Institutional Environment and the Quality of Big 4 Auditors Bin Ke Nanyang Technological University Clive Lennox Nanyang Technological University Qingquan Xin Chongqing University Motivational question • Do Big 4 accounting firms provide the same audit quality around the world? – Do Big 4 deliver the same quality in China? • Potential economic forces governing Big 4’s quality – Ability – Incentives (litigation risk, reputation, quasi-rent) • Focus of this study is the incentives of Big 4 Is the idea interesting? • I think so because Big 4 auditors play a direct role in determining the quality of financial reporting • There is a debate on whether Big 4 can deliver the same high quality audit in weak investor protection countries as in strong investor protection countries Is the idea interesting? • Relevance to China and HK: – H shares’ financial reports are allowed to be audited by domestic auditors after December 15, 2010 How to test the idea? • What is the ideal experiment? • The most obvious approach is to compare the audit quality of Big 4 across different countries • Common limitations of cross country studies – Accounting standards – Auditing standards – Other cross-country differences Prior research • Compare Big4 vs. non-Big4 across countries – This approach does not directly examine the effect of institutional environment on Big 4 – Unclear whether the cross-country differences are effectively controlled for because the effects of country factors could be different for Big4 and non-Big4 – Any differences in results between Big4 vs. nonBig4 could be due to systematic differences of the clients audited by Big4 and non-Big4 Our approach • Publicly traded firms listed on mainland China and audited by a domestic Big4 over 1995-2009 – Pure A shares – AH firms – AB firms Our specific research question • Do domestic Big4 accounting firms provide the same audit quality in China for – Pure A shares, – AB firms, and – AH firms? Mainland China Big 4 of Pure A Firm Mainland China HK Big 4 of AH firm Hong Kong ? Mainland China Big 4 of AH Firm Mainland China HK Big 4 of AB firm ? Mainland China Big 4 of AB Firm ? Hong Kong Mainland China Incentives of HK Big4: AH firms versus AB firms H report of AH firm B report of AB firm HKSE √ X HKSFC √ X/? HKICPA √ √/? HK court √ √/? Market √ √/? CSRC √/? √ market X X HK Mainland Mainland China Big4 Of Pure A Firms Mainland China Big4 Of AH Firms Mainland China Big4 Of AB Firms ? Hong Kong Mainland China Advantages of our approach • We directly examine the effect of institutional environment on Big 4’s behavior • We can effectively isolate the country effects because we compare the audit quality of Big4 in the same country • We do not compare Big4 vs. non-Big4 and thus our results cannot be due to systematic differences of the clients audited by Big4 and non-Big4 Pure A share firms (firm years) Domestic auditor Big 4=1 Big4=0 Cell5 N=377 Cell6 N=12,649 AH share firms (firm years) Domestic auditor=375 Big 4=1 (cell13) Big4=0 (cell24) HK auditor is big4=1 (cell12) Cell1 N=258 Cell2 N=68 HK auditor is big4=0 (cell34) Cell3 N=1 Cell4 N=48 Domestic and HK auditors are the same for 256 firm years AB firms (firm years) Domestic (i.e., A share) auditor=1205 Auditor of B share report Big 4=1 (cell135) 253 Big4=0 (cell246) 937 B share auditor is big4=1 (cell12) Cell1 N= 201 Cell2 N= 363 B share auditor is big4=0 (cell34) Cell3 N= 1 Cell4 N= 362 No B share auditor Cell 5 N=51 Cell 6 N=212 Research design • Y = α0 + α1 HK_MONITOR + α2 MULTIPLE_OFFICES + CONTROL VARIABLES + u – Dependent variable= • Audit opinion • Earnings management (accruals and loss) • Audit fees (mainland) Audit opinion model: key variables OPINION = 1 if not clean opinion and zero if clean opinion in year t. HK_MONITOR = Dummy variable, 1 if the firm is an AH firm and its HK auditor is a big4 and zero otherwise; MULTIPLE_OFFICES = Dummy variable, 1 if the firm is audited by more than one office, and zero otherwise. Audit opinion model: control variables SIZE = Natural log of total assets in year t; LEV = The ratio of the client’s total liabilities to total assets at the end of current fiscal year t; CURRENT RETURN = = BETA = VOL = The ratio of the client’s current assets to current liabilities. Annual market adjusted abnormal return over the fiscal year t; the firm’s beta estimated using a market model over the fiscal year the variance of the residual from the market model over the INVESTMENT = ARINV = securities deflated by total assets at fiscal year-end; accounts receivable and inventory divided by total assets in year t; ROE = net income over year-end total owners’ equity for year t; LOSS = 1 if the firm reports a loss for the current year, and 0 otherwise; SOE = Dummy variable, 1 if the audit firm is stated owned enterprise, and 0 otherwise. fiscal year; cash, cash equivalents, and short- and long-term investment Audit opinion model Signed abnormal accrual model: dependent variable Signed abnormal accrual model: control variables Signed abnormal accrual model Loss model Loss model Audit fee model Audit fee model Endogeneity of HK_MONITOR • Cross-listing bonding hypothesis would suggest that AH firms are better and thus the self selection would bias against our predictions • assess the severity of endogeneity: – SHORT is 1 if the distance between the fiscal year end and the HK IPO date for all AH firm years is less than 5 years (or 8) and zero otherwise Endogeneity of HK_MONITOR Descriptive stat for all regression variables Descriptive stat for all regression variables