PowerPoint - Emporia State University

Kansas Summer Institute for
School Librarians
Introduction to Resource Sets
June 11, 2014
To Start Off:
Please reflect on what you will be able to
observe (see, hear) when you have successfully
implemented Kansas ELA College and CareerReady State Standards in your schools and
Teacher Practices?
Student Work?
Instructional Materials?
Kansas State Department of Education
The Gettysburg Address
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this
continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to
the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that
nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long
endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have
come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place
for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It
is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
(see handout)
Kansas State Department of Education
Text Complexity
 Informational and Literary Text Rubrics
 Qualitative
 Quantitative
 Reader and Task
 Text Complexity Placemat
Kansas State Department of Education
Text Complexity
 KSDE KCCSS ELA and Literacy Text Complexity http://community.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabi
 CCSSO Navigating Text Complexityhttp://www.ccsso.org/Navigating_Text_Compl
Kansas State Department of Education
Updated Text Complexity Grade Bands and
Associated Ranges from Multiple Measures
Kansas State Department of Education
Qualitative Rubric- Informational Text
Kansas State Department of Education
Qualitative Rubric- Literary Text
Kansas State Department of Education
Why is knowing the text complexity so
 Core Task Project Reflections Video
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSYiwPJF
Kansas State Department of Education
Key Learning
 Text Complexity
 Close Reading/Text-dependent questions
 Academic Vocabulary
 Syntax
Kansas State Department of Education
Text-Dependent Questions...
 Can only be answered with evidence from the text.
 Can be literal (checking for understanding) but must also
involve analysis, synthesis, evaluation.
 Focus on word, sentence, and paragraph, as well as larger
ideas, themes, or events.
 Focus on difficult portions of text in order to enhance reading
 Can also include prompts for writing and discussion questions.
Kansas State Department of Education
Three Types of Text-Dependent
When writing or reviewing a set of questions, initially
consider the following three categories:
 Questions that assess themes and central ideas
 Questions that assess knowledge of vocabulary
 Questions that assess syntax and structure
Kansas State Department of Education
Non-Examples and Examples
Not Text-Dependent
In “Casey at the Bat,” Casey strikes out.
Describe a time when you failed at
In “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” Dr.
King discusses nonviolent protest.
Discuss, in writing, a time when you
wanted to fight against something that
you felt was unfair.
In “The Gettysburg Address” Lincoln
says the nation is dedicated to the
proposition that all men are created
equal. Why is equality an important
value to promote?
What makes Casey’s experiences at bat
What can you infer from King’s letter
about the letter that he received?
“The Gettysburg Address” mentions the
year 1776. According to Lincoln’s
speech, why is this year significant to
the events described in the speech?
Kansas State Department of Education
Which of these Questions are TextDependent?
1. Have you ever been to a funeral?
2. What important event took place in 1776?
3. What impact does starting the sentence with “now” have on
its meaning?
4. What does “conceived” mean?
5. What is the point of including the phrase “or any nation so
conceived and so dedicated”? What would the sentence
mean without it?
6. Why did the North and the South fight the civil war?
Kansas State Department of Education
Resources for Section of Text
 Publishers’ Criteria for ELA and Math
 Toolkit for Evaluating Alignment of
Instructional and Assessment Materials to the
Common Core State Standards
 http://achievethecore.org
Kansas State Department of Education
Suite of Tools to Evaluate
Kansas State Department of Education
Types of Tools in the Toolkit
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education
Student Achievement Partners and The
Council of the Great City Schools
Supplemental Lesson Development
Basal Alignment Project- Elementary
Anthology Alignment Project- MS and HS
Read-Aloud Project- K-2
Kansas State Department of Education
Basal and Anthology Alignment Projects
 Cooperation of textbook publishers
 District teams comprised of literacy, ELL, SWD, and other educators
 Examine adopted materials and write text-dependent, CCSSaligned questions for basal reading selections in grades 3-5 (BAP)
and grades 6-12 (AAP)
 Focused on evaluating existing questions for alignment and writing
good text-dependent questions to sources
 Require close reading of the text and preparation for the
culminating, text-based discussion or writing task
Kansas State Department of Education
Read-Aloud Project
 Student Achievement Partners and The Council of the
Great City Schools launched the Read-Aloud Project
(RAP) for the K-2 grade band.
 Written by teams of curriculum, English language
learning specialists, and Special Education educators.
 Text-dependent questions to go with picture books that
are above grade level and rich with complex text.
 Build knowledge and vocabulary
Kansas State Department of Education
How to access BAP, RAP, AAP
on Edmodo
Go to www.edmodo.com
Create a teacher user name and password
Use the following codes to access the BAP, AAP,
and RAP codes respectively:
BAP: f4q6nm
AAP: pkx4sp
RAP: pkx52i
Kansas State Department of Education
Next step…Learning Resource Set
 Kansas wants to keep the tradition of
developing processes for actively building
teacher learning.
 Kansas lead the development of processes to
find text complexity.
 Next step….a process to develop
Learning Resource Sets
Kansas State Department of Education
Process Brainstorming by the
Kansas State Department of Education
Process Brainstorming by the
Kansas State Department of Education
KSDE Learning Resource Sets
What’s News at KSDE
 KSDE ELA Newsletter
 KSDE ELA Listserv
kshaw@ksde.org or soertel@ksde.org
 KSDE Trainers
Kansas State Department of Education
2014 KSDE Summer Academies
 June 17-19
Derby High School (USD 260)
 July 8-10
Highland Park High School- Topeka (USD 501)
 July 22-24
Abilene Middle School (USD 435)
Kansas State Department of Education
Feedback to Kris and Suzy
 Sign me up for the ELA Listserv
 Learning Resource Sets
 Kris Shaw kshaw@ksde.org
 Suzy Oertel soertel@ksde.org
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas Summer Institute for
School Librarians
Introduction to Resource Sets
June 12, 2014
KSDE Learning Resource Sets
Kansas State Department of Education
The Spider and the Fly
by Mary Howitt
“Will you walk into my parlour?" said the Spider to the Fly,
“'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;
The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,
And I've a many curious things to show when you are there.”
“Oh no, no," said the little Fly, "to ask me is in vain,
For who goes up your winding stair can ne'er come down
Kansas State Department of Education
Step One
Kansas State Department of Education
Step Two
Kansas State Department of Education
Step Three
Kansas State Department of Education
Step Four
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education
Feedback to Kris and Suzy
 Sign me up for the ELA Listserv
 Learning Resource Sets
 Kris Shaw kshaw@ksde.org
 Suzy Oertel soertel@ksde.org
Kansas State Department of Education