Multilateral Agreement ADNIM 009 1.5.1 of the Regulations annexed to ADN section under on the carriage of heavy heating oil in tank vessels 1. By derogation from (flowchart) rd 3 and th 5 box, heavy heating cii, which is to be assigned to entry UN 3082 ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, NOS. in the absence of a CMR property, and which is characterized by acute or chronic 1 aquatic toxicity (Nl), may be carried in tank vessels of type N cargo tank type 3 (cargo tank not outer huil) cargo tank design 4 (open) until 31 December 2014. 2. By derogation from Table C column (20), for tank vessels in which UN 3082 ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, NOS. (HEAVY HEATING OIL) is carried remark 40 is not applicable. 3. a) By derogation from of ADN, when loading UN 3082 ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, NOS. (HEAVY HEATING OIL) into a closed tank vessel at loading facilities that are not equipped with a gas recovery or compensation pipe on 31 December 2012, it shall not be necessary until 31 December 2016 to return ashore the gas/air mixtures released during loading. b) In this case, by derogation from 6.10 of ADN, cargo tanks may be opened using the devices for the safe depressurization of the cargo tanks referred to in (a) third indent or (a) third indent of ADN.. This device does not need to be fitted with a fire-resistant flame-arrester. The area within a radius of 6.00 m around an outlet shall be marked as [an Explosion] danger area. 1f the previous cargo (not being UN 3082 ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S. (HEAVY HEATING OIL) required the use of personal protection (PP) according to Table 0, column (18) and/er the use of flame arresters, these requirements are to be met during loading. 4. In addition to the information prescribed, the consignor shail enter in the transport document: “Carriage agreed under the terms of sectiori 1.5.1 of the Regulations annexed to ADN (ADN/M 009)”. 5. This Agreement shail be valid for carriage on the territories of those ADN Contracting Partjes signatory to this Agreement and for the operations referred to in numbers 1, 2 or 3 until the dates indicated in the individual numbers. 1f It is revoked in whole or in part before that date by one of the signatories, t shail remain valid until the above mentioned date only for carriage on the territories of those ADN Contracting Partjes signatory to this Agreement which have not revoked it. 6. The Multilateral Agreement M 005 Derogation on the carriage of heavy heating cii in tank vessels will be revoked from the moment of signing this Multilateral Agreement M 009. The Hague, 5 February 2014, The corn petent authority for ADN in The Netherlands, For and on behalf of, The Minister of Infrastructur nd the Environment, drs. ing. P. Torbijn Director for Safety and Risks 2 Multilateral Agreement ADNIM 005 under section 1.5.1 of the Regulations annexed to ADN on the carriage of heavy heating oh in tank vessels 1. By derogation from (flowchart) d 3 and box, heavy heating oil, which is to be assigned to entry UN 3082 ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S. in the absence of a CMR property, and which is characterized by acute or chronic 1 aquatic toxicity (Nl), may be carried in tank vessels of type N cargo tank type 3 (cargo tank not outer hult) cargo tank design 4 (open) until 31 December 2014. 2. a) By derogation from Table C column (20), tank vessels in which UN 3082 ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S. (HEAVY HEATING OIL) is carried shali only have to be furnished with the heatable equipment required in remark 40 as from the next renewal of the classification certificate in accordance with of ADN after 31 December 2012, but no later than by 31 December2018. b) By derogation from the note to remark 40, the use of existing heating systems of the gas collection lines is permitted until 31 December 2014. 3. a) By derogation from of ADN, when loading UN 3082 ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S. (HEAVY HEATING OIL) into a closed tank vessel in loading facilities that are not equipped with a gas recovery or compensation pipe on 31 December 2012, it shalt not be necessary until 31 December 2016 to return ashore the gas/air mixtures released during loading. b) In this case, by derogation from 6.10 of ADN, cargo tanks may be opened using the devices for the safe depressurisation of the cargo tanks referred to in (a) or (a) of ADN. By derogation from (a) third indent, or (a) third indent, of ADN, this device does not need to be fitted with a fire-resistant flame-arrester. The area within a radius of 2.00 m around an outlet shal! be marked as danger area. 4. In addition to the information prescribed, the consignor shail enter in the transport document: “Carriage agreed under the terms of section 1.51 of the Regulations annexed to ADN (ADN/M 005)”. 5. This Agreement shail be valid for carriage on the territories of those ADN Contracting Partjes signatory to this Agreement and for the operations referred to in numbers 1, 2 or 3 until the dates indicated in the individual nLlmbers. 1f it is revoked in whole or in part before that date by one of the signatories, It shafl remain valid until the above mentioned date only for carriage on the territories of those ADN Contracting Parties signatory to this Agreement which have not revoked it. The Hague, 20 December 2012, The competent authority for ADN in The Netherlands, For and on behalf of, The Minister of Ir drs. ing. P. Torbijn Director for Safety and Risks and the Environment,