HOURS PER WEEK 1 GROUPS AS FOR WELSH EXAMINATIONS -WJEC GCSE SHORT COURSE – Religion and Life Issues ALL STUDENTS PREPARE FOR THE SAME EXAMINATION GCSE ENTRY LEVELS COURSEWORK NONE FINAL EXAMINATION ONE WRITTEN PAPER -1HOUR 45 MINS Key concepts to think about COMMITMENT CHASTITY CONFLICT LOVE RECONCILIATION RESPONSIBILITIES Whose decision is it to use contraception? Should same sex marriages be allowed in a place of worship? What is the role and purpose of sex? How important is the family? Is marriage out of date? Should it be in a religious building? Questions to ask What is love? Is it necessary to marry in a place of worship? Should people be allowed to remarry? Why do marriages succeed and fail? What commitments and responsibilities do we have towards each other? Religious teachings to explore • Adultery and extra-marital sex • Sex before marriage -Pre-marital relationships -Celibacy -Contraception -Sex as a gift from God • Cohabitation • Marriage -Courtship -Religious marriage services -Marriage vows and the meaning of marriage • Divorce • Remarriage • Same-sex relationships Key concepts to think about AUTHORITY DISCRIMINATION EQUALITY IDENTITY INJUSTICE PREJUDICE What is fair and unfair? Is equality possible? What do we need? What do we want? What should be people's attitude towards wealth? Questions to ask Why do people treat others differently? How does the media influence attitudes? How should we treat others? Why are people prejudiced? Religious teachings to explore •Human dignity •Equality •Use of wealth -Charity •Social responsibility -Religion and the media •Religious commitments to promote justice •Racial, social and gender divisions •People and organisations who have worked for justice •Religious responses to injustice What is the value of religion in a secular society Why do some people believe or not believe in God? How important is worship? What influences people’s understanding of God? Why do some people use religious symbols? Questions to ask How do people experience God? How do people respond to God? How do religious believers respond to God through worship and vocation? How do religious believers respond to God through worship Religious teachings to explore•The nature of God -The nature of God or Ultimate Being •The Existence of God -Symbolism and imagery -Ideas about God •Responses to God -Vocation -Acts of Worship •Religious teachings on death and the afterlife •Religious funeral and mourning rites Key concepts to think about CREATION DOMINION ENVIRONMENT HUMANITY SOUL STEWARDSHIP What makes us human? Questions to ask How did the universe begin? How and why can we use our talents? Why are we here? How should we use natural resources? How and why should we care for the world? How should animals be treated? Religious teachings to explore•Creation -Creation stories and their meaning •Using talents •Place of humankind in the world -Purpose of humankind in the world -Stewardship issues in terms of the current exploitation of the planet •Animal rights •Care for the world and the environment •Example of a religious individual or community using talents for God, neighbour and care of the planet