Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae
1. Personal information
Per Mikael Bosson Stenkula
Office address:
IFN, P.O. Box 55665, S – 102 15 Stockholm
Home address:
Gustav III:s Boulevard 1, S – 169 72 SOLNA
Telephone no (office):
08 – 665 45 30
Fax no:
08 – 665 45 99
Birth date:
30th January 1972
2. Education
Upper secondary school:
Programme in Business and the Social Sciences, Friaborgsskolan, Simrishamn, 1988–1991.
(a) B.Sc. in Business administration, Lund University, Sweden, 1996.
(b) M.Sc. in Economics, Lund University, Sweden, 2000.
(c) Licentiate in Economics, Lund University, Sweden, 2002.
(d) Ph.D. in Economics, Lund University, Sweden, 2004.
3. Military Service
1991–1992 Military Service, Kungliga Skånska Luftvärnsregementet (anti-aircraft), LV4,
4. Professional positions
Ph.D. candidate, Department of Economics, Lund University, 1999–2003.
Lecturer, Department of Economics, Lund University, 2004.
Research fellow, The Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), 2005–2006.
Research fellow, The Ratio Institute, 2007–2008.
Research fellow, The Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), 2008–
5. Teaching experience and administration:
1999, fall
Economics for teachers, teacher, Lund University
2001, spring
Introduction to economics, course coordinator, Lund University
2001, fall
Introduction to economics, course coordinator, Lund University
2002, spring
Introduction to economics, course coordinator, Lund University
2002, fall
Introduction to economics, course coordinator, Lund University
Mathematics for economic studies, teaching assistant, Lund
2003, spring
Introduction to economics, course coordinator, Lund University
Mathematics for economic studies, teaching assistant, Lund
2004, spring
Microeconomics, teacher & course leader, Lund University
2004, fall
Microeconomics, teacher, Lund University
2011, spring
Macroeconomics, teacher & course leader, Stockholm School of
Economic (Center for Retailing)
2012, spring
Macroeconomics, teacher & course leader, Stockholm School of
Economic (Center for Retailing)
2013, spring
Macroeconomics, teacher & course leader, Stockholm School of
Economic (Center for Retailing)
2014, spring
Macroeconomics, teacher & course leader, Stockholm School of
Economic (Center for Retailing)
6. Academic writings
Stenkula, M. (2004). Essays on Network Effects and Money. Lund Economic Studies 117.
Stenkula, M. (2003). “Carl Menger and the Network Theory of Money.” European Journal of
the History of Economic Thought, vol 10:4, pp 587–606.
Stenkula, M. (2004). “The Euro Cash Changeover Process.” Kyklos, vol 57:2, pp 265–286.
Stenkula, M. (2005). ”Nationalekonomi: ideologisk vetenskap eller vetenskaplig ideologi?”
Ekonomisk Debatt, vol 33:4, pp 69–74.
Stenkula, M. (2007). ”The European Size Distribution of Firms and Employment.” ICFAI
Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. IV:2, pp 46–63.
Henrekson, M. and Stenkula, M. (2007). ”De medelstora företagens utveckling i Sverige efter
1990-talskrisen.” Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, vol 13:1, pp 43–54.
Henrekson, M. and Stenkula, M. (2009). “Why Are There So Few Female Top Executives in
Egalitarian Welfare States?” The Independent Review, vol 14:2, pp 239–270.
Henrekson, M., Johansson, D. and Stenkula, M. (2010). “Taxation, Labor Market Policy and
High-Impact Entrepreneurship.” Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, vol 10:3–4, pp
Stenkula, M. and Zenou, Y. (2011). “Städer och entreprenörskap.” Ekonomisk Debatt, vol 39:1,
pp 5–19.
Stenkula, M. (2012). “Taxation and Entrepreneurship in a Welfare State.” Small Business
Economics, vol 39:1, pp 77–97.
Henrekson, M., Johansson, D. and Stenkula, M. (2012). ”Den svenska företagsstrukturen:
Utvecklingen i de medelstora företagen efter 1990-talskrisen.” Ekonomisk Debatt, vol 40:2,
pp 27–38.
Bjuggren, C. M., Johansson, D. and Stenkula, M. (2012). “Using Self-employment as Proxy
for Entrepreneurship: Some Empirical Caveats.” International Journal of Entrepreneurship
and Small Business, vol 17:3, pp 290–303.
Stenkula, M., Johansson, D. and Du Rietz, G. (2013) “Marginal Taxation on Labor Income in
Sweden from 1862 to 2010.” Scandinavian Economic History Review, vol. 62:2, pp. 163–
Stenkula, M. (2014) “Swedish Taxation in a 150-year Perspective.” Nordic Tax Journal, vol.
1:2, pp 10–42.
Johansson, D., Stenkula, M. and Du Rietz, G. “Capital Income Taxation of Swedish
Households, 1862 to 2010.” Scandinavian Economic History Review, forthcoming.
Books and book chapters:
Henrekson, M. and Stenkula, M. (2007). Entreprenörskap. SNS Förlag, Stockholm.
Stenkula, M. (2008), Network Effects and Money. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft
& Co., Saarbrücken, Germany.
Henrekson, M. and Stenkula, M. (2010). ”Entrepreneurship and Public Policy.” In Zoltan J.
Acs and David B. Audretsch, eds., Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research. Springer, New
Stenkula, M. and Zenou, Y. (2012). “Städer, tjänster och tillväxt.” In Henrik Jordahl, ed., Den
svenska tjänstesektorn. Studentlitteratur, Stockholm.
Du Rietz, G., Johansson, D. and Stenkula, M. “The Evolution of Swedish Labor Income
Taxation in a 150-year Perspective: An In-depth Characterization.” In Magnus Henrekson
and Mikael Stenkula, eds., Swedish Taxation: Developments Since 1862. Palgrave
Macmillan, forthcoming.
Du Rietz, G., Johansson, D. and Stenkula, M. “A 150-year Perspective on Swedish Capital
Income Taxation.” In Magnus Henrekson and Mikael Stenkula, eds., Swedish Taxation:
Developments Since 1862. Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming.
Stenkula, Mikael “Taxation of Real Estate in Sweden from 1862 to 2010.” In Magnus
Henrekson and Mikael Stenkula, eds., Swedish Taxation: Developments Since 1862.
Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming.
Stenkula, Mikael “Taxation of Goods and Services from 1862 to 2010.” In Magnus Henrekson
and Mikael Stenkula, eds., Swedish Taxation: Developments Since 1862. Palgrave
Macmillan, forthcoming.
Book reviews:
Stenkula, M. (2004). Review of Lars Hultkrantz and Jan-Erik Nilsson Samhällsekonomisk
Analys, SNS förlag. Ekonomisk Debatt, vol 32:5, pp 60–63.
Working papers and other publications:
Henrekson, M. and Stenkula, M. (2006). ”Företagsstruktur och nyföretagande i Sverige.”
Report to Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, IFN Policy Paper no 4.
Henrekson, M. and Stenkula, M. (2006). ”Entreprenörskap och företagande.” Report to
Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, IFN Policy Paper no 5.
Stenkula, M. (2006). ”The European Size Distribution of Firms and Employment.” IFN
Working Paper no 683 (later version published in ICFAI Journal of Industrial Economics).
Henrekson, M. and Stenkula, M. (2007). ”De medelstora företagens utveckling i Sverige efter
1990-talskrisen.” IFN Policy Paper no 13 (later version published in Arbetsmarknad &
Stenkula, M. (2007). “Entrepreneurship and Business Environment in Sweden.” Report to Den
nya välfärden and The European Small Business Association (ESBA).
Henrekson, M. and Stenkula, M. (2007). ”Konkurrens och innovationer – drivkrafter och
institutioner.” Chapter 4 in Konkurrensen i Sverige 2007, Konkurrensverket (Swedish
Competition Authority).
Henrekson, M. and Stenkula, M. (2008). ”Betydelsen av entreprenörskap och FoU för Sveriges
välfärd och tillväxt – drivkrafter och institutioner.” Konkurrensverkets
Uppdragsforskningsrapport, 2007:2.
Johansson, D., Du Rietz, G., Stadin, K. and Stenkula, M. (2008). ”Skatterna och
tjänstebranschernas utvecklingskraft – en ekonomisk analys.” Report to Almega (Employer
and trade organization for the Swedish service sector).
Jordahl, H. and Stenkula, M. (2009). ”Skatter och snedvridning av konkurrensen.” Report to
the Swedish Competition Authority, IFN Policy Paper no 25.
Henrekson, M. and Stenkula, M. (2009). “Why Are There So Few Female Top Executives in
Egalitarian Welfare States?” IFN Working Paper no 786 (later version published in The
Independent Review).
Stenkula, M. (2009). ”Taxation and Entrepreneurship in a Welfare State.” IFN Working Paper
no 800 (later version published in Small Business Economics).
Henrekson, M. and Stenkula, M. (2009). ”Entrepreneurship and Public Policy.” IFN Working
Paper no 804 (later version published in Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch, red.,
Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research).
Henrekson, M., Johansson, D. and Stenkula, M. (2010). “Taxation, Labor Market Policy and
High-Impact Entrepreneurship.” IFN Working Paper No. 826 (later version published in
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade).
Bjuggren, C. M., Johansson, D. and Stenkula, M. (2010). “Using Self-employment as Proxy
for Entrepreneurship: Some Empirical Caveats.” IFN Working Paper no 845 (later version
published in International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business).
Stenkula, M. and Zenou, Y. (2010). “Städer och tillväxt: Vad säger forskningen?” Report to
Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis, IFN Policy Paper no 43.
Stenkula, M. (2013). “Taxation of Goods and Services from 1862 to 2010.” IFN Working
Paper No. 956.
Du Rietz, G., Johansson, D. and Stenkula, M. (2013). “The Evolution of Swedish Labor
Income Taxation in a 150-year Perspective: An In-depth Characterization.” IFN Working
Paper No. 977.
Du Rietz, G., Johansson, D. and Stenkula, M. (2014). “A 150-year Perspective on Swedish
Capital Income Taxation.” IFN Working Paper No. 1004.
Stenkula, M. (2014). “Taxation of Real Estate in Sweden from 1862 to 2010.” IFN Working
Paper No. 1018.
Malm, A.(ed.), Johansson, D., Larsson, H-P., Norrman, E., Sanandaji, T. and Stenkula, M.
(2014). ”Företagsskattekommittén och entreprenörskapet. En kommentar till
Företagsskattekommitténs arbete med utgångspunkt i effekterna på entreprenörskapet i
Sverige.” Report to Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum.
7. Additional merits
Discussant on Per Hortlund, ”Studies on Swedish Banking 1870-2001”, final Ph.D. seminar,
Stockholm School of Economics, 2005.