Mock Trial Roles (ch. 21-23) - Mounds View School Websites

Wrapping up the case:
Mayella – Blue & Black pods
Atticus – Orange & Purple pods
Tom Robinson – Red & Green pods
Dolphus Raymond – Brown & White pods
Tell us:
•Your discoveries
•How the initial impression vs. reality displays the “coming of age”
•Any ironies that are attached to that character (speech, actions,
attitudes, expectations, etc.)
•How Lee creates sympathy for that character
•How the lawyers (if applicable) attempt to shape who that character is
The Mock Trial Overview
All roles & assignments
subject to alteration, but not
The Case
State of MN vs. Mike Jacobs, defendant
On March 5, racist statements were spray
painted on the locker of Chris Burke, a
student at Tercell High School.
Mike Jacobs, another student, has been
charged with the crime of Damage to
Property in the third degree and fourth
degree, a violation of the Minnesota Statues
609.595, subd. 2.
4 Attorneys
2 Prosecuting vs. 2 Defending
Each attorney may make an opening statement.
This is the attorney's opportunity to tell the jury a little about the case and
what he or she intends to prove.
After each witness has testified for the party that called him or her, the
attorney for the other side may ask the witness questions. This is called
cross-examination, and the attorney may ask questions only about
information that the witness has already talked about.
After the witnesses have testified, each attorney delivers a closing
argument to talk with the jury and summarize what the witnesses have
said that helps his or her side of the case.
The attorney tells the jury why they should agree with his or her client's
Attorneys will need to coach their witnesses. They will not be consulting
the opposing witnesses.
Attorneys must turn in a copy of their opening statement, questions, cross-x
questions, and closing statement. Once the trial is done, they need to
write a short reflection on how the case went and what they could have
done better.
1 Judge
Works with Bailiff to set up courtroom
Know & rule over various objections
Outline directions for the jury on being fair
Know the laws related to the case
Judge will be responsible to turn in a copy of the
related laws, objections, and a sketch of the
courtroom set-up before the case begins.
Judge will need to write a reflection analyzing the
case and its results.
1 Bailiff
Responsible to know related oaths
Make official signs for courtroom
Know who the witnesses are so you can call on
Escort defendant
Keep courtroom orderly & quiet (know the rules!)
Bailiff must work with Judge to set up courtroom.
Signs must be submitted for approval prior to the
Bailiff will need to watch a courtroom-related
show and write a 1-page analysis of how a court
room works before the case begins.
The Prosecution Witnesses
Chris Burke – (plaintiff) student who had
racist statements spray-painted on his
Officer Jess McQuade – Inspected scene
of crime
Janitor Tony Minke – last one to see the
locker clean & had to clean paint from locker
Sam Lewis, Art Teacher – saw defendant
in hallway early & acting suspicious
The Defense Witnesses
Mike Jacobs – (defendant) charged with the
crime of Damage to Property in the 3rd & 4th
Jaime Carter – close friend of Mike, walked
with Mike to school that day.
Principal Shields – knows Mike very well.
Pat Collen, Biology Teacher – in hallway of
Mike’s locker on the day of in the incident.
The Jury (14)
(7) Maycomb Jury Members
Will need to assume the identity of one of the
Maycomb characters & fill out a profile sheet.
Must vote according to that person’s beliefs.
(7) Non-Biased Jury
Need to fill out profile sheet.
Must vote according to the facts.
Paper Trail:
During work days, Jury will have a few handouts to work
through in addition to practicing deciding on a case.
During the trial, Jury will keep track of the case and must
submit all notes.
Will need to submit a reflection about his or her decision,
the biases that went into it, and a general analysis of how
the case went.
The Media
(4-6 students)
The media will assume the role of journalists.
They must interview all witnesses & attorneys.
Paper Trail:
Will produce a newspaper that will be published
before the trial.
The reflection will be in the form of an insert for the
newspaper to be delivered after the trial.
The type & look of the newspaper is up to creative
Make your Choice
On moodle, go here:
Journal (ch. 21-23)
Why is Atticus’ statement, “This case
is as simple as black and white,”
Explain Jem and Scout’s disagreement
at the end of Chapter 23. Who do you
agree with and why?
What examples of racism are present
as Tom gives his testimony?