
Network Management Interoperability Technical Exchange
Session D:
What is the role of automation in network
Session Facilitator:
Charlie Williams III
Senior Network Systems Engineer
There is a clear interest in SDN
SDN provides a south-bound interface to applications. SDN may
provide an entry to automation
SDN may provide entry to automation
Discussed the Opex vs Capex of SDN based solutions comparing
to traditional network management
PBNM would work with SDN to guide decisions. It is necessary to
clearly define the mission needs by stakeholders to develop the
Soldiers should be left out of the loop as much as possible. The
network should be automated to support soldiers.
Network Management Interoperability Technical Exchange
Breakout Session D: What is the role of automation in network
To what degree is automated management and reaction feasible?
Where is the human touch still needed?
• What SNMP v3 vs SDN cost benefit analysis on config management
• SDN is to control the network. SNMP gathers the mgmt data. SDN does not req SNMP. But, can
use the protocol.
• What is the def of SDN? It is grammatically control the network, network programmable. It
control data flow through the network
• It may have adaptor using SNMP v3. not there are IA concerns. Concerns on how to secure it.
• SDN is more than Openflow.
• Automation from good understanding of the operation.
• What is tracking record on cost of SDN? It may reduce cost. As it reduce number of operators
of the network. SDN enables queries to performance matrix. Use cases are more on user
request of resources. At tactical edge. Like one connect a modem to the network gets auto
config. It can collects data that people can make correlation of them
• Daily operation cost can be reduced by SDN. In the case of failure, that is not automatically
recoverable. It may req operator intervention. How to recover should be considered.
* Mgmt at tac level.
Who is in control of the network? Integration with big
SDN interface? Cisco is on SDN, may provide appl. Using some open
* Router, firewall, switch may use similar product. Policy shall appl to all of
Network Management Interoperability Technical Exchange
Breakout Session D: What is the role of automation in network
What role do Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Policy Based
Network management play in achieving automation?
• How pbnm may help? Policy may be given to SDN controller.
• New firewalls are looking at layer 3 and above. Can we mgmt together with routers?
• Openflow works at many layers. Controller functions. SDN supports unified policy that
applicable to all layers.Dod has policyn at different levels. Routing policy diff from session
policy. Don’t want single point of failure
• Constrained env vs tac edge. Tac network is more dynamic. It has BW constrains. No FIOS to
fox holes. Today QoS policy is hard to do.
• What is Policy app to tac, mobile network. What is the cost. Centralized network control may
not work. Must be simple. Hyb solution may most likely. And distributed.
• Logical centralized vs actually centralized. if centralize refers to common policy, then that
might work. One controller could be the primary. End nodes make their decision. Central node
has overall view. Node has autonomy. Hyb may most likely.
Network Management Interoperability Technical Exchange
Breakout Session D: What is the role of automation in network
What role do Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Policy Based
Network management play in achieving automation?
• How pbnm may help? Policy may be given to SDN controller.
• New firewalls are looking at layer 3 and above. Can we mgmt together with routers?
• Openflow works at many layers. Controller functions. SDN supports unified policy that
applicable to all layers.Dod has policyn at different levels. Routing policy diff from session
policy. Don’t want single point of failure
• Constrained env vs tac edge. Tac network is more dynamic. It has BW constrains. No FIOS to
fox holes. Today QoS policy is hard to do.
• What is Policy app to tac, mobile network. What is the cost. Centralized network control may
not work. Must be simple. Hyb solution may most likely. And distributed.
• Logical centralized vs actually centralized. if centralize refers to common policy, then that
might work. One controller could be the primary. End nodes make their decision. Central node
has overall view. Node has autonomy. Hyb may most likely.
• In joint network, how does SDN wk – a policy issue
• How to exchange route between SDN domains? Stnd working on this.
* Army. Radio networks sharing SA. How allows who to joint network.
* SDN may help. N SDN domains. Q is at what level – at BT level. SA is needed.
Collaboration is needed.
Expert system can help O6 to make better decision. Provide knowledge base to assit his
job. What course of action.
What about risk? Human shall be in the loop. Can we program for every situation?
SDN has the same issue. Network is not aware of application. What are their req. SDN
need that to be defined. What is the traffic model?
SDN south-bound interface may help. To interact with applications. North bound interface
is still be worked.
S3 vs S6 work.
Now each layer has its state.
In BW constrained network has to be rules and understanding of the constrains.
SDN and LTE network.
SDN does not fix phy problem. It can reduce manual labor. Software helps work.
SNPP protocol, + command line interface
Juniper use their command center. SDN does not need people to touch all the devices.
This reduced the mgmt work load. Open issue for protection
Would control inf in-band. ? It shall be out-band logically. DISA is all out band.
* Would auto help interop? In Collation, automation how to
protect inform/ntwork based on level of trust?
* For intercon of domains, automation will help. On path
control, based on config of switches. Flow data forwarded to
controller, than shared and SA for the flow. Observe SA and
share, improve QoS. Gets a big picture.
* In and between vendor’s equip/ntwk.
* Control plan shall be stnd, certified.
* We are able to see latency now.
Network Management Interoperability Technical Exchange
Breakout Session D: What is the role of automation in network
How do we ensure that automation is implemented consistently
across disparate networks? Does everyone need to use the same
rule sets?
What really help NM interop? From a broader view. Not just SDN tech. what does automation
mean to NM interop? How to support different level of echelons.
Automation of ntwkr, perf, fail, config, sec and acc 5 areas?
Solution vs requirements. Autom provide speed and needs. But sec
Unified req for Ene-to-end solution
Bus mgmt layer issues.
GTPs with stnd. At CIO level. Can de described in automation point of view.
Auto of ntwk mgmt. which can not should be pointed out. Bis mgmt layer is important. It may
change a lot of approached. In the autom area. Some are easy. Eg. Conf, acc, . What to do
with m-domain SDN?
Perf mgmt. should wk from the tip of spear. i.e. starting from the field. Shall person in the
But the tip is not a ntwk person. Shall be automated,
Network Management Interoperability Technical Exchange
Breakout Session D: What is the role of automation in network
How do we ensure that automation is implemented consistently
across disparate networks? Does everyone need to use the same
rule sets?
What really help NM interop? From a broader view. Not just SDN tech. what does automation
mean to NM interop? How to support different level of echelons.
Automation of ntwkr, perf, fail, config, sec and acc 5 areas?
Solution vs requirements. Autom provide speed and needs. But sec
Unified req for Ene-to-end solution
Bus mgmt layer issues.
GTPs with stnd. At CIO level. Can de described in automation point of view.
Auto of ntwk mgmt. which can not should be pointed out. Bis mgmt layer is important. It may
change a lot of approached. In the autom area. Some are easy. Eg. Conf, acc, . What to do
with m-domain SDN?
Perf mgmt. should wk from the tip of spear. i.e. starting from the field. Shall person in the
But the tip is not a ntwk person. Shall be automated,
* Automation at the low level is important. The person not
understand the ntwk. Ntwk shall be aware of that. He does not
need to know how to get to other end of ntwk. At each level it
has different level of need for information. Need to be
* Satcom access, line-of-sight access, etc, need to optimal assign
resources for com.
* In battle field, router connected to diff com links. We set cost to
routing. Condition change. Can SDN sense the link condition?
No. But it can react to sensor’s report based on policy.
* Army can sense the antenna conditions.
Network Management Interoperability Technical Exchange
Breakout Session D: What is the role of automation in network
To what degree is automated/dynamic network reconfiguration
Network Management Interoperability Technical Exchange
Breakout Session D: What is the role of automation in network
To what degree is automated/dynamic network reconfiguration
Network Management Interoperability Technical Exchange
Breakout Session D: What is the role of automation in network
Using automation how do we efficiently and operationally impact
• Soldier as a sensor. Collecting env infor. On armo too. His main function is to pull the
trigger. Shall autom other functions. 3000 RF transmitters in a BG! Not enough BW..
Need qos mgmt.
• SDN may give us some hope.
• soldier, tank, ntwk… shall optimize the oper of all echelons. Ntwk shall understand
the mission priority and config ntwk to support the mission.
• Mission may req person in loop to def mission that guides ntwk.
• Impact on security. Identify the users.
• Satellite tech for real time com. Use other tech for other com. May use relay site.
Store-n-forward mechanism.
Network Management Interoperability Technical Exchange
Breakout Session D: What is the role of automation in network
Using automation how do we efficiently and operationally impact
• Soldier as a sensor. Collecting env infor. On armo too. His main function is to pull the
trigger. Shall autom other functions. 3000 RF transmitters in a BG! Not enough BW..
Need qos mgmt.
• SDN may give us some hope.
• soldier, tank, ntwk… shall optimize the oper of all echelons. Ntwk shall understand
the mission priority and config ntwk to support the mission.
• Mission may req person in loop to def mission that guides ntwk.
• Impact on security. Identify the users.
• Satellite tech for real time com. Use other tech for other com. May use relay site.
Store-n-forward mechanism.
* AB-tank has N ntwks inside it. Mgmt by diff people. Acqu
process may help.
* PACE plan. Op order may not need to give the PACE plan. From
S6 view this shall be automated.
* SDN should worked on mil domain issues. To be mission centric
driven. Army, DISA etc are working on this