled by teaching staff
What the VLE looks like…
And a more developed example:
Additional VLE tools: Student use
“A VLE is like….”
Levels of using the VLE
• Web 1.0
• Repository for information
• Web 1.0
collate • Portal to information
• Web 1.0 – 2.0
embed • Self-contained multimedia learning space
• Web 2.0
involve • Students as participants and content co-creators
VLE as Repository
• This is the minimum requirement
• Information could be delivered face to face, in paper
format, and/or online:
• Module information
• Academic Processes and Regulations
• Academic services
• Teaching content
• Assessment information
• Tools: wiki, documents, web links, calendar,
Just because you told them/put it online, doesn’t
mean they’ve learned it…
Going beyond the Virtual Filing Cabinet
• How will you get your students to learn with the
• How does the digital format enhance subject learning
and study skills?
What are students doing, other than consuming
How does it fit in before, during and after traditional
How does this change what you do in the classroom?
How can they get involved as co-creators?
Using the interactive tools
• Student Blog (and
• Learning from lectures
and seminars
• Student Wiki
• Writing an assignment
• Student Discussion
• Reading and Researching
• Lecture Capture
• Personal Capture
• My Capture
• My Player
• iTunesU
• Box of Broadcasts
Further Support
Your Faculty Learning Technologist
2. Online resources from Anglia Learning and Teaching
3. Workshops from Anglia Learning and Teaching
Exploring VLE Tools
Echo 360 (Lecture Capture and Personal Capture)