Rolling-Out the CCSS in Contra Costa County April 2012 Implementation Timeline Last Textbook Adoption CCSS adopted CCSS Assessments New Textbook Adoption Math 2007 August 2010 Fall 2014 2016 ELA 2008 2018 Reauthorization of Accountability Systems STAR new program in 2014 ESEA initially scheduled for 2007 but ???? 2 What Can We Do … Now? 1. Examine the Shifts & Teach to Them 2. What are the overarching changes created by the new standards? Develop a Deep Understanding of the New Standards Examine and Articulate the Differences Between Current Instructional Practices and New Ones Teaching Instructional Materials Get Started, Embrace the Challenges, Unpack the Opportunities What are they and Where did they come from? What are they? the same for everyone fundamental knowledge needed to be college & career ready adopted state by state; participation is voluntary - not required Set clear expectations for Students 6 STANDARDS The Standards DO… define what all students are expected to know and be able to do The Standards DO NOT… define how teachers should teach focus on what is most essential describe all that can or should be taught establish a baseline for advanced learners define the nature of advanced work 7 COMMON STANDARDS It has been argued that California’s standards are more rigorous than other states. The Common core could put us on a more level playing field. 1. Internationally benchmarked to ensure students will be globally competitive 2. Shared, rigorous academic content with clear expectations for students 3. Consistent across states (enables collaboration & the realization of economies of scale) 8 CORE STANDARDS 1. Only the important material 2. Supported by research 3. Vetted by MANY in the educational community 4. Include higher order thinking skills Unions, parents, teachers, district staff, state officials, professional organizations … ELA and Math … K-12, pre, and IHEs 9 STATE STANDARDS 45 States, DC, & the Virgin Islands have adopted the CCSS 10 Where did they come from? Council of Chief State School Officers 48 States voluntarily join effort to develop and consider statewide adoption 11 Where did they come from? 1st Round Race To the Top funding awarded 2009 Multiple drafts of the standards were developed, reviewed & vetted. CA State Board of Ed unanimously adopts 85% Rule (Addition) 2012 June August 48 States voluntarily join. 2010 National Release Common Core State Standards 2011 45 States adopted CCSS California Academic Content Standards Commission (CACSC) met for 6 days to decide. More than half of this group are teachers 12 Common Core State Standards Documents Available at 13 California Common Core Standards Documents Include California’s additional 15% Available at 14 Common Core State Standards Documents College and Career Readiness Standards Appendix A: Research Supporting Key Elements Appendix B: Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Appendix C: Samples of Student Writing Grade Level Descriptive Overviews Appendix A: Designing High School Courses based on the Common Core State Standards Available at 15 CCCOE’s Training Modules Based on Training Sequence by Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee, a subdivision of CCSESA CCCOE’s Training Modules Module 1: Overview Module 2: Content and Curriculum ELA: K-6 ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 Math: 6-12 ELA: K-6 ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 Math: 6-12 BIG SHIFTS ELA: K-6 Module 3: Instruction ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 MODELS/LEVELS OF THINKING Math: 6-12 ELA: K-6 Module 4: Instructional Materials ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 Math: 6-12 MATERIAL SPECIFIC CONVERSATION What Can We Do … Now? 1. Examine the Shifts & Teach to Them 2. What are the overarching changes created by the new standards? Develop a Deep Understanding of the New Standards Examine and Articulate the Differences Between Current Instructional Practices and New Ones Teaching Instructional Materials Module 1: Overview Intent: To provide an overview of California’s Common Core Standards for English Language Arts & Math Key Learning: To cover the basic design, benefits, and major shifts in the new common core state standards Module 2: Content & Curriculum Intent: To consider how to begin transitioning to California’s Common Core Standards, focusing on the major shifts/key advances Key Learning: To explore the overarching orientation and structure of the Standards CCCOE’s Training Modules Module 1: Overview Module 2: Content and Curriculum ELA: K-6 ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 Math: 6-12 ELA: K-6 ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 Math: 6-12 BIG SHIFTS ELA: K-6 Module 3: Instruction ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 MODELS/LEVELS OF THINKING Math: 6-12 ELA: K-6 Module 4: Instructional Materials ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 Math: 6-12 MATERIAL SPECIFIC CONVERSATION KEY ADVANCES/SHIFTS -Literacy Standards -Informational Text -Text Complexity -Argument -Collaborative Conversations -Integration of Media KEY ADVANCES/SHIFTS -Math As Meaning Making Math Connected to Everyday World -Mathematical Abstraction & Structure -Mathematics Thinking with Procedural Fluency Shifts in Mathematical Practice Shift 1: Math as Meaning Making Shift 2: Math as Connected to the Everyday World P4: Model & represent with mathematics. Shift 3: Mathematical Abstraction and Structure P1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. P3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. P5: Use appropriate tools strategically. P2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively. P7: Look for and make use of structure. P8: Look for and make use of regularity in repeated reasoning. Shift 4: Mathematical Thinking with Procedural Fluency P6: Attend to precision. Shifts in Math Content Standards Shift 1: Focus Shift 2: Coherence Focus strongly where the standards focus. Narrow the scope of content and deepen how time and energy is spent. Careful connection of learning within and across grades so that students can build new understanding onto foundations built in previous years. Each standard is not a new event. Shift 3: Rigor A solid balance of conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application of skills in problem solving situations. Equal intensity of effort in pursuit of all three. Domains Grades K - 12 K 1 2 3 4 5 Counting & Cardinality 6 7 Ratios & Proportional Relationships Operations and Algebraic Thinking 8 Functions Expressions and Equations Number and Operations in Base Ten & Functions & Quantity Number and Operations Fractions Geometry Algebra Number The Number System Measurement & Data HS Statistics & Probability Statistics & Probability Geometry California Additions Minor changes in words & phrases (grades K-5) Adds a Mega-Algebra I Course (> 50 standards) & Some shifting of content in grades 6 and 7 Adds two courses currently offered in California (but not in CCSS) Calculus Advanced Statistics and Probability 25 Module 3: Instruction Intent: To examine California’s Common Core Standards with a focus on instruction Key Learning: Digging Deeper into effective instructional models CCCOE’s Training Modules Module 1: Overview Module 2: Content and Curriculum ELA: K-6 ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 Math: 6-12 ELA: K-6 ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 Math: 6-12 BIG SHIFTS ELA: K-6 Module 3: Instruction ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 MODELS/LEVELS OF THINKING Math: 6-12 ELA: K-6 Module 4: Instructional Materials ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 Math: 6-12 MATERIAL SPECIFIC CONVERSATION LESSON DESIGN & BEST PRACTICES -Rigor/Relevancy Model -Pyramid of Learning -Gradual Release Cognitive Rigor Matrix (Hess) The CCSS require high-level cognitive demand such as asking students to demonstrate deeper conceptual understanding through the application of content knowledge and skills to new situations and sustained tasks. Applies Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) to Bloom’s Cognitive Process Dimensions Bloom: What type of thinking is needed to complete a task? Webb: How deeply do you have to understand the content to successfully interact with it? How complex or abstract is the content? Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956) vs. Cognitive Process Dimensions (2005) Knowledge: Remember: Comprehension: Understand: Application: Apply: Analysis: Analyze: Synthesis: Evaluate: Evaluation: Create: Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956) Cognitive Process Dimensions (2005) Knowledge: Define, duplicate, label, list, name, order, recognize, recall Remember: Retrieve from long-term memory, recognize, locate, identify Comprehension: Classify, describe, explain, identify, indicate, locate, recognize, review, select, translate Understand: Construct meaning, paraphrase, translate, illustrate, give examples, classify, categorize, predict Application: Choose, demonstrate, illustrate, interpret, practice, write Apply: Carry out/use a procedure in a given situation (e.g., unfamiliar task) Analysis: Analyze, explain, calculate, categorize, compare, discriminate Analyze: Break into constituent parts, determine how parts relate Synthesis: Rearrange, assemble, compose, design, write, formulate Evaluate: Make judgments based on criteria, detect inconsistencies, critique Evaluation: Appraise, argue, assess, choose, compare, defend, estimate, explain, judge, predict, rate, support Create: Put elements together to form a coherent whole, reorganize into new patterns/structures Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Levels DOK 1: Recall & Reproduction DOK 2: Basic Application of Skills/Concepts Use of information, two or more steps with decision points along the way, explain relationships DOK 3: Strategic Thinking Recall of a fact, term, principle, concept; perform a routine procedure, locate details Requires reasoning or developing a plan or sequence of steps, requires decision-making or justification DOK 4: Extended Thinking An investigation or application to real world; requires time to research, problem solve, and process multiple conditions; could require synthesis of information across multiple sources and/or disciplines Hess’ Cognitive Rigor Matrix DOK Level 1 Recall & Reproduction Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create DOK Level 2 Basic Skills & Concepts DOK Level 3 Strategic Thinking & Reasoning DOK Level 4 Extended Thinking Gradual Release of Responsibility “Sudden” Release The “Good Enough” Release Gradual Release of Responsibility CCCOE’s Training Modules Module 1: Overview Module 2: Content and Curriculum BIG SHIFTS ELA: K-6 ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 Math: 6-12 ELA: K-6 ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 Math: 6-12 ELA: K-6 Module 3: Instruction ELA: 6-12 How Do the Common Core Standards Outline Mathematics? Shifts: Math Content Standards Shifts: Standards of Mathematical Practice Cognitive Rigor Matrix (SMARTER) Measuring Variety of Rigor Math: K-6 MODELS/LEVELS OF THINKING Module 4: Instructional Materials TEXT MATERIAL ALIGNMENT Math: 6-12 Gradual Release of Responsibility ELA: K-6 ELA: 6-12 Math: K-6 Math: 6-12 Determine Extent Curriculum Materials Reflect & Engage Students with Math Practices Summarize Thoughts Determine Extent CCSSM is Aligned With Specific Adoptions Module 4: Instructional Materials Intent: To explore effective utilization of current instructional materials to support learning of the Common Core Standards. Key Learnings: Alignment of standards to the current ELA instructional materials Start with standards that are completely new to a grade or significantly different in complexity Decide on comprehensive approach – review one standard from each strand OR review a whole strand at a time CCSSM Curriculum Analysis Tool Group across 3 grades Rate texts coverage of CCSSM with one of the following N = Not Found L = Low; major gaps were found M = Marginal; gaps found may not be easily filled A = Acceptable; few gaps found H = High; content was fully formed Module 4: Instructional Materials Intent: To explore effective utilization of current instructional materials to support learning of the Common Core Standards. Key Learnings: Alignment of standards to the current ELA instructional materials Start with standards that are completely new to a grade or significantly different in complexity Decide on comprehensive approach – review one standard from each strand OR review a whole strand at a time Additional Layers English Language Development Standards Assessment Literacy Media/technology standards Questions or Surprises? Pam Tyson, PhD Director, Educational Services Contra Costa County Office of Education