Curriculum vitae Michele Donati 1. Personal data Name Last name Work Adress: Phone Fax Email Michele Donati Via J. F. Kennedy, 6 - 43125 Parma 0039 0521 902497 0039 0521 902498 2. Academic career Actual position: Researcher, Department of Economics, University of Parma, Italy. (1998) Degree in Economics, University of Parma. (2000) Master degree in Environment and Natural Resource Economics, Ecole National du Genie Rurale, des Eaux et des Forets, Paris. (2004) Ph.D. in Agrifood Economics, University of Parma. (2005) Researcher in Agricultural Economics. 3. Teaching activity He is holder of the courses of Environmental Economics, Modelling and evaluation of environmental policies and Sustainable supply chains economics at the University of Parma. He carries out his research activity at the Unit of Agrifood Economics, Department of Economics at the same university. He has organized the high the high course of specialization in “Quantitative tools for evaluating agricultural policies” participating as lecturer. 4. Research Activities He is involved in scientific research activities from 1999 following two main fields of research: 1) The first one concerns the study of methodologies (mainly based on mathematical programming) useful to analyse the impact of the different agricultural policies at farm, regional and national level; 2) the second is related to the analysis of the socioeconomic factors that influence the economic development at local /rural level. He has experience in European coordinated research projects where he participated as a member of research unit to several projects focusing on the analysis of new policies addressed to agricultural commodities, farm behaviour, rural development and food supply chain issues. More in detail the EU research projects where he was involved are: • EUROTOOLS, on the development of models for agricultural policy analysis; • DOLPHINS, on the analysis of the socioeconomic problems and characteristics of typical products in the context of WTO negotiations on GIs products; • MAPSTART, on the organisation of an international seminar on theoretical approaches and empirical evidences related to the use of quantitative models for evaluating the • • • • • impact of agricultural policies; WELFARE QUALITY, on the analysis of the modern distribution strategies with respect to the animal welfare products; GENEDEC, on the socioeconomic evaluations of the introductions of decoupling in the common agricultural policy; SINER-GI, on the analysis of GIs food products at international level, under different institutional and market frames in EU and in third countries; CARERA, on the evaluation of CAP reform on rural development by means of quantitative and qualitative methods; FACEPA, on the estimation of specific variable costs per farm activity. 4. Main pubblications – Arfini F, De Filippis F, Donati M, Stoppa A (2007). Gestione della crisi e tutela del reddito: una proposta per l'agricoltura italiana. Roma: Ismea. – Arfini F, Donati M (2003). La nuova PAC tra disaccoppiamento e politiche regionali: il caso dell'Emilia Romagna. Nuovo Diritto Agrario, vol. 1/2003; p. 157-180. – Arfini F, Donati M (2003). La valeur économique de la multifonctionnalité dans les exploitations de la province de Parme. In: La multifonctionnalité de l'activité agricole et sa reconnaissance par le politiques publiques, p. 691-720. – Arfini F, Donati M (2008). Health Check ed efficienza delle aziende agricole: una valutazione comparativa su quattro regioni agricole europee. Rivista di Economia Agraria, vol. N.1; p. 65-92. – Arfini F, Donati M (2011). The impact of the Health Check on structural change and farm efficiency: a comparative assessment of three European agricultural regions. In: Disaggregated Impacts of CAP reforms. Proceedings of an OECD workshop. Paris: OECD Publishing, p. 75-90. – Arfini F, Donati M, Giacomini C (2007), Possible impact of the new fruit and vegetable Common Market Organisation reform on the Industrial Tomato supply chain in Italy. Politica Agricola Internazionale, vol. 4; p. 82-96; – Arfini F, Donati M, Grossi L, Paris Q (2008). Revenue and Cost Functions in PMP: a Methodological Integration for a Territorial Analysis of CAP. In: 107th EAAE Seminar. Sevilla, Official Publication of European Communities, Luxembourg. – Arfini F., Donati M., Menozzi D. (2006). Agricultural modelling: a Positive Mathematical Programming approach. In: F. Ferretti. Leaves and cigarettes: modelling the tobacco industry. p. 96-176, MILANO: Franco Angeli. – Arfini F., Donati M., Paris Q., Zuppiroli M. (2005). Positive Mathematical Programming Approach for Ex-post Evaluation of Set Aside in Italy. In: Modelling Agricultural Policies: State of the Art and New Challenges, p. 188-206. – Arfini F., Donati M., Zuppiroli M. (2005), Un modèle quantitatif pour l'évaluation des effets de la réforme de la PAC en Italie, Economie Rurale, vol. 285, p. 70-87; – Arfini F., Donati M., Zuppiroli M. (2005). Agrisp: un modello di simulazione regionale per valutare gli effetti per l’Italia di modifiche delle politiche agricole. In: G. Anania (a cura di). La riforma delle politiche agricole dell'UE ed il negoziato WTO. p. 81128, MILANO: Franco Angeli. – Donati M (2008). Socio-Economic Impact of Decoupling and Food-Chain Perspective: Some Indications from Italy. In: Arfini F, Belletti G, Giare F, Marescotti (a cura di) A. Socio-Economic Impact of Decoupling and Food-Chain Perspective: Some Indications from Italy. Roma: ESI. – Donati M, Zuppiroli M (2003). Valutazione dell'impatto della Nuova Politica Agricola Comune sulla produzione del grano duro nelle regioni italiane. Politica Agricola Internazionale, vol. 3/2003, p. 21-50. – Donati M. (2001). Principes et méthodes pour la mise en oeuvre de la programmation mathématique positive. Grignon: Inra-Esr. – Donati M. (2008). La metodologia nell'analisi delle aziende biologiche. In: Carillo F.(a cura di) Le politiche per lo sviluppo dell'agricoltura biologica: evoluzione ed impatti. p. 153-171, Roma: Inea. – Giacomini C, Donati M (2004). Alcune riflessioni sulla proposta governativa di attuazione della riforma della politica agricole comune in Italia. Agricoltura Istituzioni Mercati, vol. 2/2004; p. 11-34.