University of Nairobi students attend the International Training

University of Nairobi students attend
the International Training Course on
Organic Agriculture (ITCOA)
From left to right: Oliver, Erick, Terry, Elkannah, Elvine, Erick, Caroline, Bernice
The University of Nairobi third year students, in the Faculty of Agriculture, were
competitively selected and invited to participate in the International Training Course
on Organic Agriculture (ITCOA) annually held between July 10th – 31st at Makerere
University, Uganda. The aim of the ITCOA is to expose students in their third year of
study to new and different perspectives on relevant knowledge and process skills on
organic agriculture within an interdisciplinary learning environment. The course
draws participants from; BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
(Vienna, Austria), Makerere University (Uganda), Sokoine University of Agriculture
(Tanzania), University of Nairobi (Kenya) and Bahir Dar University (Ethiopia). The
course is organized and facilitated by BOKU, Austria in partnership with the
International Centre for Tropical Agriculture. The objective of this capacity
development project is to strengthen the organic agricultural sector in East Africa by
increasing the number of University graduates with relevant theoretical and practical
knowledge and process skills in organic agriculture. At higher level, the goal of the
ITCOA is to link partner universities committed to institutionalize organic agriculture
training at regional level.
Student group work on “Agroecological Health” – Theory and Practice
Section of the ITCOA participants on an organic farmer’s field . Inset Dr. Onwonga