WELCOME Barriers, Blocks, Challenges Team Leaders What barriers, blocks, challenges do you think you will face when getting involved in your Community? Doing Better…. What could your day centre or house do better that would mean you spend more time: going to the places you want to go, doing the things you like to do and seeing your friends and family more often………… Video Recording & Flipchart TEAM LEADER Responsibilities When you are doing this project, what is your job? Conversational & Flipchart Team Partner Responsibilities When you are doing this project, what is your job? Conversational & Flipchart service We all know someone in our job, our day service or our residential who regularly gets what they want…. They know HOW to ask for what they want, They know WHO to ask for what they want and They know WHEN to ask for what they want! 3 PERSONALITIES Sees where something isn’t happening….looks for the reason why not? Then puts solutions together and runs them by people. Takes on the helpful advice from others and ignores the negative feedback. Then puts a plan in place and presents a proposal to his or her line manager. If the proposal is sanctioned then puts the plan in place. Observes for progress, identifies where things could be improved and celebrates the success of things that went well. Where the plan doesn’t go to plan, the person will look for reasons why and see how things can be done differently next time and puts the new plan into place! Sees a great idea…rushes headlong into their boss with the fab new idea. Doesn’t see why the plan can’t be put into place immediately…and starts gung-ho. Makes decisions without informing others and then gives up easily at the first hurdle…they have great intentions…but rarely follow through. Says we tried that before and it didn’t work…so why are we trying it again? Tends to be negative..in what they say…or in what they don’t say. Will identify the problems but not the solutions. When solutions are identified will give reasons as to why these won’t work. Audible resistance or inaudible but obvious resistance. BRIDGEBUILDER IS IS NOT Positive Negative Keeps an open mind Limited by organisational Not afraid to fail contstraints Gives up easily or says “we tried that before and it didn’t work” Someone who works in isolation Just about caring Tries, tries and tries again Asks people for ideas Is a new role for some people Stands back and sees the bigger picture Bridge Builders : Team Partner & People I Know (Family, Friends, Acquaintances & Professionals) & MYSELF TEAM LEADER COMMUNITY BARRIERS Changing your mind… Mary decided that she would like to do some voluntary work so she started volunteering for her local church. She agreed that she will sweep the floor and put fresh water in the vases every week. She promised the woman who works in the church that she would be there every week to do the cleaning. She went twice and did a fantastic job…the place was sparkling! • Now she has changed her mind and doesn’t want to go anymore…what should she do? What should her team partner do? No Transport!!!! Zara is the TEAM LEADER. She wants to join a dance class that runs twice a week in her Community in the evenings. She has been advised that there is no transport available from the house to bring her there. What can Zara do about this transport issue? What should her TEAM PARTNER do to help Zara? NEW FRIENDS Jim is the TEAM LEADER and has decided that he wants to meet other men who love Manchester United. He would like to be friends with other Manchester United Football fans. He found out that there is a supporters club where the fans meet every Saturday afternoon to watch football, have a drink or two and chat about the football. This sounded great to him….what should he do next? What should his team partner do? Looking for a New Job Damien is the TEAM LEADER. He wants to find a new job in his Community. His dream job is working in a supermarket for 4 hours every week. • What should Damien do to find his new job? What should his TEAM PARTNER do to help Damien? EVALUATION PLEASE BE HONEST AND GIVE LOTS OF FEEDBACK!!! GRADUATION DATE WILL SHORTLY BE ADVISED THANK YOU For TAKING PART For YOUR HONESTY For SHARING YOUR JOURNEY For BEING A TEAM PLAYER!!!!!