Hootsuite presentation by Julio Dominguez

How digital management tools like Hootsuite can improve your organization’s
communications and messaging.
Julio C. Dominguez
Internet Media Strategies
Optimizing Social Media
An introduction to Hootsuite
Free version vs. Premium version
How to connect your Twitter and Facebook to Hootsuite.
How to set up hootsuite
• Review the goals of your organization’s social media strategy
• Determine the objectives of the planned social media campaign
(eg. Education & Outreach, Leads, Fundraising, get media attention, web traffic...)
• Target the physical scope of your campaign based on geography, demographics,
policy, events, call to action...
• Identify the social media channels for publication, based on scope.(Facebook,
Twitter, Google+, Youtube...)
• Review metrics being used to measure social media, and adjust for the nature of the
specific campaign, if necessary.
• Coordinate with campaigns in other media for amplification potential.
• Socialize final campaign plan with stakeholders for feedback (Meetings,
events, Groups or collaborate on topic campaigns)
2. Develop Content
• Build a publishing calendar with hootsuite’s publisher for message
frequency and social network destination
• Strike a balance between scheduled content and live interaction
• Develop hashtags and content specifically curated for each social
• Coordinate with other team members to approve content
The Average Charge per Hospitalization
for Persons with #Diabetes in #BernCo
is: $10,712.00 #NM #ABQ @jointcenter
3. Execution
• Build a campaign-specific hootsuite tab to monitor campaign-related terms and hashtags
(tip: share streams with stakeholders)
• Route incoming traffic to the best resource with assignments
• Ensure that the tone is human and on-topic by approving outgoing messages
• Archive messages for later analysis
4. Measure and enhance
• Use custom URL parameters to link traffic from a social media campaign to conversion of
on-site web goals
• View live engagement through message tags to optimize content on the fly or gather
lessons for the next campaign (tutorial next page)
• Build custom analytic reports to quickly share the impact of social
campaigns with stakeholders
Social Media management
Centralized Management
Synchronized Scheduling
Maximize Reach
Manage Multiple Campaigns
Measure and Track Results
Assign Roles to another team for posts.
Live Example:
-Connect hootsuite to
Tweeter/Facebook and RSS
-Take a picture and post
Thank You!
Questions? Or Comments?
Contact Information:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BCPlaceMatters
Twitter: @BCPlaceMatters
Youtube: BCPlaceMatters
Julio Dominguez