Visions Weekly 1/18

Visions Weekly 1/18
• Rutilio Grande, S.J.
• A Martyr for Our Time (pages 2-4)
• Talk Q & A page 3
1. Characterize Father Rutilio, Don Manuel, and
the boy Rutilio.
• As a mestizo of mixed Native American and
Spanish blood, Rutilio grew up among the
people he served. He was humorous, elegant,
and educated.
• Don Manuel is old but proud of being able to
help the priest in his ministry.
• The boy Rutilio is young and proud of his
position as bell ringer.
2. Why might Fr. Rutilio’s preaching anger
• From his preaching the Gospel
peasants learned their human
dignity (CST: Workers have
rights and work has dignity).
God does not intend their
3. What call does Fr. Rutilio hear when
he realizes a pickup is following him?
• “We must do as God
asks.” Fr. Rutilio realizes
they may be killed and
4. What does the people’s saying mean, “To travel with Fr. Rutilio on
the way to El Paisnal is to travel with Christ on the way to the cross?”
• The author, Fr. O’Malley, tells
Rutilio’s story as a parallel to
Jesus’ way of the cross. To
begin Rutilio eats with his
pastoral team, who warn him
officials are plotting to kill him.
• Rutilio accepts his death.
Walking with the poor cost
Rutilio his life; his funeral
raises up the poor, shows their
strength, allies the Church
with them.