Unauthorized translation in English Pre-notification form import/export/transport and temporary storage in connection with the transport of radioactive sources and elements * according to the Dutch Nuclear law and the Dutch transport decree 1. information notifier: A. name: Notifier: (Full name of the address: entity) country: contact person: telephone: fax: B. Name and address of the consignor: C. Name and address of the consignee : 2. information concerning the material and package(s): A. Kind of radioactive material: B. Type and quantity of the radioactive sources per shipment: radionuclide and mass number: − − weight: − activity: − chemical formula: − physical state: − form: C. Type of package: (for example excepted package, type A, type B, etc.) 3. information concerning the transport A. The kind of shipments involved: open sources sealed sources Type and quantity of the radioactive sources per shipment: radionuclide and mass number: − − weight: − activity: − chemical formula: − physical state: − form: C. Type of package: (for example excepted package, type A, type B, etc.) 3. information concerning the transport A. The kind of shipments involved: (import/export/transit/ transport by road/rail/air/sea) B. Country of origin of the radioactive sources/materials: C. The location (border crossings/ports) where theradioactive sources/ materials enter or leave Dutch territory: D. The expected date of import/export/transit/transport or the period of validity of this pre-notification: 4. justification A Is the import, export, transport or transit justified according to the Dutch Ministerial order Regeling bekendmaking rechtvaardiging gebruik van ioniserende straling and if so please note down the reference of the justification as mentioned in the Ministerial order and if the import, export or transit is not justified please describe the economic, social and other advantages of the import, export or transit and also give information about the possible health damage that can be inflicted. B. Measures taken in the context of alara-principle: • • • • In case of import, export, transit of radioactive consumer items (above the exemption levels of table ADR) and radioactive medicaments a permit is needed. The pre-notification must be submitted three weeks before the transport will take place. Changes in the pre-notification can be made not later than 3 working days before the transport is going to take place. In case of movements of sealed radioactive sources between member states of the European Union the document 1493/93 must also be completed and submitted together with the pre-notification form (to be downloaded from the website of Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland www.rvo.nl/stralingsbescherming). Name and Signature: Date: Send form also to: Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland Team Stralingsbescherming, Postbus 93144 2509 AC Den Haag Telephone +31 88 602 58 12 or +31 88 042 42 42 Fax +31 88 602 90 23 E-mail: stralingsbescherming@rvo.nl Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Handhaving Gevaarlijke Stoffen E-mail adres: gsinfo@ilent.nl Postbus 10700 2501 HS Den Haag Telefoon +31 (0)70-456 2444 (info)