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Constructivism in Education: Piaget & Vygotsky

in the constructivist view, the role of the individual in what he learns and understands is
Constructivism is more than an theory , it is a kind of epistemology or philosophical
explanation of the nature of learning.
As the heart of constructivism is the construction of knowledge by the individual herself.
‫‪Constructivist psychologists do not accept the presuppositions of cognitive psychologists in‬‬
‫‪learning and believe that thinking takes place in the situation and cognition is made by‬‬
‫‪people who act in the situation.‬‬
‫زمانی که از ساختن گرایی صحبت می کنیمدر واقع الزمه آن پذیرفتن ‪3‬پیش فرض است‪:‬‬
‫‪-1‬ادراک در تعامل ما با محیط شکل می گیرد و نمی توانیم درمورد چیزی که یادگرفته شده جدا از اینکه چطور‬
‫یادگرفته شده است صحبت کرد‪.‬‬
‫‪-2‬تعارض شناختی محرکی برای یادگیری می باشد‪.‬‬
‫‪-3‬دانش در بستر اجتماعی شکل میگیرد‪.‬‬
The constructivist view is presented in three forms which are:
1-exogenous constructivism
2-endogenous constructivism
3-dialectical constructivism
4-cognitive or individual constructivism
Piaget describes his epistemological approach as constructivist .
According to Piaget , learning does not take place without the integration of experience with
according to him ,there is no possibility of creating knowledge previous mental structures .
without being influenced by the world outside the mind.
According to Piaget ,children go through the same sequence of steps:
1-sensory-motor stage
2- preoperational stage
3-concrete operational stage
4-formal operational stage
Piaget and learning
Applications of Piaget system in education 
Philosophical foundation of Piaget theory and its applications 
Methodological foundations of Piaget theory and its application 
psychological foundations of Piaget theory and its application
Like Piaget , Vygotsky emphasized the constructivist approach ,but the social
environment is emphasized by Vygotsky as a facilitator of growth and learning .
Recent disagreements can affect the learning process and its results . Have many
applications in education.
Vygotsky s theory is based on two basic ideas.one is that cognitive evolution can only
be understood through the individual socio-cultural context ,and the other is that
evolution depends on the system by which individuals grow up : provides to help
people think , communicate and solve problems.
Approximate growth area
"‫"منطقه تقریبی رشد‬
Vygostky describes the approximate area of two levels of development of children “real and
potential the distance between the current and potential levels is know as the approximate
growth zon .
Stages of language development
"‫"مراحل رشد زبان‬
According to Vygostky language evolves through three distinct stages:
1-external speech
2-self –centered speech
3-internal speech
‫گفتار بیرونی‬-1
‫گفتار خودمحور‬-2
‫گفتار درونی‬-3
Learning levels
The four different levels of learning that are active in different tissues and lead to different
types of learning outcomes are:
1- Compressive or mechanical learning
2- Learning to absorb
3- Learning to adapt
4- Conversion learning