AUMA presentation to treaty 8x - Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta

February 17, 2011
Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta
Workshop on Consultation
Presentation Outline
1. What is AUMA?
2. What is Municipal Government?
3. Some Initiatives
4. AUMA’s Submission on the GOA’s
Consultation Policy with First Nations
What is AUMA?
 Formed in 1905
 Representing Alberta’s urban municipalities
(276) including cities, towns, villages, summer
villages, and specialized municipalities
 Our members include urban municipalities ranging
from population sizes of 6 to over 1 million.
 Most members have populations less than 2500, but
AUMA’s two largest members, Calgary and
Edmonton, account for 1/2 of Alberta’s population.
What is AUMA?
AUMA is valued by our membership and
trusted as a voice for urban
AUMA provides leadership in advocating
local government interests to all orders of
government and other organizations.
What is Municipal Government?
According to Alberta’s Municipal Government
Act, the purposes of municipal government in
Alberta are to:
 Provide good government
Provide services, facilities or other things
that are necessary or desirable
Develop and maintain safe and viable
Some Initiatives
 Common Ground (partnership with ANFCA)
 Municipal Sustainability Planning
 Sustainable Land Use
 Citizen Engagement
 Elected Officials Education Program
 Municipal Climate Change Action Centre
AUMA’s Submission on the GOA’s
Consultation Policy with First Nations
“AUMA strongly supports the building of relationships
between municipal governments, neighbouring First
Nations communities and Aboriginal Peoples and
Organizations located within urban municipalities.”
“As the representative of municipal urban governments in
Alberta, AUMA is interested in facilitating partnerships
between local municipal governments and local First
Nations governments for the benefit of both, and for
enhanced sustainability of Alberta communities.”
AUMA’s Submission on the GOA’s
Consultation Policy with First Nations –
AUMA Recommendations:
1. THAT the Government of Alberta clearly state its
Constitutional “duty to consult” with First Nations in
the Policy Statement.
FURTHER THAT the Government of Alberta clearly
state that while the Crown may delegate certain
consultation processes to municipal governments
(when municipal governments are project
proponents), municipal governments will not face
any legal liability as a delegate of the Province for
the purposes of consultation processes.
AUMA’s Submission on the GOA’s
Consultation Policy with First Nations –
AUMA Recommendations:
2. THAT the Government of Alberta be made aware that AUMA
supports municipal governments consulting with First
Nations neighbours and partners, in areas of municipal
planning, and local service provision. “AUMA supports the
inclusion of Aboriginal Peoples and governments in land‐use
planning, and in other collaborative efforts towards
sustainability. Sustainability of Alberta’s land resource
cannot be achieved if portions of land are not part of the
overall land use planning process” (AUMA’s comments on
the Provincial Land‐Use Framework).
AUMA’s Submission on the GOA’s
Consultation Policy with First Nations –
AUMA Recommendations:
3. THAT the Government of Alberta provide legal and
financial support and expertise that would lead to the
creation of practical tools and processes that
municipal governments can use to engage with
neighbouring First Nations communities and
Aboriginal groups/organizations.
FURTHER THAT an education and training
component for municipal governments be included
as one of the tools.
 AUMA appreciates and thanks Treaty No. 8 First
Nations for the opportunity to attend and learn
from you at this Workshop.
 We would like the opportunity for municipal
governments to learn more from First Nations, and
would like to facilitate such learning amongst
AUMA member municipalities.
 We would like to work with First Nations to achieve
sustainability and a high quality of life for
communities in Alberta.