BUS Økonomisk Styring / Business Analysis and Performance Management Endre Bjørndal, August 14, 2014 BUS is about value creation! 1. Understand value creation (analysis) - Products, customers, projects, departments, and companies 2. Create value - Better decision-making (e.g. investments, product development, marketing, pricing, procurement and inventory policy) - Better management systems (e.g. goal setting, control systems, budgeting, balanced scorecard, performance measurement, transfer pricing and incentives) 3. Report value creation - Financial reporting and auditing 2 BUS and other profiles COMPANY / ORGANIZATION Value creation BUS Financing FIE 3 Our courses address four themes 1. How to measure and analyze value creation? 2. How to organize and manage value creation? 3. How to improve production and logistics processes? 4. How to report and analyze financial information? 4 1. Measure and analyze value creation CORE BUS401 Strategiske lønnsomhetsanalyser og prising Høst BUS444 Økonometri for regnskap og økonomisk styring BUS420 BUS422 BUS441 BUS442 Strategisk økonomistyring – i teori og praksis Investeringsanalyse Konkurranseanalyse Konkurranserett Vår Vår Høst Høst BUS427 BUS429 Advanced management accounting Dynamic pricing and revenue optimization Vår Høst METHODOLOGY SPECIALIZED Vår ADVANCED 5 2. Organize and manage value creation CORE METHODOLOGY SPECIALIZED BUS400N BUS400E Styring av større foretak Management Control Høst Vår BUS444 STR402 STR405 Økonometri for regnskap og økonomisk styring Methodology for master thesis Metode for masterutredningen Vår Høst Vår BUS420 STR435 BUS446 BUS445 BUS438 FIE441 Strategisk økonomistyring - i teori og praksis Personalpolitikk og incentiver Sustainable business models Social studies of accounting Strategisk outsourcing og franchising Taxes and business strategy Vår Vår Høst Vår Vår Vår BUS427 BUS428 Advanced management accounting Økonomisk organisasjonsteori ADVANCED Vår Vår 6 3. Improve production and logistics processes CORE METHODOLOGY BUS403 Supply chain management Høst BUS444 ENE420 Økonometri for regnskap og økonomisk styring Decision modelling in business Vår Høst BUS423 BUS432 BUS438 Simulation of business processes Operasjonell planlegging Strategisk outsourcing og franchising Høst Vår Vår BUS429 Dynamic pricing and revenue optimization Høst SPECIALIZED ADVANCED 7 4. Report and analyze financial information CORE BUS402 Finansregnskap Høst BUS444 Økonometri for regnskap og økonomisk styring Vår BUS424 BUS425 BUS440 BUS426 BUS435 INB421 BUS445 Strategic financial statement analysis Regnskapsanalyse og verdsettelse Rekneskapsanalyse og verdsetjing Revisjon / Auditing Regnskap og budsjettering i off. organisasjoner Int. business and non-business accounting Social studies of accounting Høst Høst Vår Høst/Vår Vår Høst Vår BUS430 BUS443 Avansert rekneskapsanalyse og verdsetjing Advanced auditing METHODOLOGY SPECIALIZED ADVANCED Høst Høst 8 Methodology courses • Knowledge and skills that are useful for your master thesis work • Consider what you plan to write about when you choose course(s) • These courses should be completed before you start your thesis work 9 Choose BUS - and learn how to measure, analyze, manage and report value creation 10