SIG SUMMER SCIENCE INSTITUTE FACILITATORS: JOSHUA MERICLE GEOFFREY PAYTON INTRODUCTIONS • Name • Where do you teach? • Share one thing you hope to get out of our Summer Institute AGENDA: DAY 1 FORCES AND MOTIONS UNIT 1)What is our goal? 2) How does this work fit into Teaching and Learning Framework and EL Master Plan? 3)How do the current standards and common core fit into the NGSS? 3) How did we approached the challenge? 4) Overview of NGSS Forces and Motion Standards 5) Overview of the Forces and Motion Unit • • • • • Performance Expectation (PE) addressed Common Core standards addressed Culminating activity which addresses the PE Lesson Flow overview of the Forces and Motion unit Individual lesson activities (using T4T materials) that lead to culminating task 6) Share out of strategies to use with lessons and reflect on integrating lessons into curriculum OUR GOAL • Currently, we are in a very exciting time in LAUSD in which a lot of new things are being rolled out • • • • Next Generation Science Standards Common Core Standards Teaching and Learning Framework EL Master Plan • The Challenge • To create a curriculum that starts the transition to and implementation of these new programs • Still implement the current science standards Next Gen Sci. Standards EL Master Plan Teaching and Learning Framework Common Core Standards Current Standards MORE REALISTIC MODEL Teaching and Learning Framework Current Standards Next Generation Sci. Standards Common Core EL Master Plan CONNECTION TO TEACHING AND LEARNING FRAMEWORK AND ENGLISH LEARNER’S MASTER PLAN • Please think about connection to the EL Master Plan and the Teaching and Learning Framework throughout the lessons. ( Refer to Handout) • At the end of the day we will be reflecting on where and how the TLF and EL Master Plan is (or can be) evident in the lesson plans. THE CURRENT STANDARDS AND COMMON CORE • Connection between the current standards and the NGSS • • • • • The standards run parallel to one another Forces and motion Chemistry Astronomy The lessons we’ve picked to start implementing are aligned with the current standards • Connection to the Common Core Standards • Built in to all of the NGSS are elements of the Common Core Standards INTERPRETING THE NGSS • Please refer to the NGSS website • • Locate the Middle School Performance Expectations • Take out the T-Chart (Last page of the LP matrix) NEXTGENSCIENCE.ORG INTERPRETING THE NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE STANDARDS • In groups, discuss “Which Performance Expectations (PE) fit into our current Forces and Motion curriculum and which do not fit?” • When looking at each PE please consider: • Is the PE based on new content (disciplinary core ideas) to be taught? • Does the PE ask students to do something new with the content or are you already doing it? If so, how? • What current 8th grade Physical Science Physics content, if any, is not included in the NGSS Performance Expectations? IDENTIFICATION OF PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS • Share out of PE’s that coincide with the current Forces and Motion standards • What category do the PE’s fall into? • Is the PE based on new content (disciplinary core ideas) to be taught? • Does the PE ask students to do something new with the content or are you already doing it? If so, how? • What current standards , if any, are not included in the NGSS Performance Expectations? IDENTIFICATION OF PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS • NGSS for Forces and Motion fall into two topics • MS-PS2 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions • MS-PS3 Energy MS-PS2 MOTION AND STABILITY: FORCES AND INTERACTIONS PE GUIDES THE FORMATION OF THE CULMINATING ACTIVITY • Based on that Performance Expectation and our current standards we designed the Culminating Activity: • Students will design/construct a car that is able to complete the designed track(or course)that includes one large hill and a subsequent smaller hill to evaluate the effectiveness of their car (including speed, forces acting on the car, etc.) • Refer to graphic organizer on developing NGSS aligned lesson REFER TO THIS HANDOUT THE PROCESS: HOW WE APPROACHED THE NGSS? 1) Identify a PE that our fits into our current 8th grade curriculum. Look at engineering practices and crosscutting concepts that are addressed. 2) Develop a culminating task that aligns to the PE chosen incorporating T4T materials. 3) Identify the CA Standards and Disciplinary Core Ideas that link to the PE. 4) Develop a sequence of lessons that will teach the content needed for students to be successful with the PE (culminating task). 5) Identify any other PE(s) that can be addressed within the sequence of lessons, develop activities (using T4T materials) within unit that lead to culminating task. OVERVIEW OF FORCES AND MOTION UNIT Refer to LP matrix, as we briefly go over the sequence of lessons, content addressed, and student outcomes for each lesson. We will then go over and perform the activities from lessons which utilize T4T materials. Zip-Line Activity * How to measure motion Car Design * What causes Motion Free Body Diag. Investigation Speed Varying Mass of the Car Calculating speed Impact of Mass F=MA Varying Force F=MA Gravity and Cars Uphill Climb Car Course * Investigation: Car Collisions Kinetic Energy Potential Energy Newton’s Third Law Culminating Task * LESSON WE’RE GOING TO PREVIEW • • • • Lesson 1 Zip-line Activity Lesson 2 Car Design Lesson 7 Uphill Climb Lesson 9 Culminating Activity **LESSON 1 ZIP-LINE ACTIVITY** • Purpose of Lesson: • Engagement • Intro to forces and motion • Intro to basic engineering principles • Framing the lesson • Students are working together at a large engineering firm and have been approached by the city of Los Angeles to build a mass transit vehicle from downtown LA to the local beaches LESSON 1 ZIP-LINE T4T ACTIVITY • Challenge1 - Working in pairs, use the following materials to design a transportation device that is able to transport a mass (4 Pen ends) 10 m in the fastest possible time. • Materials: Fishing line, Straw(small, medium, large) , Balloon, tape, binder clip, 4 pen ends, stopwatch • Challenge 2- using the same materials, try to get your vehicle to travel the furthest possible distance Challenger 3- try using a different type of balloons to see how they impact speed and/ or distance LESSON 1: ZIP-LINE • Share out the discovered rules of building your vehicle LESSON 1 ZIP-LINE ACTIVITY • Debrief on building the transportation device • What did you notice about building your vehicle ? • What made it more efficient/less efficient? • What recommendations could you give your fellow engineers? • Make Final Revisions to your Vehicle • Record the fastest time LESSON 1 WRAP UP • Students would compare their data to another group that had a different size straw • Was there a pattern? • If so what was the pattern? • Common Core Connections • Post-it reflection LESSON 2 CAR DESIGN • Purpose of Lesson: • Introduce students to basic building principles of engineering • Intro to Calculating/ graphing speed • Balanced and Unbalanced forces • Free-body diagrams • Framing the lesson • One alternative to the Zip-line is to utilize existing transit infrastructure and to use a mass transit vehicle • Instead of a zip-line we have been asked to create a road vehicle that focuses on one of three categories LESSON 2 CAR DESIGN • Students design concept cars and/or blue prints for their ideas • Challenge: • Working in pairs, students are given only the materials to build a self propelled “stock” car and must be able to travel a specific distance • Boards(Small, medium, or large), binder clips, single balloon, bottle caps, tape, hot glue, dowels, straws • Students may build a vehicle that is oriented toward… • Speed • Safety • Number of Passengers LESSON 2 CAR DESIGN • Students are introduced to the Engineering cycle Design Revise Build Test LESSON 2 • Once students have started to build and begun to test there vehicles, regroup to share out observations and any revisions the groups have made • Share out the discovered rules of building the car LESSON 2 FOLLOW UP DISCUSSION • Teacher leads a discussion on how we can measure the performance of their cars • “What do we need to measure, how can we measure it, how can we record and communicate our results?” • “What was the cause of the motion, where did it come from, how can we quantify and communicate that?” LESSON 2 WRAP UP • Review of worksheet • Strategies used • Post-it reflection LESSON 3: INVESTIGATION SPEED • Purpose of Lesson • • • • Students will calculate/ graph average speed Compare and contrast data Intro to Kinetic Energy How do you measure speed? • What factors affect speed? • Framing the Lesson • Students will be using the Engineering cycle to revise their cars and get them to perform at their optimum level • The data is used to calculate average speed and then is graphed • One of the main goals of creating this transit system is for it to be as fast as possible LESSON 4: INVESTIGATION: VARYING MASS • Purpose of Lesson: • Intro to mass and the impact it has on speed • Students use graphs to extrapolate the relationship between mass and speed • Intro to F=MA • Measuring the impact of one variable by measuring another • How does adding mass impact acceleration? • Framing the lesson • Using the cars they have built students will add mass to their vehicles and measure the speed, students try three different masses • In addition to being as fast as possible, the carrying capacity is another factor students may build for LESSON 5: VARYING FORCE • Purpose of Lesson: • Further elaboration on F=MA • As force is increased what should happen to the acceleration • Students measure and graph speed to extrapolate the relationship between force and acceleration • How does adding more force impact acceleration? • Framing the Lesson: • One of the major reasons why we are creating a mass transit system is to eliminate pollution, therefore we must find the most efficient amount of force to apply to the vehicle • Forces interact with each other, as a result balloons may start to interfere with one another LESSON 6: DOWNHILL INVESTIGATION • Purpose of Lesson: • Intro to potential to kinetic energy • The impact of gravity and mass • What impact does gravity have on a vehicle traveling down a hill? • Framing the Lesson: • Many of the roads in Los Angeles are not perfectly level, and as a result this may impact the fuel efficiency of the vehicle. LESSON 6: DOWNHILL INVESTIGATION • Setting up the Downhill ramp • The use of the downhill ramp to show how the potential energy is converted to kinetic • The limit of the kinetic energy is limited to the amount of potential energy, which is determined by the incline of the ramp **LESSON 7 UPHILL CLIMB** • Purpose of Lesson • Students are introduced to potential energy and its relationship with kinetic energy • How can energy be transferred from kinetic to potential energy? • Framing the Lesson • Students are asked to take into account the road conditions all across California • Are roads always flat or there bumps, hills, and other problems? LESSON 7 UPHILL CLIMB • Challenge • Students are given three different inclines and measure the speed their vehicles are able to obtain while traveling over the hill. • For our purposes only one incline will be used, the severe incline. • Outcome • Students are able to show where potential energy is the highest/ where kinetic energy is lost LESSON 7 UPHILL CLIMB • Share out the discovered rules of building LESSON 7 WRAP UP • Review of worksheet • Strategies used • Post-it reflection LESSON 8: CAR COLLISIONS • Purpose of Lesson: • Directly address the PE we are focusing on • Students plan an investigation to see how collisions impact motion • Investigation into balanced and unbalanced forces • Framing the Lesson: • Based on PhET simulations and applying their knowledge of forces, students will plan how they can test the safety of their vehicle and give it a rating. CAR COLLISIONS • • This allows students to see how mass and velocity factor into a collision • Based on their observations students must plan how to rate their • How would you plan an investigation to assign a safety rating? CAR COLLISIONS • Josh and Geoff’s investigation • Stock car with mass that can be added or subtracted • A ramp set to a decline that is held constant • Students place car at the end of the ramp and measure how far their car travels after the collision, the smaller the distance traveled, the higher the safety rating **LESSON 9 CAR COURSE** • Purpose of Lesson • Culminating Task • Framing the Lesson • This is the final test of the vehicles you have created, the results of this test will be used in your write up to explain how well your car is able to perform. LESSON 9 CAR COURSE • Students calculate the total average speed for running the entire course, to goal is to travel at the highest speed • Once students have run all of their trials they are expected to compile all of their investigations and complete a write up LESSON 9 WRITE UP • Using all of the data from the prior investigations, students write a proposal or create a pamphlet as to why their vehicle should be chosen by the City of Los Angeles • Students must include • • • • • • • Summary of cars overall performance Explanation as to why their car performed the way it did Explanation is supported by their data What materials were used to build their car Possible problems/ challenges and solutions Considerations and implications for the future Reflection on the design process