PowerPoint Project 2

Office 2003
Introductory Concepts
and Techniques
PowerPoint Project 2
Using the Outline Tab
and Clip Art to Create
a Slide Show
• Start and customize a new slide show
from an outline
• Add a slide and create a closing slide on
the Outline tab
• Create text slides with multi-level bulleted
lists on the Outline tab
• Save and review a presentation
• Insert and move clip art and change its
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
• Add a header and footer to outline pages
• Animate clip art
• Add an animation scheme and run an
animated slide show
• Print a presentation outline
• E-mail a slide show from within
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Starting and Customizing
• Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, point to
All Programs on the Start menu, point to Microsoft Office
on the All Programs submenu, and then click Microsoft
Office PowerPoint 2003 on the Microsoft Office submenu
• If the PowerPoint window is not maximized, double-click
its title bar to maximize it
• If the Language bar appears, right-click it and then click
Close the Language bar on the shortcut menu
• If the Getting Started task pane appears in the
PowerPoint window, click its Close button in the upperright corner
• If the Standard and Formatting toolbars are positioned
on the same row, click the Toolbar Options button and
then click Show Buttons on Two Rows
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Starting and Customizing
• Click the Slide Design button on the
Formatting toolbar. When the Slide
Design task pane is displayed, click the
down scroll arrow in the Apply a design
template list, and then click the Axis
template in the Available For Use area
• Click the Close button in the Slide Design
task pane
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Starting and Customizing
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Changing to the Outline Tab and
Displaying the Outlining Toolbar
• Click the Outline tab located in the tabs
• Click View on the menu bar and then point
to Toolbars
• Point to Outlining on the Toolbars
• Click Outlining
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Changing to the Outline Tab and
Displaying the Outlining Toolbar
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Creating a Title Slide
on the Outline Tab
• Click the Slide 1 slide icon on the Outline
• Type Healthy Eating and then press
the SHIFT + ENTER keys
• Type Healthy Living and then press
the ENTER key
• Point to the Demote button on the
Outlining toolbar
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Creating a Title Slide
on the Outline Tab
• Click the Demote button on the Outlining
• Type Nutrition and Fitness
Basics and then press the ENTER key
• Type Clark College Fitness
Center and then press the ENTER key
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Creating a Title Slide
on the Outline Tab
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Adding a Slide on the Outline Tab
• Click the Promote button on the Outlining
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Creating a Text Slide
with a Multi-Level Bulleted List on the
Outline Tab
• Type Nutrition Guidelines and then
press the ENTER key
• Click the Demote button on the Outlining
toolbar to demote to the second level
• Type Healthy Eating Pyramid and
then press the ENTER key
• Click the Demote button on the Outlining
toolbar to demote to the third level
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Creating a Text Slide
with a Multi-Level Bulleted List on the
Outline Tab
• Type Eat more
vegetable oils,
whole grains and
then press the
• Type Eat less
pasta, white
bread and then
press the ENTER key
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Creating a Second Text Slide
with a Multi-Level Bulleted List
• Click the Promote button on the Outlining toolbar
two times so that Slide 3 is added after Slide 2
• Type Recommended exercise and then press
the ENTER key
• Click the Demote button on the Outlining toolbar
to demote to the second level
• Type 30 minutes of daily moderateintensity activity and then press the
• Click the Demote button to demote to the third
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Creating a Second Text Slide
with a Multi-Level Bulleted List
• Type Brisk walking and then press
the ENTER key
• Type Bicycling and then press the
• Type Gardening and then press the
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Creating a Second Text Slide
with a Multi-Level Bulleted List
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Creating a Third Text Slide with a
Multi-Level Bulleted List
• Click the Promote button on the Outlining toolbar
two times so that Slide 4 is added after Slide 3
• Type Relaxation Techniques and then
press the ENTER key
• Click the Demote button on the Outlining toolbar
to demote to the second level
• Type Quiet the mind and body and then
press the ENTER key
• Click the Demote button to demote to the third
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Creating a Third Text Slide with a
Multi-Level Bulleted List
• Type Visualize a tranquil setting and
then press the ENTER key
• Type Concentrate on positive thoughts
and then press the ENTER key
• Click the Promote button to promote to the
second level
• Type Build strength and refresh the
body and then press the ENTER key
• Click the Demoye button to demote to the third
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Creating a Third Text Slide with a
Multi-Level Bulleted List
• Type Practice
yoga or Pilates
basics and then
press the ENTER key
• Type Improve
balance through
core training and
then press the
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Creating a Closing Slide
on the Outline Tab
• Click the Promote button on the Outlining toolbar
two times to add Slide 5 after Slide 4. Type
Healthy Living Benefits and then press
the ENTER key
• Click the Demote button on the Outlining toolbar
to demote to the second level. Type Lowers
cholesterol, blood pressure and then
press the ENTER key
• Type Reduces heart disease risk and
then press the ENTER key
• Type Helps prevent adult-onset
diabetes and then press the ENTER key
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Creating a Closing Slide
on the Outline Tab
• Click the Demote button to demote to the
third level. Type Affects 8% of
adults and then press the ENTER key
• Click the Promote button to promote to the
second level. Type Maintains body
weight then press the ENTER key
• Click the Demote button. Type Helps
avoid excess gain but do not press
the ENTER key
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Creating a Closing Slide
on the Outline Tab
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Saving a Presentation
• Insert a formatted floppy disk in drive A and then
click the Save button on the Standard toolbar
• Type Nutrition and Fitness in the File name text
box. Do not press the ENTER key after typing
the file name. Click the Save in box arrow
• Click 3½ Floppy (A:) in the Save in list
• Click the Save button in the Save As dialog box
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Changing the View
to Slide Sorter View
• Click the Slide Sorter View button at the
lower left of the PowerPoint window
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Changing the View to Normal View
• Click the Slide 2 slide
• Point to the Normal
View button at the
lower left of the
PowerPoint window
• Click the Normal View
• Click the Slides tab in
the tabs pane
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Changing the Slide Layout to Title,
Text, and Content
• Click Format on the menu bar and then
point to Slide Layout
• Click Slide Layout
• Click the down arrow in the Apply slide
layout area and scroll down until the Text
and Content Layouts area displays
• Point to the Title, Text, and Content layout
in the Text and Content Layouts area
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Changing the Slide Layout to Title,
Text, and Content
• Click Title, Text, and
• Click the Close button
in the Slide Layout
task pane
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Inserting Clip Art
into a Content Placeholder
• Point to the Insert Clip Art button in the
content placeholder
• Click the Insert Clip Art button
• Type food in the Search text text box and
then point to the Go button
• Click the Go button
• If necessary, scroll down the list to display
the cornucopia clip. Click the clip to select
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Inserting Clip Art
into a Content Placeholder
• Click the OK button
• If the Picture toolbar
is displayed, click the
Close button on the
Picture toolbar
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Changing the Slide Layout to Title, 2
Content and Text and Insert Clip Art
• Click the Next Slide button on the vertical scroll
bar to display Slide 3
• Click Format on the menu bar and then click
Slide Layout
• Scroll to display the Title, 2 Content and Text
slide layout located in the Text and Content
Layouts area of the Slide Layout task pane
• Click the Title, 2 Content and Text slide layout
and then click the Close button in the Slide
Layout task pane
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Changing the Slide Layout to Title, 2
Content and Text and Insert Clip Art
• Click the Insert Clip Art button in the top
content placeholder. Type woman in the
Search text text box and then click the Go
• If necessary, scroll down the list to display
the desired clip of a woman walking and
then click the clip to select it. Click the OK
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Changing the Slide Layout to Title, 2
Content and Text and Insert Clip Art
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Inserting a Second Clip into a Slide
• Click the Insert Clip Art button in the
bottom content placeholder
• Type flowers in the Search text text box
and then click the Go button
• If necessary, scroll down the list to display
the desired clip of yellow roses, click the
clip to select it, and then click the OK
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Inserting a Second Clip into a Slide
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Inserting Clip Art into a Slide
without a Content Placeholder
• Click the Next Slide button on the vertical scroll bar to
display Slide 4
• Click Tools on the menu bar and then click AutoCorrect
• When the AutoCorrect dialog box displays, if necessary,
click the AutoFormat As You Type tab
• Click Automatic layout for inserted objects in the Apply
as you work area if a check mark does not display
• Click the Insert Clip Art button on the Drawing toolbar
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Inserting Clip Art into a Slide
without a Content Placeholder
• If the Add Clips to Organizer dialog box displays
asking if you want to catalog media files, click
Don’t show this message again, or, if you want
to catalog later, click the Later button
• Click the Search for text box
• Type house and then press the ENTER key
• If necessary, scroll to display the desired clip of
a house located beside a lake
• Point to this image
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Inserting Clip Art into a Slide
without a Content Placeholder
• Click the desired clip
• Click the Close button
on the Clip Art task
pane title bar
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Using the Automatic Layout Options
Button to Undo a Layout Change
• If your slide layout
changed to Title, Text,
and Content, click the
Automatic Layout
Options button
• Point to Undo
Automatic Layout
• Click Undo Automatic
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Moving Clip Art
• With the clip selected,
point to the clip and
then press and hold
down the mouse
• Drag the clip to the
upper-right corner of
the slide
• Release the mouse
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Changing the Size of Clip Art
• Click the Previous Slide button on the
vertical scroll bar two times to display
Slide 2
• Right-click the clip
• Point to Format Picture on the shortcut
• Click Format Picture
• Click the Size tab when the Format Picture
dialog box is displayed
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Changing the Size of Clip Art
• Click and hold down
the mouse button on
the Height box up
arrow in the Scale
area until 135% is
• Click the OK button
• Drag the clip to the
right of the bulleted
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Inserting, Moving, and Sizing
a Clip into a Slide
• Click the Next Slide button on the vertical scroll
bar three times to display Slide 5
• Click the Insert Clip Art button on the Drawing
toolbar. Delete the word, house, in the Search
for text box, type stethoscope, and then
press the ENTER key. Click the desired
stethoscope or another appropriate clip. Click
the Close button on the Clip Art task pane title
• If the layout changes, click the Automatic Layout
Options button and then click Undo Automatic
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Inserting, Moving, and Sizing
a Clip into a Slide
• Right-click the stethoscope and then click
Format Picture on the shortcut menu. Click the
Size tab in the Format Picture dialog box, click
and hold down the mouse button on the Height
box up arrow in the Scale area until 160% is
displayed, and then click the OK button
• Drag the stethoscope to the lower-right corner of
the slide
• Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar to
save the presentation
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Inserting, Moving, and Sizing
a Clip into a Slide
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Using the Notes and Handouts
Sheet to Add Headers and Footers
• Click View on the menu bar and then point
to Header and Footer
• Click Header and Footer
• Click the Notes and Handouts tab when
the Header and Footer dialog box is
• Click the Update automatically option
button and then click the Header text box
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Using the Notes and Handouts
Sheet to Add Headers and Footers
• Type Healthy Eating, Healthy
Living in the Header text box
• Click the Footer text box
• Type Clark College Fitness
Center in the Footer text box
• Click the Apply to All button
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Using the Notes and Handouts
Sheet to Add Headers and Footers
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Adding an Animation Scheme
to a Slide Show
• Click Slide Show on the menu bar and
then point to Animation Schemes
• Click Animation Schemes
• Scroll down the Apply to selected slides
list and then point to Float in the Exciting
• Click Float
• Point to the Apply to All Slides button
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Adding an Animation Scheme
to a Slide Show
• Click Apply to All
• Click the Close button
in the Slide Design
task pane
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Animating Clip Art
• Right-click the clip art and then point to
Custom Animation on the shortcut menu
• Click Custom Animation
• Point to the Add Effect button
• Click the Add Effect button, point to
Entrance, and then point to Diamond In in
the Entrance effects list
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Animating Clip Art
• Click Diamond
• Click the Close button
on the Custom
Animation task pane
title bar
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Saving the Presentation Again
• Click the Save button on the Standard
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Running an Animated Slide Show
• Click the Slide 1 slide thumbnail on the
Slides tab
• Click the Slide Show button at the lower
left of the PowerPoint window
• When Slide 1 is displayed in slide show
view, click the slide anywhere
• Click the slide again
• Continue clicking to finish running the slide
show and return to normal view
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Running an Animated Slide Show
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Printing an Outline
• Click the Outline tab
• Ready the printer according to the printer
manufacturer’s instructions
• Click File on the menu bar and then point to
• Click Print on the File menu
• When the Print dialog box is displayed, click
the Print what box arrow and then point to
Outline View
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Printing an Outline
• Click Outline View
in the list
• Click the OK button
• When the printer
stops, retrieve the
printout of the
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Printing Presentation Slides
• Ready the printer according to the printer
manufacturer’s instructions
• Click File on the menu bar and then click
• When the Print dialog box is displayed,
click the Print what box arrow
• Click Slides in the list
• Click the OK button. When the printer
stops, retrieve the slide printouts
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
E-Mailing a Slide Show
from within PowerPoint
• Click the E-mail (as attachment) button on the
Standard toolbar
• When the e-mail Message window is displayed, type
jessica_cantero@hotmail.com in the To text box
• Select the text in the Subject text box and then type
Nutrition and Fitness slide show in the
Subject text box
• Click the message body
• Type Attached is the PowerPoint
presentation you can use for your first
workshop. in the message body
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
E-Mailing a Slide Show
from within PowerPoint
• Point to the Send
• Click the Send button
on the Standard
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Saving Changes
and Quitting PowerPoint
• Click the Close button on the Microsoft
PowerPoint window title bar
• If prompted, click the Yes button in the
Microsoft PowerPoint dialog box
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
• Start and customize a new slide show
from an outline
• Add a slide and create a closing slide on
the Outline tab
• Create text slides with multi-level bulleted
lists on the Outline tab
• Save and review a presentation
• Insert and move clip art and change its
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
• Add a header and footer to outline pages
• Animate clip art
• Add an animation scheme and run an
animated slide show
• Print a presentation outline
• E-mail a slide show from within
PowerPoint Project 2: Using the Outline Tab and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show
Office 2003
Introductory Concepts
and Techniques
PowerPoint Project 2