Multiple Measures- Focus on Student Learning & Growth and Professional Goals This Morning’s Learning Targets: • I understand the student growth & professional goal setting process, instrument and the impact on student learning. • I can begin to coach teachers through the student growth & professional goal setting process • I can write, implement, and monitor a SMART goal that is appropriate for measuring long-term student growth. • I can write, implement, and monitor a professional goal that is appropriate for measuring an educator’s professional growth MULTIPLE MEASURES FOR TEACHER & PRINCIPAL EFFECTIVENESS Oregon Framework for Teacher and Administrator Evaluation and Support Systems Professional Practice Professional Responsibilities All measures are supported through artifacts and evidence. Student Learning and Growth What are the purposes of Goal Setting? Focus on student results Explicitly connect teaching and learning Improve instructional practices and teacher performance Tool for school improvement Student Growth & Professional Goal Setting Template Goal Setting Conference Goal Setting Components Categories of Evidence for Multiple Measures Content Professional Practice Context Professional Practice Baseline Data Professional Practice, Student Learning and Growth Student Growth Goal Statement Student Learning and Growth Professional Growth Goal Professional Practice, Professional Responsibilities Strategies for Improvement Professional Practice, Professional Responsibilities Resources and Support Professional Practice, Professional Responsibilities Student Growth Process Step 4: Step 2: Step 1: Determine needs Create specific learning goals based on preassessment Step 3: Create and implement teaching and learning strategies Monitor student progress through ongoing formative assessment Step 5: Determine whether students achieved the goals Alignment of Student Growth Process and Template Goal Setting Components Student Growth Process Baseline Data Step 1 Student Growth Goal Statement Strategies for Improvement Step 2 Steps 3 & 4 Strategies for Modification Step 4 Reflection on Results Step 5 Alignment of Goal Template and Danielson Domains Goal Setting Components Danielson Domain Student Growth Goal Statement Domains 1, 3, 4 Professional Growth Goal Domains 1, 2, 3, & 4 Content Domain 1 Context Domain 1 Baseline Data Domain 1, 3 Strategies for Improvement Domains 1, 2, 3, & 4 Resources and Support Domains 1, 2, 3, & 4 Step 1: Determining Needs Step 4: Step 2: Step 1: Determine needs Create specific learning goals based on preassessment Step 3: Create and implement teaching and learning strategies Monitor student progress through ongoing formative assessment Step 5: Determine whether students achieved the goals Anna Tate 8th Grade Language Arts Teacher Pre-Assessment of Student Ability in Writing Rubric used for Assessing Students Audience & Purpose Idea Development Organization & Structure 1 2 3 4 The writer may identify a general topic but demonstrates little or no awareness of purpose or audience. The writer identifies a generalized purpose or audience but does not maintain focus on both. Instead, the writer focuses more on the task than the actual purpose or intended audience. The writer adequately establishes focus on the intended audience and purpose, but may not consistently maintain this focus, losing sight of audience or purpose on occasion. The writer establishes and maintains focus on audience and purpose and effectively engages the audience by providing relevant background information. The writer gives little or no purposeful development of ideas, interpretation, insight or clarification. No examples or details are provided or support is irrelevant. The writer demonstrates inconsistent development of ideas often presenting facts with little insight, interpretation, or clarification. The writer provides minimal or irrelevant examples and/or details for support. The writer develops ideas with adequate support, and clarification of the topic through examples, details, facts, explanations, descriptions, or arguments. The writer consistently develops ideas with depth and complexity to provide insight, support, and clarification of the topic. The writer consistently develops ideas using appropriate and effective examples, details, facts, explanations, descriptions or arguments. The writer offers little or no organizational structure, placing ideas in no logical order. There is little or no variety in The writer demonstrates some attempt at organization, but often places ideas in an unclear order that disrupts the natural flow or cohesion. The writer occasionally uses varied sentence structures, these appear alongside mostly simple The writer adequately organizes the writing by using a logical progression of ideas that generally flows from idea to ideas, though connections between some ideas are The writer consistently organizes the writing by using a logical progression of ideas that flows within and between paragraphs. The writer consistently uses a variety of sentence lengths and structures. Student Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 (no response) Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Average Audience & Purpose 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 2 Idea Development 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 3 1 3 2 2 Organization & Structure 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 4 2 2 0 0 0 3 3 2 2.25 3 3 1 1.95 2 4 1 1.9 Average 1.67 3.33 1 1.67 2.33 2.33 1.33 1 3 1.67 2.33 3 1 3.33 2.33 2 0 2.67 3.33 1.33 Student Performance by Groups Audience & Purpose Idea Development Organization & Structure Low Performing Mid Performing High Performing Students Students Students .75 2.54 3.0 .75 2.08 3.0 .75 1.62 4.0 Baseline Data Baseline Data · What are the learning needs of my students? · What are the assessments or evidence sources I will use? · Attach supporting data. I worked with the other LA teachers in the district to create a common assessment using criteria from the writing rubric. The data from the pre-assessment shows that 4 students scored very low, 3 scored very high and all areas of writing are low. I then grouped the students according to their scores to see that the low performers averaged .75 in all three areas of the rubric which is significantly lower that the mid performing group. The high performing group avg. 4.0 on Organization and Structure, but the other two group avg. below 2. Step 1: Determining Needs Step 4: Step 2: Step 1: Determine needs Create specific learning goals based on preassessment Step 3: Create and implement teaching and learning strategies Monitor student progress through ongoing formative assessment Step 5: Determine whether students achieved the goals Step 2: Creating Goals Using the SMART Process Step 4: Step 1: Determine needs Step 2: Step 3: Create specific learning goals based on preassessment Create and implement teaching and learning strategies Monitor student progress through ongoing formative assessment Step 5: Determine whether students achieved the goals SMART Goal Process S M A R T Specific- The goal addresses student needs within the content. Measurable- An appropriate instrument or measure is selected to assess the goal. Appropriate- The goal is clearly related to the role and responsibilities of the teacher. Realistic- The goal is attainable. Time-bound- The goal is contained to a single school year/course. The goal is measurable and uses an appropriate instrument. The goal is standards-based and directly related to the subject and students that the teacher teaches. The goal is doable, but rigorous and stretches the outer bounds of what is attainable. The goal is bound by a timeline that is definitive and allows for determining goal attainment. The goal is focused on a specific area of need. Anna’s Goal Student Growth Goal Statement: A good goal statement is one that is… For the 2012 – 13 school year students will make measurable progress in writing- 80% of the students will score a “3” or better overall. Measurable Appropriate Realistic Time-bound Specific Anna’s Goal Student Growth Goal Statement: A good goal statement is one that is… For the 2012 – 13 school year, 100% of students will make measurable progress in writing. Each student will improve by one performance level in two or more areas of the rubric (audience/purpose, idea development, organization & structure). Furthermore, 80% of the students will score a “3” or better overall. Measurable Appropriate Realistic Time-bound Specific You need to KNOW your students in order to judge the goal. Let’s Practice On your own, Decide if the goal provided is SMART. Refer to the SMART Criteria. Next, Share your thinking and rationale. Others at your table may have the same goal. If it is not SMART, discuss possible adjustments to meet SMART criteria. How SMART is this Goal? P.E. Teacher’s Goal For the 2013-14 school year: Curl ups: •Level 1 students will increase their baseline by 9; Level 2 students by 7; Level 3 students by 4 Mile Run: •Level 1 students will decrease their baseline by 4 min.; Level 2 students by 2 min.; Level 3 by 1 min. Reach and stretch: •Level 1 students will increase their baseline by 7 cm.; Level 2 by 5 cm.; Level 3 by 2 cm. As measured by the Presidential Fitness Test How SMART is this Goal? Science Teacher’s Goal For the current school year, all of my students will make measurable progress in each of the four areas related to scientific investigation (hypothesis, investigative design, data collection, data analysis). All students will achieve at the 3 level of performance on a 4-point rubric in each area. How SMART is this Goal? Art Teacher’s Goal All students will demonstrate measurable progress in each of the rubric areas (Elements & Principles, Creativity & Originality, Craftsmanship/Skill). At least 50% of students will score 3 on the 5-point rubric. Step 2: Creating Goals Using the SMART Process Step 4: Step 1: Determine needs Step 2: Step 3: Create specific learning goals based on preassessment Create and implement teaching and learning strategies Monitor student progress through ongoing formative assessment Step 5: Determine whether students achieved the goals Setting Professional Growth Goals Oregon Framework for Teacher and Administrator Evaluation and Support Systems Professional Practice Professional Responsibilities All measures are supported through artifacts and evidence. Student Learning and Growth Evaluation and Professional Growth Cycle Self Reflection Summative Evaluation Formative Assessment/Mid Year Review Goal Setting Observation/Collection of Evidence Self Reflection to Identify Growth Needs Using the lens of the Framework for Teaching, in which domains and components do you have greatest need for professional growth? Completing the Self Reflection Reflect on each domain and component. Highlight the indicators that best describe your current teaching practice in Domain 3. List the components which represent areas for growth. Identity 1 or 2 components as priority areas. Anna’s Self Reflection Component: Self-Assessment: 2A - Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport U B P D 2B - Establishing a Culture for Learning U B P D 2C - Managing Classroom Procedures U B P D 2D - Managing Student Behavior U B P D 2E - Organizing Physical Space U B P D 3A - Communicating with Students U B P D 3B - Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques U B P D 3C - Engaging Students in Learning U B P D 3D - Using Assessment in Instruction U B P D 3E - Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness U B P D Anna’s Priority Focus Planning & Preparation 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E The Classroom Environment 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E Instruction 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E Professional Responsibiliti es 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 1F 3a and 3c 4F Using the Priority area(s) identified through self reflection, write a professional growth goal(s) that answers: 1. What professional development will help me accomplish my SLGG? 2. How will achieving my professional growth goal improve student learning and engagement? 3. How has my self reflection and assessment informed this goal? 4. How might I team with colleagues to achieve my goal? Initial Collaborative Goal Setting Conference Assessment Goals Strategies How will progress be measured? What assessments are already in place and how were they developed? If applicable, how will the assessments be developed? Are the data sources/measures of student learning, growth, achievement, &/or proficiency/mastery appropriate for goal? Are the identified assessments aligned to state, local, or national association standards? Do the Student Growth Goals respond to student needs reflected by the data? Are the Student Growth Goals aligned to content learning targets? Do the Student Growth Goals meet the criteria set forth on the Checklist? Are identified strategies appropriate to positively impact the student goals? How can the supervisor help support you with achieving these goals? Teacher: Student Learning Objective (SLO) Template Checklist Baseline Data What information is being used to inform the creation of the SLO and establish the amount of growth that should take place within the time period? Context Which students will be included in this SLO? Include course, grade level, and number of students. Interval of Instruction What is the duration of the course that the SLO will cover? Content What content will the SLO target? To what related standards is the SLO aligned? Student Growth Goal Statement Considering all available data and content requirements, what growth target(s) can students be expected to reach? What assessment(s) will be used to measure student growth for this SLO? Professional Growth Goal Considering both student data and the teacher’s selfreflection on the Danielson Framework, what would be an aligned professional growth goal that will support my instructional and/or professional improvement? Strategies for Improvement How will I help students attain the SLO? What specific actions will lead to goal attainment? What strategies will the teacher incorporate into his/her methodology and professional practice? Collaborate with Principal to develop Student Growth and Professional Goals Based on your self-assessment and principal’s input, what professional growth goal(s), activities, resources and success measures will help you address your growth need(s)? Student Growth versus Professional Growth Goals Student Growth Goal Statement: Professional Growth Goal Statement For the 2012 – 13 school year, 100% of students will make measureable progress in writing. Each student will improve by one performance level in audience & purpose, idea development, and organization & structure. Furthermore, 80% of the students will score a “3” or better overall. For the 2012 – 13 school year, I will improve my ELA instruction to increase student engagement and achievement by attending and implementing Writer’s Workshop training, refining implementation of the standards, researching and implementing engaging and rigorous teaching strategies, and refining my use of formative assessment to impact daily instruction. These will be measured through pre/post assessments, student work samples, interim assessments, peer and principal observations and conferences, and selfreflection. Aligning Professional Goals with Self Assessment Targeted Critical Attributes of 3a •The teacher states clearly, at some point during the lesson, what students will be learning. •If the tactic is appropriate, the teacher models the process to be followed in the task. •The teacher makes no content errors. •The teacher’s vocabulary and usage are correct and completely suited to the lesson Targeted Critical Attributes of 3c •Materials and resources support the learning goals and require intellectual engagement, as appropriate. Revised Professional Growth Goal Professional Growth Goal Statement For the 2012 – 13 school year, I will Increase my skills by incorporating a Writer’s Workshop instructional model. I will pay particular attention to model the writing process, emphasize the learning target and use my own authentic writing. By the end of the year, I will model and collect feedback on three lessons from my grade-level team. I will develop a portfolio of my own writing that I have revised in front of students. Student and Professional Growth Goals Student Growth Goal Statement SMART goal criteria is used to formulate the goal. Professional Growth Goal: · · · · What professional development will help me accomplish my SLG? (D:4) How will achieving my professional growth goal improve student learning and engagement? (D:3) How has my self-reflection and assessment on Domains 1-4 informed this goal? (D:4) How might I team with colleagues to successfully achieve my goal? (D:4) For the 2012 – 13 school year, 100% of students will make measurable progress in writing. Each student will improve by one performance level in two or more areas of the rubric (audience/purpose, idea development, organization & structure). Furthermore, 80% of the students will score a “3” or better overall. For the 2012 – 13 school year, I will Increase my skills by incorporating a Writer’s Workshop instructional model. I will pay particular attention to model the writing process, emphasize the learning target and use my own authentic writing. By the end of the year, I will model and collect feedback on three lessons from my grade-level team. I will develop a portfolio of my own writing that I have revised in front of students. Step 3: Creating and Implementing Strategies Step 4: Step 2: Step 1: Determine needs Create specific learning goals based on preassessment Step 3: Create and implement teaching and learning strategies Monitor student progress through ongoing formative assessment Step 5: Determine whether students achieved the goals Student Growth vs. Professional Growth Strategies • • Students will use a writer’s notebook for writing practice, specifically developing ideas and focusing on specific audiences for specific purposes. • • Students will analyze organizational structure of narrative, informational/explanatory, and argumentative writing and apply to their own writing. • • Students will participate in peer response groups to give/receive feedback on audience awareness, purpose, and idea development. I will implement strategies learned during the Writer’s Workshop training and develop writing prompts for students to use in their writer’s notebooks. I will refine my implementation of the standards, researching and implementing engaging and rigorous teaching strategies that deepen student understanding of organizational structures and uses in their own writing. I will refine my use of ongoing formative assessment to impact daily instruction by teaching students to lead classroom discussions and peer reviews. I will incorporate these in practice. Strategies for Improvement Step 4: Monitoring Student Progress and Making Adjustments Step 4: Step 2: Step 1: Determine needs Create specific learning goals based on preassessment Step 3: Create and implement teaching and learning strategies Monitor student progress through ongoing formative assessment Step 5: Determine whether students achieved the goals Monitoring Student Progress • Monitor both student progress toward goal attainment AND strategy effectiveness through formative assessment processes. • Make adjustments to strategies as needed. • Meet with evaluator for a mid-year review So, what data sources will you use? Data Source Possibilities Common Assessments Interim Assessments District Assessments Projects Products Student Performances Student Portfolios Classroom Assessments Data Source Possibilities Common Assessments Interim Assessments District Assessments Projects Products Student Performances Student Portfolios Classroom Assessments Anna Tate 8th Grade Language Arts Teacher Goal Statement: For the 2012 – 13 school year, 100% of my students will make measurable progress in writing. Each student will improve by one performance level in at least 2 areas; audience & purpose, idea development, and organization & structure. Furthermore, 80% of the students will score a “3” or better overall. Baseline and Mid-Year Data 25% 50% Student Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 (no response) Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Average Audience & Purpose 2/3 3/4 1/1 2/3 3/3 3/3 2/3 1/1 3/3 2/3 3/3 3/3 1/1 3/3 3/3 2/2 Idea Development 2/2 3/4 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 1/2 1/2 3/3 2/3 2/3 3/3 1/2 3/4 2/2 2/2 Organization & Structure 1/3 4/4 1/2 1/3 2/3 2/3 1/2 1/2 3/4 1/3 2/2 3/3 1/2 4/4 2/3 2/3 0/1 0/1 0/1 3/3 3/3 2/3 2.25/2.6 3/3 3/3 1/2 1.95/2.6 2/3 4/4 1/2 1.9/2.8 Average 2.67 4 1.67 3 3 3 2.33 1.67 3.33 3 2.67 3 1.67 3.67 2.67 2.33 1 3 3.33 2.67 Collaborative Mid-Course Review Conversation Student Review available data/evidence toward Student Growth Goals progress as Learning Goals defined in beginning of year or course of study meeting and make necessary adjustments (e.g., training needs, resources, strategy for attaining goals, additional data). Note that although strategies for attaining goals may be adjusted, the Student Growth Goals should remain constant. Mid-course data must be included; check box to indicate that data is attached. Reflect on the growth of students thus far, what next steps will be needed to support students, and what supports you need to assist you in this work. Professional Practices Review any and all communication notes from Formal observation and any informal observations. Review additional evidence of professional practice. Reflect: thinking about your self-assessment, how do you think you have shown improvement? What areas do you still need to grow and what evidence can you show/provide. What professional practices and decisions in your work have had the most influence on your ability to support your students and achieve these results? Professional Review all evidence of professional responsibilities. Reflect: thinking about Responsibilities your self-assessment, how do you think you have shown improvement? What areas do you still need to grow and what evidence can you show/provide. What decisions and activities to grow as a professional have had the most influence on your ability to support your students and achieve these results? Reflecting on Priority Areas & Professional Growth Goal 1. What do I want to change about my instruction that will effectively impact student learning? 2. What is my personal learning necessary to make the change? 3. What are the indicators (measures) of success? Reflection on Action Plan Student Progress Professional Growth Progress Implement Writer’s Notebook: Students are writing almost daily in writer’s notebooks using prompts and free writes. Students self-assess their entries using the idea development portion of the rubric. Formative assessment data shows that students still have a difficult time developing effective ideas. Review of students’ writing notebooks and analysis of on-going assessments indicate many students are effectively developing their ideas when prompts are provided. Several students are still not developing their ideas thoroughly in free writes. Peer Response Groups: Students have been introduced to peer response groups and have had several opportunities to give and receive feedback. Students still need to improve their ability to make effective revisions to their writing. Some students demonstrate critical thinking and inquiry by generating open ended questions during class discussions. Peer observation information indicates that many students still struggle with higher order thinking, asking only factual questions during student lead discussions. Students’ Analysis: With guidance, students understand characteristics of narrative, informational/explanatory, and argumentative writing, but when provided a task for writing, have trouble applying this understanding. Students are effectively using graphics organizer to make their thinking visible when explaining comparison/contrast and chronological sequence, but many still struggle with their analysis of cause & effect, which results in weak arguments and explanations. Anna’s Mid-year Reflection on Strategies Goal Strategy Adjustments to Strategies Implement writer’s notebook for student writing practice. I will incorporate opportunities for peer response groups to write collaboratively using writer’s notebook activities, assessing specifically for idea development using rubric criteria. I will focus my modeled writing lessons around how writers create and build on topic ideas. Implement peer response groups. I will model decision-making about suggested revisions as students provide feedback on my writing samples. I will provide students more intentional practice making revisions to their writing and allow them to share those revisions in peer response groups. Analyze modes of writing. I will model thinking aloud, and ask students to do the same, to think through characteristics expected for narrative, informational/explanatory, and argumentative writing. Incorporate digital writing opportunities. I will incorporate opportunities to students to write for specific audiences and purposes using digital technologies. Students will collaborate to write, share ideas and will provide and receive feedback using digital tools. Supporting Teachers & Colleagues Review Anna’s reflection and adjustments. Anna has several ideas for how she might adjust strategies. BUT, what if she was at a loss? How would you advise teachers to learn effective strategies to support their goals? Step 5: Determining Goal Attainment Step 4: Step 2: Step 1: Determine needs Create specific learning goals based on preassessment Step 3: Create and implement teaching and learning strategies Monitor student progress through ongoing formative assessment Step 5: Determine whether students achieved the goals Anna Tate 8th Grade Language Arts Teacher Goal Statement: For the 2012 – 13 school year, 100% of my students will make measurable progress in writing. Each student will improve by one performance level in at least 2 areas: audience & purpose, idea development, and organization & structure. Furthermore, 80% of the students will score a “3” or better overall. 80% Baseline, Mid-Year, End of Year Data 70% 60% 50% 80% Avg Score 1 Avg Score 2 40% Avg Score 3 30% 20% Avg Score 4 25% 50% 10% 0% Baseline Data Mid-Year End of Year Student Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 (no response) Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Average Audience & Purpose 2/3 3/4 1/2 2/3 3/3 3/3 2/4 1/2 3/3 2/3 3/4 3/3 1/2 3/3 3/3 2/3 Idea Development 2/3 3/4 1/2 1/3 2/3 2/3 1/3 1/3 3/3 2/3 2/4 3/3 1/2 3/4 2/3 2/3 Organization & Structure 1/3 4/4 1/3 1/3 2/4 2/3 1/3 1/2 3/4 1/4 2/3 3/3 1/2 4/4 2/3 2/3 0/2 0/2 0/2 3/3 3/3 2/3 2.25/2.95 3/3 3/4 1/4 1.95/3.1 2/3 4/4 1/3 1.9/3.15 Average 3 4 2.33 3 3.33 3 3.33 2.33 3.33 3.33 3.67 3 2 3.67 3 3 2 3 3.67 3.33 End of the Year Reflection • What worked (i.e., strategies, support, resources, goal(s), assessment)? • What did not work? Why? • What would you do differently? Why? • How did the Student Learning Goal setting process impact your professional practice, professional responsibilities, and/or student learning? • How do these results impact professional growth or directed improvement plan targets? What additional training or learning is needed? The Post Conference • End of Year Data • Reflection on Results • Connection to Framework for Teaching • Professional Growth Plan Implications Summative Reflection on goal(s) status and next steps Based on the results of your original identified measures of goal attainment, to what extent did you achieve your goal(s)? How will I use these results to support my professional growth? Questions? Thoughts?