Welcome to Day 3! Please do the following… Sign in and find your name tag. Help yourself to refreshments. Sit where there is a binder at the table with your district’s name on a table tent. Comment Cards SVMI Coaching Institute Day 3 Common Core State Standards and Fractured Numbers What are the big mathematical ideas in Fractured Numbers across the grade levels? Mathematical Practices 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Reflecting on the POM through the Mathematical Practices as a LEARNER ∆ Solo, read the Mathematical Practices. Highlight elements within the practices you experienced by doing the Problem of the Month & the Gallery Walk. ∆ In table groups of 3 or 4, discuss… ∆ Which mathematical practices you used while working on the POM, ∆ How you used that mathematical practice(what element or descriptor), and ∆ For the mathematical practices you identified as using… ∆ What it looked like, ∆ What it sounded like, and ∆ What it felt like. Mathematical Practices – TEACHER LENS What do they look like in the classroom? • In your groups… o Divide the 8 Mathematical Practices among yourselves. o Read that section silently, then discuss with your group: • the key ideas of this section • what it may look like in the classroom (using examples given and building upon them with examples of your own) • how the reading may have deepened your own understanding this Mathematical Practice • any other “aha’s” or ideas that resonated with you 3 – 2 – 1 Reflection Thinking about your reading and discussions of the Mathematical Practices through the lenses of a learner and teacher, record your responses to the following: 3 ideas you learned about the Mathematical Practices. 2 areas within the Mathematical Practices for which you have gained or are gaining confidence. 1 question you still have about the Mathematical Practices (or 1 of them). Problem of the Month Lyle’s Triangles Lyle’s Triangles During this quiet think time, please read all levels of the Problem of the Month. As you read… •Think of clarifying questions you may have for your group. •Think of possible strategies you might like to try to help you make sense of the problem. Lyle’s Triangles In your group… •Ask your clarifying questions of your group and share your ideas on possible strategies. •Begin working on Level A. When you feel you have gone as deeply as possible on a level, go on to the next one. •While working, keep note of which Mathematical Practices you are using. Be Mindful of Our Norms Community Agreements “No one is as smart as all of us are together” Respect individual think time Everyone participates Everybody helps Leave no one behind Take responsibility Where are we? Quick Write Think about and record the following… • Where are you in your thinking process? (What strategies have you tried? What worked? What didn’t?) • What questions do you have at this point? • Where will you begin tomorrow? • What Mathematical Practices have you used during this POM so far? Give concrete examples.