Plore Strategy for Reading P = Preview Preview the passage – Activate prior knowledge • Circle Title – Make a prediction • Picture walk—predict what it is about • Fiction or Non-fiction— F NF • Narrative or Expository—Genre??? L = Locate Encountering unknown vocabulary • Locate bold, underlined, or italicized words • Read around the word for context clues of word meanings • Decide on a meaning and plug it into the sentence to test the meaning O = Organize Organize the Questions to locate the main idea • Read the Questions • Underline key words – Circle words that need to be focused on in the question • Remember: questions give information about characters/events, facts/details that occur in the passage (this is a preview of what will be read) R = Read Record the main idea • Read the passage once without stopping • Pay attention to your prediction, words you defined, and information that you recognize in the passage from the questions you will answer E = Evaluate Evaluate & Ensure Evidence of answers • Reread questions & locate proof in the story • Write the answer you located next to the question <BEFORE YOU LOOK AT THE ANSWERS> • Eliminate choices that don’t make sense • Answer the question P L O R E Circle Title F NF Preview story Is it Fiction or Non-Fiction Make Predictions Locate words Bold, Italicized, or underlined words Read the sentence and define the word—predict a meaning Does the definition make sense? (Plug it into the sentence.) Organize ?s Cover the answers Make notes in the story Underline KEY words Read the passage or poem Read Evaluate Reread the question Find the proof that answers the question in the passage Write the proof by the question, then look at the answers given Answer the question