What will I be studying as part of my Classical Civilisation GCSE?

 Starter
• What do you already know about the Romans?
• With your table come up with a list of interesting facts
about the Romans and be ready to share them with the
• You are now going to see how many more facts you an
learn. Each of you will have a question and an answer
about the Romans. Read the question to someone in
the room. If they don’t know the answer then tell
them. They will do the same for you. Then swap you
question slips and find someone new.
What will I be studying as part of
my Classical Civilisation GCSE?
Learning Objectives
To learn at least 10 new facts about the Romans
To understand the course requirements
To explain what will make a good classics student
What Will I Study?
Year 9: Foundation Year
City life in the classical world: Rome
Community life in the classical world: Pompeii
Culture and society in the classical world: Roman Britain (controlled
• Year 10:
• City life in the classical world: Athens
– 1 hour examination 25% (in year 11)
• Culture and society in the classical world: The Olympic games
• -Controlled assessment 25%
• Year 11:
• Community life in the classical world: Sparta 25%
– 1 hour examination 25%
• Epic and Myth: Homer, The Odyssey 2
– 1 hour examination 25 %
The Exam Paper
• Part A: Pick 2 out of 3 questions
• Each question is broken into 3, 5 mark
• Part B (Choice of 2 questions)
• 30 mark essay question
• Same structure for all three papers
Grade Boundaries
• A* = 83%
• A = 77%
• B = 70%
• C = 63%
• D = 57%
• E = 53%
Shopping List
Ring binder folder
10 Dividers
• Optional
• OCR Classical Civilisation Reader for GCSE (Sally
Knights, James Renshaw, Paul Buckley)
• In Search of the Romans (James Renshaw)
• In Search of the Greeks (James Renshaw)
What makes a good classics student?
• With your partner come up with a list of what
you think will be the 5 most important tips for
a classics student.
• Be ready to share with the rest of the class.
• Extension: Write a ‘Brownie Promise’ style
verse for classics.
Possible ideas
Keep organised – buy folders, dividers etc.
Meet deadlines
Read around the subject
Use the resources on the website
Visit local sites, e.g. Lullingstone, Richborough,
the Painted House in Dover
• Visit museums, e.g. British Museum, Baths
• Watch out for TV programmes – follow us on
Crash Course to Rome
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPf27gA
up9U (start – 8:00)
• Watch this clip and answer the questions
What will I be studying as part of
my Classical Civilisation GCSE?
Learning Objectives
To learn at least 10 new facts about the Romans
To understand the course requirements
To explain what will make a good classics student