Video Modeling Made Easy

Video Modeling Made Easy
Christy Even M.A. CCC/SLP
Warren County ESC
Director of Social Communication Program
Video Modeling
• A teaching technique which involves having an
individual watch a model perform a target skill
on a video tape and then practice the skill that
he or she observed.
Video Modeling as a Research Based
• Insurance companies will find it harder to turn
down coverage for intervention practices rooted
in science and guided by sound clinical judgment.
• National Professional Development Center on
– EBP Grid
• IDEIA 2004
– Educational interventions must be based on sound
Evidence Based Practice
• Video Modeling has been
shown to be an effective
means to teach individuals
with ASD.
• In numerous studies,
comprising decades of
scientific research, video
modeling has been shown to
be the most effective method
of teaching social skills and
target behavior to children
with ASD.
• Research on children with ASD
has shown that video
modeling can be very effective
in improving the following
skills and target behaviors:
Social interaction behaviors
Academic and functional skills
Communication skills
Daily living skills
Play skills
Social initiations
Perception of emotion
Spontaneous requesting
Perspective taking
Evidence Based Practice
• Video modeling can teach target behaviors very
quickly compared to other methods, and the
behavior is said to be “generalized,” (i.e., the child
is able to exhibit the behavior in real life
situations that are similar to the research
• Video modeling has been proven to decrease
certain problem behaviors, including aggression,
tantrums and other off-task activities.
Evidence Based Practice
• Recent research has shown that video
modeling can be used to teach a variety of
skills to students with ASD, either as an
intervention by itself or as an intervention
component included with prompting and/or
reinforcement, Social Stories TM, and self
Why Does Video Modeling Work?
(Corbett & Abdullah, 2005)
• Over-selective attention
• Restricted field of focus
• Preference for visual
stimuli and visually cued
• Avoidance of face-to-face
• Ability to process visual
information more readily
than verbal information
• Presents a variety of
different behaviors in
realistic contexts.
• Serves as a cost effective
tool in the treatment of
individuals with ASD
Different Types of Video Modeling
Basic Video Modeling (VM)
Video Self-Modeling (VSM)
Point-of-View Video Modeling (PVM)
Video Prompting
Basic Video Modeling
(Bellini & Akullian, 2007; Graetz, Mastropieri, & Scruggs, 2006; Sigafoos, O’Reilly, & de la Cruz, 2007)
• Recording someone else besides the learner
engaging in the targeted skill or behavior.
• The learner is asked to watch the video prior to
the instruction or application of targeted
• The target skill is modeled by the adult or peer
within the activity context.
• The learner then imitates the behavior of the
model when provided with the opportunity to
perform the skills displayed in the video
Video Self Modeling
(Bellini, Akullian, & Hopf, 2007; Hine & Wolery, 2006; Schreibman et al., 2000)
• Involves the use of the learner being
instructed as the model in the video tape
instead of adults or peers.
• ONLY the exemplary target behavior of the
student is displayed on the video tape
• May be paired with written script
Point-of-View Video Modeling
(Hine & Wolery, 2006; Schreibman et al., 2000; Ship;ey-Benamou, Lutzker, & Taubman, 2002)
• The process of videotaping elements of the environment or activity
context from the visual perspective or vantage point of the student
who needs to acquire and/or master the target responses.
• The videographer records steps for completing an activity or
transitions from one setting to another by actually navigating
through the process at the eye level of the student.
• When the student reviews the videotape, they see exactly what
they are supposed to do from the beginning until the end of the
task or routine.
• When viewed repeatedly, promotes visual comprehension,
increases familiarity with materials and settings, and provides a
“picture” of the completed process, apparently reducing task
anxiety and inappropriate behavior.
Video Prompting
• Is done by breaking the skill or behavior down
into steps (task analysis)
• Each step is video recorded separately so that
the learner can master the subsequent steps
before moving on.
Quick Tips
• Keep it short! Think short
commercial length at longest.
• Ensure the video tape shows a
close-up of the desired action
you want imitated.
• Following watching the video
model, allow the individual
with ASD to have sufficient
time (at least 2-3 minutes) to
demonstrate modeled
• The individual with ASD should
watch the same video model
sequence again if he/she fails
to imitate the behavior(s).
• Keep data for every trial and
let the individual with ASD
have at least 3 successful trials
before he/she moves to the
next portion of the video
• Programming for maintenance
and generalization of the
imitative behavior must take
place across settings, stimuli,
people, and time.