PRIDE Olympic & Paralympic Values Personal Excellence Respect & Friendship INSPIRATION Determination & courage Equality In this pack: GET TO KNOW: INSPIRATION • Becoming an informed spectator, thinking about the values • Online resources, discussion points, activities & more CULTURAL CHALLENGE: INSPIRATION • Creatively explore the value of inspiration • Icebreakers, session ideas and more NEED MORE PRACTICAL HELP? • You’ll find guidance notes on printing & using the slides at the end of the pack Kent Olympic & Paralympic Values: PRIDE Personal excellence Respect and friendship For more info: INSPIRATION Determination and courage Equality GET TO KNOW •Focus on creating the informed spectator •Focus on getting to know the Games and their Values CULTURAL CHALLENGE SPORTING CHALLENGE TREASURED MEMORIES DELIVER YOUTH ACHIEVEMENT AWARD •Focus on becoming a creative explorer •Focus on exploring the Olympics through creation, investigation and performance •Focus on becoming an active participant •Focus on sporting activity and leadership • Focus on creating treasured memories • Focus on recording, evidencing and creating a lasting record • PRIDE can deliver a 15 hour challenge • For more information visit pack Get to Know: Informed Spectator Introduction GET TO KNOW: CREATE THE INFORMED SPECTATOR Aims: • Young people understand the Olympic and Paralympic values • You people know something about the history of the Olympic Games • Young people can identify their heroes and great Olympians and Paralympians • Young people know about the events surrounding the Games • Young people acknowledge different cultures EXAMPLE: Value chosen: Inspiration Activity & Aims: Research Olympic & Paralympic moments that can be seen as inspirational. Think about the way we can be inspired through these sporting achievements. Think about the way we use inspiration in our everyday lives YAA Challenge: Online tasks and resources can be printed or stored electronically, group discussions can be recorded in both audio and transcription, photographic evidence, blogs, evaluation sheets etc. can all form part of the evidence for the challenge Learning Outcomes: Young people will be learning about the history and values of the Olympics and Paralympics, young people will be becoming informed spectators, young people will be encouraged to explore and understand the value of inspiration Online Resources Get Set website resources Olympic & Paralympic hopefuls & heroes to follow in 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games history Excellent online games based around 16/games-1-1-1-1 Olympic & Paralympic values The Olympic & Paralympic values that PRIDE is based on The Know Your Values game focuses on 16/games-1-1-1-1/14-16-know-youryour core individual values and is a great values conversation starter Online Resources pdf An extensive list of online Olympic resources, including history, heroes and the future for the games A comprehensive database of all Olympic medallists Find out all about your British sporting heroes here Find out all about Kent sport stars hoping uture.asp to become Olympic heroes The official website of the British Olympic Movement Colin Jackson aims to inspire you to achieve your goals Aims, Objective & Outcomes Aims • AIMS • Creating an informed spectator who knows about the Games and their values Objectives • OBJECTIVES • Understanding Olympic & Paralympic values and how they apply to our own lives, thinking about who our heroes are and the way our heroes inspire us, how we find inspiration in our own lives Outcomes • OUTCOMES • self reflection, awareness of values and how they help us to find inspiration in our own lives, working individually and with a group, understanding the Olympic message and how it applies to your own life • 3 IN COMMON • Divide the group into 3s and give each smaller group 10-15 minutes to come up with three unusual things they have in common (NOT age, hair colour etc). Then encourage each group to feed back to the group as a whole INDIVIDUAL • TOILET PAPER PULL • Pass round a toilet roll and ask each member of the group to pull off as many pieces as they like. Now go round the group and ask them to come up with an inspirational word for every sheet they have! SMALLER GROUPS LARGE GROUP Icebreakers • MY POCKETS • Ask each young person to think of 2 objects they always carry around with them that have personal significance. Then ask them to do a show and tell to the rest of the group about their items. Discussion Points PRINT THEM OFF! STICK THEM UP! GET PEOPLE TALKING! Need more ideas? Use the ‘Know Your Values’ quiz (see online resources) to kick start some great conversations Discussion Points What does ‘Inspiration’ mean to you? Where do you find inspiration in your own life? Who inspires you? Inspiration is one of the 4 Paralympic values – what do you find inspiring about the Paralympics and the men and women who take part? Who or what makes a good role model? Why? Discussion Points Can sportsmen really be seen as ‘heroes’? Or are they just like other celebrities? What are the differences between celebrities and heroes? What is the most inspiring sporting achievement you’ve ever seen? What made it so inspiring? Inspire - Inspiration Plan Do Take It Further MATERIALS: flip chart paper OR pieces of card OR activity sheet DISCUSS: ask young people what the word ‘inspiration’ means to them – what qualities do they associate with this Olympic value? What inspires them? WALL OF FAME: ask young people to bring in pictures and information about the people that inspire them and add them to a ‘Wall of Fame’ OR you could display in a folder Use flip chart paper to record responses OR stick up cards with the word ‘inspire’ around the centre to encourage young people to discuss OR record responses on the activity sheet RECORD: try and associate a word or quality to each of the letters in the word ‘Inspire’ using flip chart paper or the activity sheet – display flip chart paper and/or cards in your centre HERO/HEROINE OF THE WEEK: make time in your PRIDE sessions to talk about the hero/heroine of the week – these could be someone in the news or a local hero! Inspire - Inspiration What does the word ‘INSPIRE’ mean to you? Jot down words or images using the letters to inspire you! I N S P I R E Superhero Card Sort AIMS METHODS TAKE IT FURTHER • To explore the Paralympic value of ‘Inspiration’ • Consider the qualities that heroes/heroines need • To take inspiration from the lives of your heroes & heroines • Print out the cards on the sheet & glue onto card • This can either be a whole group or small group activity – each group will need a set of cards • Everyone in the group must agree on which statements they think are true, which are false and which could be both – everyone in the group must agree • What statements were easy to agree on? And which ones were most difficult? What has the group learned about the values heroes & heroines embody? • Think about the special qualities your hero or heroine has and what superpowers they might have – now draw or create a collage of your hero/heroine as a superhero • Find some pictures of Paralympic heroes & heroines and glue them to card – ask young people to decide what they think is each athlete’s special quality and how they are inspirational Superhero Card Sort Heroes/heroines are always clever Sporting Heroes PLAN IT • Print out the hero cards or make your own • Divide your group into 4 smaller groups/pairs DO IT • Work with each group/pair to think about their sporting hero – what are their most inspirational qualities? Do the group share any of those qualities? • Present your hero– ask each group/pair to present their hero’s life story and their inspirational qualities REVIEW IT • Ask young people what inspires them about each of these heroes? What inspirational qualities would they like to emulate? • Ask young people to think about how their hero shows their inspirational qualities - alone or in a team? By helping others or performing inspiring feats? Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson Tanni was born on 26th July 1969 in Cardiff, Wales. As a young child Tanni wore callipers, as a result of being born with spina biffida, and started to use a wheelchair from the age of seven. From the outset, her parents were supportive and encouraged her independent streak. Tanni's first school experience was at Birch Grove Primary, she is remembered there as a very determined young lady. Tanni tried many sports at primary school and particularly enjoyed swimming, archery and horse riding. Tanni first tried wheelchair racing at St. Cyres Comprehensive School, aged 13. At 15 she won the 100 metres at the Junior National Wheelchair Games. At 18, Tanni became a member of the Bridgend Athletics Club, the British Wheelchair Racing Squad and was selected for her first World Wheelchair Games. Since then she has smashed records in wheelchair racing. Tanni is a multiple gold medal winner and was made a Dame in 2010. She is a passionate campaigner on women’s and disability issues. Oscar Pistorius Oscar Pistorius – the ‘Blade Runner’ – had both of his legs amputated below the knee when he was a baby. As a result, he runs with prosthetic “blades” that are attached to his legs, enabling him to run. His training and dedication has given him the capacity to compete with the best able-bodied athletes in the world. Oscar is the winner of four Paralympic gold medals and three World Championship gold medals. He is also the first amputee to win an ablebodied world track medal. More recently he has become involved in modelling and fashion, and picked up GQ’s Best Dressed Man Award in South Africa and was nominated for GQ USA’s Man of The Year 2011. Oscar has continued to champion sport as a tool for development and has often spoken of the positive effect sport had on his own life growing up in South Africa. He says ”You’re not disabled by the disabilities you have, you are enabled by the abilities you have.” Simon Richardson MBE Simon Richardson was involved in a serious crash in 2001, aged 41, which left him permanently disabled. He was hit by a car, which left him with serious leg and back injuries and no feeling down his left hand side. Doctors recommended cycling would help his rehabilitation, so he continued, using a speciallyadapted bike powered by his right leg. It was during his five-year rehabilitation that he competed and won Gold & Silver medals in Beijing 2008 and was awarded the MBE for his sheer "mettle". He has been described as “a brilliant guy, highly motivated, and with such a positive outlook on life” Ade Adepitan MBE Ade Adepitan contracted polio as a baby and needed callipers to help him walk. He picked up a basketball having seen the Great Britain Wheelchair Basketball Team in action and since then he has never looked back, playing basketball professionally and winning medals in all the major championships. He has been honoured by the Queen for services to disability sport. Ade is also a television presenter and his television work has allowed him to help those less fortunate than himself - he has campaigned against racism and disability discrimination as well as being a patron for Scope and the Association for Wheelchair Children. Ade’s courage and determination was shown when, during filming of Beyond Boundaries, a pulley broke and he was forced to haul himself up a 5000 foot mountain in the blazing heat. Never one to sit around, Ade’s energy and enthusiasm have led him to compete in the London Marathon and take up wheelchair tennis! Ask young people to complete the wordsearches either individually, in pairs or in small groups NEXT STEPS Print off the activity sheets DO PLAN Olympic Inspiration Wordsearches Start a discussion about heroes and how they inspire us Try making your own wordsearch puzzle using /puzzlemaker Olympic Inspiration Wordsearch: Sporting Heroes E L E A N O R S I M M O N D S F P U S L D H J J A O E W S E D W N Y Q S D I S A A Q D B E J L S C V H S P M X U F E B N M U H T I S Q Y C M C S I J X I V T L I E K C C L S S E V C E Y T R X R G W E G T A N E Y X K I D X T Z F K S O T O R L A S J F D L I K E I D C O W K T T C X I N E O T B D D E A O I P A U S S E D E K N B E W B U K C H P W Q F T M I B V O T I A Y H P V F Q U G A E L Y V P E P E D G D K M T V R X Y Y V D N M A R L R K R R E W F A E S E S J B N N S A A U A D N E A B N O Y I F F X T G B H F C A R V T Y D L S E J U D M L U Q Q V P S N R O I T E G U L V N V D Y W O B O T O X A Q Z H P J R W C Y L A E J V W Z X V M F C Q O I J O A A X N H Q I S Y G G Z W O S Y M T T H I V G K I Z O T N O R E A M K W P A N W P U E H F F Y L L X S K N D F C S N E Y V D K V C K T L N P M Z L O D Y O H S I R H C R I S R X X H T C E I I R N E R I C T H E E E L I B Y N K U K S X E Sir Steve Redgrave Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson Dame Kelly Holmes Eleanor Simmonds Mo Farrar Jessie Owens Ben Ainslie Ade Adepitan Eddie the Eagle Oscar Pistorius Eric the Eel Sir Chris Hoy Olympic Inspiration Wordsearch: Inspiration and Motivation M S A I S U H T N E S J Y F S A B Y R A W D S E V F C P S T A W B T N T U K J I U L E F N J W E Z I I N Q S D A N A C E G I O S N L C E D J L W M R M T K D E O B A O L U W O S E E C B G N F M Q N F A T K I A G B E L I E F E E I I T T R T A N L O O C S C V V G K R M I R O D X L A R S A U W I X S V U I U V Z U J T G U Z Q R N E O S N Q O P I N R V E V Q O V C I P S R O Z P E W R C M E J N V E Z N X A L C N X H J T W E R E F C B I P D C A J M S S C AWESOME BELIEF COOL CREATIVE ENCOURAGEMENT ENTHUSIASM GENIUS MOTIVATION ORIGINALITY RESOURCEFULNESS TALENT VISION Cultural Challenge: Creative Explorer Introduction CULTURAL CHALLENGE: CREATIVE EXPLORER Aims: • Young people explore the world through a range of mediums e.g. art. technology • You people express themselves using a range of mediums e.g. visual art, written word, photography & video, blogging • Young people can identify their artistic and technological heroes • Young people are introduced to new cultures and develop their own cultural identity through exploration of the Olympic & Paralympic Games • Young people understand the contribution of different cultures to the Games EXAMPLE: Value chosen: Inspiration Activity & Aims: Building on research and discussion around inspiration and the way athletes inspire all of us, young people will explore the idea of inspiration and heroes through a range of mediums e.g. spoken word (poetry & rapping), visual art, video (recreating a record breaking achievement), online (setting up a web page to celebrate an athlete’s achievements). YAA Challenge: Online tasks and resources can be printed or stored electronically, art work, written word, video etc. can all be recorded and form part of the evidence for the challenge Learning Outcomes: Young people will be exploring their feelings about inspiration and what exactly they admire in a particular athlete or record breaking performance and expressing them through a creative medium of their choice Online Resources Resources from the official Get Set London 2012 website Official site of the 2012 Cultural Olympiad Find out more about taking part in the Inspire programme Kent Sport Cultural Olympiad pages The Olympic Torch Relay rewards inspirational people with a chance to carry the torch – try these activities based around this inspirational event Some ideas from the NUS on how you can engage young people with some fun art based ideas Session plans for presenting the Olympic values & making kites in 20 minutes 12 seconds! Aims, Objective & Outcomes Aims Objectives Outcomes • AIMS • Becoming a ‘creative explorer’ by exploring the Olympics through creation, investigation and performance • OBJECTIVES • Completing a cultural challenge that promotes creativity, investigation, innovation and performance around inspiration • OUTCOMES • Understanding who and what inspires us creatively, using reflective thinking, applying the Olympic message to your own life, developing creative skills, working individually and as a team, expressing understanding of the value of inspiration creatively • REACT & ACT • Have each member of the group write an inspirational event on a slip of paper – this could be scoring the winning goal at Wembley, getting engaged or winning the lottery. Put all the paper slips in a bag/box/bin (or similar) and ask each young person to pick a slip and then act out their reaction to what’s on the slip. The rest of the group try and guess what the event is! INDIVIDUAL • VALUES AUCTION • Give each young person an imaginary £10,000 to spend on the Olympic & Paralympic Values. Auction each Value and keep a tally of what each young person has spent and the price each value ‘sells’ for. Discuss which value has the most importance for the group, and why? SMALLER GROUPS LARGE GROUP Icebreakers • FOUR CORNERS • Young people have a piece of paper that they need to divide into four with 2 straight lines. In each corner ask them to draw/write: an object that inspires them, someone who inspires them, what animal they would be, the most important thing in their life. Now compare sheets! Discussion Points PRINT THEM OFF! STICK THEM UP! GET PEOPLE TALKING! Need more ideas? Use the ‘Know Your Values’ quiz (see online resources) to kick start some great conversations Discussion Points What musicians/writers/performers inspire you? What qualities do they have that you find inspirational? Thomas Edison once said that genius was “1% inspiration and 99% perspiration” – do you think hard work is more important to success than the inspiration to do well? Are inspirational figures always good role models? Inspirational Music AIM: To explore the power of music to inspire and express ourselves METHOD: Ask young people to choose one song that inspires them and to share it with the rest of the group – make sure young people bring their music in a format you can play or consider using a free service like Spotify HOW IT WORKS: Listen to each individual’s choice of songs and ask them to share why the songs have meaning for them. Now think about: Lyrics: Do you think lyrics can inspire & influence? Music: what techniques do musicians use to make their music inspiring? WHAT NEXT: ask young people to write their own personal lyrics to their song or even to create their own music if you have the resources – this could be as individuals or groups Inspirational Flags PLAN IT • Young people are going to create a Tibetan prayer flag that symbolises the find inspirational • MATERIALS: different coloured card – blue (sky), white (air), red (fire), green (water), yellow (earth) HOW IT WORKS • Young people will choose a piece of coloured card appropriate to their inspirational thought • Young people write or draw their inspirational message on card • Young people who want to share their inspirations are encouraged to do so WHAT NEXT • Display your flags! • Encourage young people to discuss the things and people that inspire them and give reasons why they do • Find out more about Tibetan prayer flags and the symbols that are used Inspiration Medals PLAN • Materials: Paper plates, foil, paints, pens, decorative art materials, magazines and other collage materials • This is suitable for young people working alone or in pairs DO • Give each young person a paper plate and ask them to turn it into an ‘Inspiration Medal’ – this can either be to inspire themselves to do great things or to be awarded to someone who has inspired them to use inspirational words and images to complete their medal WHAT NEXT? • Award them! Have an award ceremony where young people present their medals and explain why their medal looks the way it does – discuss the choices young people have made in putting together their design and what similarities and differences there are between the medals • Display them! Make a display of your inspiration medals in your centre Young People’s Challenge: Graffiti Wall PLAN • MATERIALS • Flip chart paper, marker pens, paints, collage materials - do not use aerosols inside • Inspirational quotes & images from books, magazines, the internet DO • METHOD & IMPLEMENTATION • Challenge young people to create a graffiti wall in your centre that reflects what ‘inspiration’ means to them • Alternately you could produce an e-book , an online photo album using Flickr or similar or a video NEXT STEPS • WHAT HAPPENS NEXT • Why not move on from the graffiti wall to a full scale collaborative mind map – try for free online mind mapping software Guidance Notes HOW TO USE THIS PACK: HOW TO DOWNLOAD: To download from website: • Click on the link to the pack you want to download • From the dialogue box, choose to ‘open’ or ‘save’ the file then click OK • The pack will open as a slideshow: all links are live but you will need to left click to advance through the pack. • Choose PRINT from the drop down FILE menu to print all or some of the pages (see below) • Choose SAVE AS from the drop down FILE menu to save a copy to your hard drive HOW TO PRINT (NOTE – THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THE ENTIRE PACK, ONLY INDIVIDUAL SLIDES WITH ACTIVITIY SHEETS): • Before printing, delete ‘Index’ arrows by selecting and then pressing DELETE • Individual slides can be printed by selecting individual slide numbers or ranges in the PRINT menu • To print slides in black & white or greyscale, select the relevant option from the Colour/Greyscale drop down menu when you are about to print HOW TO VIEW LINKS/USE SLIDES • These slides may be used to form part of a presentation – press F5 to view as a slideshow • To delete individual slides, click on them to select then click on ‘cut’ in the Edit menu • To make links ‘live’ you will need to view the pack as a SLIDESHOW – go to the ‘View’ menu or press F5 If you have any comments regarding this pack, or need any additional help in using it, please contact: SUZANNAH YOUDE: All information in this pack was correct and all links active at time of upload but may be subject to change