Implementation Issues for Kentucky School Districts AFFORDABLE CARE ACT Presenters Susan Barkley 502-564-3930 extension 4437 Jan Johnston 859-654-6911 Melissa Sullivan 502-564-3846 extension 4415 Resources KDE website: Health and Life Insurance Benefits and Flexible Spending Accounts page es/Health-and-Life-Insurance-Benefits-andFlexible-Spending-Accounts.aspx Implementation Guide Timekeeping documentation KEHP FAQs and Responsibility Chart Disclaimer The Guide is only one of many resources IRS continues to issue regulations on ACA Information in the Guide could become inaccurate Not comprehensive of all aspects of ACA Consult legal counsel Whose Responsibility? Districts: Eligibility and offers of coverage (Play or Pay) Nondiscrimination Marketplace Notice Employer Reporting KEHP: Affordable coverage Adequate coverage Plan details and options Failure to comply = PENALTY Action Steps Who are employees? Am I a “large” employer? Which hours count as “hours of service”? What action should be taken by the board? Repeat Annually Which employees are fulltime for ACA? How do I document offers of coverage? Who are Employees? An employee relationship exists when the employer has the right to control and direct the individual who performs the services and the details and means by which the result is accomplished. Who are employees? Common Law Employees All who perform work for the district Independent Contractors “Large” Employer Full-time and FTEs = 50 or more Most KY school districts are large ACA applies to all large employers “Hours of Service” Hours actually worked (or equivalency) Hours paid or entitled to be paid Vacation Holiday Sick leave Disability Jury duty Military duty Who Do We Need to Worry About? Substitutes (classified and certified) Part-time employees Extended school services workers Retirees who return parttime or as subs Paraprofessional coaches Day care workers Student workers Equivalency Hours If you don’t document actual time worked: 8 hours per day 40 hours per week Employment Breaks Breaks at least 4 consecutive weeks in length Cannot count zero hours worked Exclude from average hours of service Examples: summer break, FMLA leave Eligibility Break Point Step 1 – calculate number of days excluding breaks of > 4 weeks Step 2 – multiply 5.997 by the number of days from Step 1 and then divide by 8 5.997 * 207 / 8 = 154 days Do I need to track actual time? To limit the number of employees tracking actual time worked: Limit number of days/year Limit number of days/week Use equivalency of 8 hrs/day Board Action Measurement, administrative, and stability periods Limitation of days worked Track actual hours or use equivalency Terminate subs that refuse assignments Full-time Employees for ACA Employees who average 30 hours of service per week or 130 hours of service per month Who is Full-time? Average hours of service over measurement period Max 12 months Recommended: October 3, 2013 – October 2, 2014 Don’t forget to exclude breaks >4 weeks Measurement Period – collect hours of service data to be used in the calculation Stability Period – time period coverage is offered based on results of the measurement period Administrative Period – perform eligibility calculations and make offers of coverage Recommended Measurement Periods 12 Months Measurement 10/3/13-10/2/14 90 days Admin 10/3/1412/31/14 90 days 9 Months 90 days 9 months Stability 1/1/15-12/31/15 Measurement 10/3/14-10/2/15 Admin 10/3/1512/31/15 Stability 1/1/16-12/31/16 Measurement 10/3/15-10/2/16 Admin 10/3/1612/31/16 What About Mid-Year Hires? Initial Measurement Period Begins the first day of the month after hired Max 12 months Transitions to standard measurement period Initial Measurement Period INITIAL Measurement 4/1/14-3/31/15 INITIAL Admin 4/1 4/30/15 Standard Measurement 10/3/14-10/2/15 INITIAL Stability 5/1/15-4/30/16 Standard Admin 10/3/1512/31/15 Note that the standard measurement period begins during the initial measurement period; both periods occur simultaneously Standard Stability 1/1/16-12/31/16 Offering Coverage ACA requires coverage for full-time employees and dependent children – not spouses Coverage must begin Jan 1, 2015 Offer must be made, employee can decline Maintain documentation Annual requirement Offering Coverage If employee is expected to work full-time must offer coverage at the time of hire If it is unknown if the employee will have an average of 30 service hrs/week or 130 service hrs/month, use the measurement period Offering Coverage Full-time during Measurement Period = Coverage during Stability Period regardless of hours of service during Stability NOT full-time during Measurement Period = NO coverage during Stability Period regardless of hours of service during Stability COBRA Termination Reduction in hours (no longer eligible) Failure to pay employee portion Funding State funds non-federal employee premiums If health insurance appropriation is inadequate, funds come from SEEK Avoid a blanket policy to offer coverage to all employees Penalty If no Substantial Compliance 95% or no more than 5 full-time employees Penalty is Number of full-time employees minus 30 Multiplied by $167 per month Nondiscrimination Cannot provide more for highly compensated employees Example: paying the superintendent’s employee premiums Penalty is Number of employees minus the superintendent Multiplied by $100 per day until in compliance Solution: tax the additional benefit Employer Reporting Will be required IRS guidance not finalized More information forthcoming Your Good Questions