Network Infrastructure Viatel Letterkenny Belfast Sligo Dundalk Carrick On Shannon Dublin Ireland Galway Limerick Wexford Waterford Cork Amsterdam Utrecht Zandvoort United Kingdom Lowestoft Pakenham Snow Hill Elten Leersum Doorn Antwerp (NMBS) Gent Crawley Polegate Courrieres Dernbach Naurod Mannheim Thourotte L’Isle Adam Paris St-Martin Artenay (Orleans) Blois Conde-sur-Marne Revigny Meaux Frankfurt Luxembourg Biaches Amiens Porz Linz Belgium Antoing (NMBS) Cayeux-sur-Mer Dusseldorf Antwerp Brussels Tollaan Brussels MIDI (NMBS) Leers-Nord Estaimpuis Germany Kapellen Essen London Egham Rotterdam Berg Nancy Xouaxange Strasbourg Azy-sur-Marne Troussey Corbeil Nambsheim Souppes Basel Briare Veretz (Tours) Bern Zurich Olten Luzern Nevers Ependes Bourbon Charolles Availles (Poitiers) France Monte Carasso Geneva Sault Brenaz Belleville Blanzay Altdorf Switzerland Chiasso Lavours Lyon Italy Nersac Andancette St-Christophe Montelimar Bordeaux Montfaucon Meilhan Bon-Encontre Grisolles Toulouse Avignonet Cazan Pichegu Poilhes Marseillette Sete (Montpellier) Fos Marseille Legend Metro Network Point of Presence & D ata Centre Point of Presence Backbone Network Under Construct ion Our extensive network allows us to deliver reliable and cost-effective connectivity that is fully supported and secure. Wider international coverage is available through our trusted network partners, please get in touch to discuss your requirements: Milan