Project Choice Project Choice Overview Stage Two Sunderland Stage One Newcastle x2 Gateshead Middlesbrough Sunderland Stage One 16-24 year olds 6 week placement. One morning a week. Work as part of a team with a Mentor. Understanding of the world of work Opportunity to try several placements. Aim is to provide understanding of work and opportunities available. Summary Stage One (July 2011) • Sunderland - 248 placements across more than 50 public sector departments - Over 200 trained mentors • Newcastle – 49 placements across 21 public sector departments and 1 social enterprise organisation – 47 trained mentors • Gateshead - 30 placements across 10 public sector departments - 22 trained mentors • Middlesbrough – 20 placements across 6 public sector departments – 20 trained mentors Stage Two • 1 academic year in length. • 4 days in work placement. • 1 day in college. • 12 interns. • Opportunity to have up to 3 different placements. Work Placements • Matched to student. • Fully supported. • Staff training provided. • Flexible. • Learning is reinforced in the classroom. • Interns undertake Foundation learning Programme LOUISE FANNEN – WARD C33 “ I really felt like I was one of the team. The staff were fantastic, I was even invited to work social events. It was fab!” ANGELA DUNN - TSSU “ I love my job. I work hard and no one wants me to leave. I wish I could keep working because there is nothing else to do at home”. SCOTT McNAY – C LEVEL THEATRE – TIME TO CARE “ This has given me the change to experience three types of jobs. It has given me a better idea of what is out there and I want to work now”. Project Choice Exit Strategy • Work in partnership with Percy Headly foundation to up skill and develop private sector companies • Apprenticeships • College options remain open THANK YOU ANY QUESTIONS ?