Effectively Diagnose and Address Gaps in Student

Effectively Diagnose and Address
Gaps in Student Content Knowledge
Brooke Monroe
eLearning Specialist & Regional Manager
3P Learning / Mathletics
• Implementation of CCSS for Math has created
gaps in student mastery of foundational math
• Knowledge gaps make it difficult for:
– Students to meet expectations of the CCSS
– Teachers to determine what range of content
knowledge exists in any given classroom
Relationship between Ohio ACS and CCSS
• K-8 Mathematics Comparative analysis
– Summarizes the relationship between grades K-8
of the 2001 Ohio ACS for Mathematics and the
2010 CCSS (retrieved from education.ohio.gov)
• Structure and organization of standards has
• Formats of 2001 and 2010 standards are not
• Clear connections, yet significant differences
Ohio Academic Content Standards - Fractions
• Grade 3
– OH.3-4.N.B Recognize and generate equivalent
representations for whole numbers, fractions and
– OH.3-4.N.C Represent commonly used fractions and
mixed numbers using words and physical models.
– OH.3-4.N.D Use models, points of reference and
equivalent forms of commonly used fractions to judge
the size of fractions and to compare, describe and
order them.
• When matching to CCSS Grade 4 Number &
Operations-Fractions, most of the Ohio ACS come
from Grade 5
– Students entering Grade 4 will not have the
background to work effectively in Grade 4
CCSS Grade 4 Cluster
Ohio ACS
• Build fractions from unit
fractions by applying
and extending previous
understandings of
operations on whole
• OH.3-4.N.M Add and subtract
commonly used fractions with
like denominators and
decimals, using models and
paper and pencil.
• OH.5-7.N.I Use a variety of
strategies, including
proportional reasoning, to
estimate, compute, solve and
explain solutions to problems
involving integers, fractions,
decimals and percents.
CCSS Grade 4 Cluster
Ohio ACS
• Understand decimal notation
for fractions, and compare
decimal fractions
OH.3-4.N.B Recognize and generate
equivalent representations for whole
numbers, fractions and decimals.
OH.5-7.N.B Compare, order and
convert among fractions, decimals and
OH.5-7.N.H Use and analyze the steps
in standard and non-standard
algorithms for computing with
fractions, decimals and integers.
OH.5-7.N.I Use a variety of strategies,
including proportional reasoning, to
estimate, compute, solve and explain
solutions to problems involving
integers, fractions, decimals and
CCSS Grade 4 Number and Operations-Fractions
• Comparison
– Differences in the depth and difficulty
– http://www.corestandards.org/Math/Content/4/
Focused Diagnostic Tests
Helps teachers pinpoint which students have not
learned the foundational math concepts they
will need to be successful math students
Computer-Based Diagnostic Testing
By using computer-based diagnostic assessments
within a program such as Mathletics, teachers can
easily use the results and progressions built into the
CCSS to teach the missing foundational skills
• Assessment Tool
• Can assign standard benchmarking tests to your
• Reports provide useful diagnostic and analytic
• Key resource for tracking student improvement when
used at regular intervals throughout the year
• Enables you to easily identify areas of difficulty and give
your students effective feedback
• CCSS Pre-requisite Courses
• Custom courses aligned to each CCSS domain for review
of prior year’s prerequisite understandings
• Domain review is built on CCSS progressions and
clusters to provide adaptive practice necessary to fill
knowledge gaps and to reach grade level proficiency
• Will help to reduce teacher workload and provide ease
of personalized learning pathways
Using the Mathletics Assessment Tool paired
with targeted adaptive practice is an effective
method for quickly closing knowledge gaps.
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