Citing Popular Culture in APA

How to Cite
Items of
Popular Culture
in APA Style
A brief guide
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APA Style
 Motion
Producer, A. A. (Producer), & Director, B. B.
(Director). (Year). Title of motion picture
[Motion picture]. Country of Origin: Studio.
Kurtz, G. (Producer), & Lucas, G. (Director).
(1977). Star Wars [Motion picture]. United
States of America: Twentieth Century Fox
Film Corporation.
APA Style
 Music
Writer, A. (Copyright year). Title of song
[Recorded by B. B. Artist if different from
writer]. On Title of album [Medium of
recording: CD, cassette, etc.] Location:
Label. (Date of recording if different from
song copyright date).
Lang, K.D. (2008). Shadow and the frame.
On Watershed [CD]. New York, NY:
Nonesuch Records.
APA Style
Episode from TV series
Writer, A. (Writer), & Director, B. (Director).
(Year). Episode title [Television series episode]. In
C. Producer (Executive producer), Title of
television series. Location: Studio.
Egan, D. (Writer), & Alexander, J. (Director).
(2005). Failure to communicate [Television series
episode]. In D. Shore (Executive producer),
House. New York, NY: Fox Broadcasting.
APA Style
 YouTube
Author, A. A. [Screen name]. (Year, Month
Day). Title of video [Video file]. Retrieved
from http://xxxxxxxxxxx
Apsolon, M. [markapsolon]. (2011,
September 9). Real ghost girl caught on
Video Tape 14 [Video file]. Retrieved from
APA Style
 Comic
book, non-serialized (e.g. Maus or
Follow rules for books.
Basic book with 1 author:
 Author,
A. A. (Year). Title of work. Location:
APA Style
 Comic
book, serialized (e.g. Batman, issue
Follow rules for citing an entire issue of a
Example of an entire journal issue with no
editors given
 Issue
title. (Year). Comic book title, issue
number, pages.
 Double infinity. (1992). Spider-Man, 24, 1 – 22.