Fitness Model

 How
would you incorporate fitness into
your program/curriculum if you were the
benevolent dictator?
Work with a partner, write several solutions in
your notes. BE CREATIVE!
Goals of the Fitness Model
FITNESS!!!!!! (emphasized more here)
Physical: Achieve health enhancing levels of fitness for each healthrelated fitness component. What are the five components?
Psychological: positive values regarding exercise, internal locus of
control, exercise self-efficacy, internal motivation
Comprehend the “how” and “why” behind fitness and wellness.
Cognitive: Develop knowledge of fitness concepts to lead a healthy,
active life
Engage in regular exercise outside of school
Assess own fitness levels and develop a personal activity program
based upon those results.
Choices – When to Incorporate?
Emphasize fitness throughout every unit (include
personal fitness plans and fitness assessments)
Emphasize fitness throughout every unit AND have a
specific unit devoted to fitness
Fitness progression 4-8 (Solomon Schechter)
Designate entire grades to fitness
Many school districts choose the 9th and/or 10th grade.
This is a logical time b/c students are better understanding the
importance of fitness but may not be totally ready for lifetime
Alternate fitness units mixing classroom and
gymnasium instruction with activity/sport units which
also have a fitness emphasis.
What to Incorporate?
 The
choice varies greatly
A good option is to sample fitness related
textbooks which are geared towards middle
and high school physical education.
 Authors: Charles Corbin, Ruth
Lindsey, Ruth Lindsey
ISBN: 0736066764
Unit I. Getting Started
Chapter 1. Fitness and Wellness for All
Chapter 2. Safe and Smart Physical Activity
Chapter 3. Benefits of Physical Activity
Unit II. Becoming and Staying Physically Active
Chapter 4. How Much Is Enough?
Chapter 5. Learning Self-Management Skills
Chapter 6. Lifestyle Physical Activity and
Positive Attitudes
Unit III. Physical Activity Pyramid: Level 2 Activities
Chapter 7. Cardiovascular Fitness
Chapter 8. Active Aerobics and Recreation
Chapter 9. Active Sports and Skill-Related
Physical Fitness
Unit IV. Physical Activity Pyramid: Level 3 Activities
Chapter 10. Flexibility
Chapter 11. Muscle Fitness: Basic Principles and
Chapter 12. Muscle Fitness: Muscular Endurance
and General Muscle Fitness Information
Unit V. Healthy Choices
Chapter 13. Body Composition
Chapter 14. Choosing Nutritious Food
Chapter 15. Making Consumer Choices
Unit VI. Wellness and Personal Program Planning
Chapter 16. A Wellness Perspective
Chapter 17. Stress Management
Chapter 18. Personal Program Planning
 Authors: Charles Corbin, Guy Masurier, Dolly Lambdin
ISBN: 0736065113
Lesson 1.1 Introduction to Physical Activity
Lesson 1.2 Introduction to Physical Fitness
Lesson 2.1 Learning Motor Skills
Lesson 2.2 The importance of Practice
Lesson 3.1 Lifestyle Physical Activity: Level 1 of the Physical Activity Pyramid
Lesson 3.2 Benefits of Lifestyle Physical Activities
Lesson 4.1 Active Aerobics: Level 2 of Physical Activity Pyramid
Lesson 4.2 Benefits of Active Aerobics
Lesson 5.1 Active Sports and Recreation: Level 2 of the Physical Activity Pyramid
Lesson 5.2 Benefits of Active Sports and Recreation
Lesson 6.1 Flexibility Exercises: Level 3 of the Physical Activity Pyramid
Lesson 6.2 Benefits of Flexibility
Lesson 7.1 Muscle Fitness Exercises: Level 3 of the Physical Activity Pyramid
Lesson 7.2 Benefits of Muscle Fitness Exercises
Lesson 8.1 Body Composition
Lesson 8.2 Energy Balance: Physical Activity and Nutrition
Lesson 9.1 Self-Assessing Fitness and Physical Activity Needs
Lesson 9.2 Creating a Physical Activity Plan
Foundations of Personal Fitness
by McGraw-Hill, Tinker D. Murray, Tinker D. Murray
ISBN: 0078451272
~ $75
Chapter 1 Physical Activity and Personal Fitness
Chapter 2 Safety and Injury Prevention
Chapter 3 Designing a Personal Fitness Program
Chapter 4 Nutrition and Your Personal Fitness
Chapter 5 Your Body Composition
Chapter 6 Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight
Chapter 7 Basics of Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Chapter 8 Developing Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Chapter 9 Basics of Resistance Training
Chapter 10 Developing Muscular Fitness
Chapter 11 Basics of Flexibility
Chapter 12 Personal Fitness Throughout Life
Sample Objectives
From Gwinnett County Public Schools
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship of exercise and lifestyle
choices to one’s health and fitness status.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of health-related fitness components: CV
endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body
3. Demonstrate an understanding of skill-related fitness (speed, agility, power,
4. Assess one’s personal fitness level.
5. Design a personal fitness program that meets individual needs and interest.
6. Participate (3 times per week) in activities such as jogging, weight training,
aerobics, bicycling, circuit training, rope skipping and/or pace walking.
7. Improve one’s state of personal fitness.
8. Evaluate physical activity in terms of its fitness value.
9. Demonstrate an understanding of sound nutritional practices related to
physical fitness.
Sample Objectives
From Gwinnett County Public Schools
10. Evaluate an un understanding of fitness fads and fallacies as they relate to
fitness participation and consumer choices.
11. Demonstrate an understanding of stress, including physiological and
psychological factors.
12. Demonstrate relaxing techniques beneficial in relieving stress and tension.
13. Identify and apply injury prevention principles.
14. Use motivational strategies for enhancing participation in health-related
fitness activities.
15. Demonstrate an understanding of health problems associated with
inadequate fitness levels.
16. Assess individual lifestyles as related to quality living.
17. Demonstrate a positive attitude toward physical self and lifelong physical
18. Understand and apply correct biomechanical and physiological principles
related to exercise and training.
Pre and post fitness evaluation at each grade level
Grades should not be tied to fitness levels
Technology available
Heart rate monitors (Polar computer software)
Variety of cognitive assessments
May be permissible if related to improvement or percentile of
score. That way, students score well whether they have high
levels of fitness or they are improving.
This is a hot topic in PE
Log sheets, goals, observations, written tests
Wellness portfolios
Related Concept
Comprehensive School Wellness Program – Focuses all of the
following areas of a school community on the wellness of students.
How can each of the following groups contribute?
Physical Education
Health Education
Family/Home Involvement
Brain Primers (Interdisciplinary methods on how to incorporate exercise
and PE into other classes)
School Nurse
Wellness Adventure
Some answers – click here