SUCCESSFUL SCIENCE Network Meeting May 22nd 2014 Welcome Overview for the afternoon… -Session 1: Catch-up -Session 2: Resources Break Session 3: Outdoor science -Session 4: Assessment recap Dates for diary Session 1: Catch-up Where is your school now? Session 2: Resources Each table will make a folder of resources for a phase: Y1/2 (KS1), Y3/4 (LKS2) or Y5/6 (UKS2) Task 1: Search internet websites for current resources for your given phase. Save to the phase folder on the Shared area. My Computer/Common (O)/Teachers/Core 4 Science/Resources Task 2: Use key vocabulary for each unit in your phase to create 5/6 Bingo Card templates Task 3: Produce a list of useful websites for your phase. Split into Teacher Resources and Pupil Resources (e.g. interactive games/ activities) Session 3: Outdoor Science “The study of biology, geology and the rest is a living experience, and without fieldwork it can be (and often is) killed stone dead.” ASE: ‘Outdoor Science’ • When planned and implemented well, learning outside the classroom contributed significantly to raising standards and improving pupils’ personal, social and emotional development. • Learning outside the classroom was most successful when it was an integral element of long-term curriculum planning and closely linked to classroom activities. Ofsted: ‘Learning Outside the Classroom’ Outdoor places: • Middleport pottery are opening on the 1st July. They are the only company in the UK to do transferring. The factory is full working and children can observe the start to the end of the pottery making process. 50% is sold in the UK and 50% is sold abroad. It is situated by the canal. • Trentham Estate; Lots of Science links- One being the fairies- making fairy puppets linking to shadows. Flowers- seasonal change. • Gladstone pottery museum - properties of materials. • Country trust- Access to farms for free. Useful Websites: • Farm to Fork with Tesco • STEMET website- where schools can apply for a Scientist to come into their school free of charge. • Good website for experiments • Royal microscope society- loan microscopes free of charge plus free delivery and collection. Session 4: Assessment Recap DFE DOCUMENT HTTPS://WWW.GOV.UK/G OVERNMENT/CONSULTATIO NS/NEW-NATIONALCURRICULUM-PRIMARYASSESSMENT-ANDACCOUNTABILITY THE LONG AWAITED REFORMS TO PRIMARY ASSESSMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY WERE PUBLISHED 27TH MARCH. HERE ARE THE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE ANNOUNCEMENT: • CURRENT BALANCE OF TEACHER ASSESSMENT AND TESTING WILL REMAIN. • WRITING WILL CONTINUE TO BE TEACHER ASSESSED FOR KS2 SATS. • THE SPELLING, PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR TEST WILL NOT COUNT TOWARDS THE FLOOR STANDARD; THE WRITING ASSESSMENT WILL. • KS1 WILL BE EXTERNALLY SET, INTERNALLY MARKED AND THEN MODERATED. • THE LANGUAGE ON 'SECONDARY READINESS' HAS BEEN TONED DOWN CONSIDERABLY. • NO DECILE RANKING OF PUPILS. • THE GOVERNMENT DOES INTEND TO INTRODUCE A RECEPTION BASELINE. THIS WILL BE TEACHER-ADMINISTERED IN THE FIRST TERM. has met the new expected standard. SCIENCE ASSESSMENT! ment/collections/nationalcurriculum-assessments-testframeworks Thoughts? Dates for your diary: “Assessing Science in the New Curriculum” Twilight session with Ed Walsh Assessment adviser for Cornwall specialist in Science Free Session – Belgrave Hub June 26th 4- 6p.m. Please book: Assessment Without Levels Chris Quigley 10th July Stoke Chris Quigley Education Ltd [ Keele Science Learning Centre Questionnaire Any Questions? Julie- Luci-