Parent Workshop Curriculum - Welldon Park Junior School

Parent Workshop
Autumn Term 2014
The New Primary Curriculum
What do you remember learning
about at primary school?
Why the New Curriculum?
Raising standards
Freedom for schools
Reduced Content
Personalised Curriculum
At WPJS, we want an engaging curriculum
that meets the needs our children, inspires
them and prepares them for the future!
What has changed????
(Not Maths or English for Y2 & Y6!)
Counting in multiples
Add and subtract mentally with three digit numbers
Know times table facts up to 12x12 by end of Year 4
Read and write in Roman Numerals
Fractions have moved down to KS1
There is a strong focus on number calculation skills in
all year groups
Old Year 6 expectations have moved down the
school so expectations are higher in ALL year groups
Level 5/6 are the new expected by the end of Year 6!
NO CALCULATORS in tests and no real teaching
of calculator use in lessons
Phonics to decode words
Increased focus on reading for pleasure
Whole texts and not just extracts
Focus on presentation and improving handwriting
Poetry back with a bang!
Children must be able to remember and recite poetry
Less reference to drama
Increased focus on grammar
Spelling lists and word lists provided
Learning how to talk in formal and informal situations
No reference to drugs as medicines – in year 6
children focus on impact of drugs on the way their
body functions
Fossils in year three
Basic parts of the digestive system in year four
Describe differences between life cycles of difrerent
types of animals in year five
Evolution and inheritance in year six
Electricity voltage in year six
Design Technology
Understand how key events and individuals in design
and technology have helped to shape the world
Prepare and cook a variety of predominately savoury
dishes using a range of cooking techniques
Understand seasonality and know where and how
ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed
Understand and apply the principles of a healthy and
varied diet
Locational knowledge facts focus!
Countries of the world, environmental regions, key
physical and human characteristics, countries and
major cities
Know countries, counties and cities in the UK,
geographical regions and land use patterns – know
how aspects have changed over time
Climate, rivers, mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes
and the water cycle
• History
• the Tudors
• Victorian Britain
• Britain since 1930
• Instead we cover History sequentially ,
focussing on British History
Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain
Britain’s settlement by the Anglo Saxons & Scots
Struggle between the Anglo Saxons & Vikings
Local History of South Harrow and wider Harrow area
An aspect or theme of British History beyond 1066
The achievement of an early civilisation such as the
Shang Dynasty of Ancient China
Ancient Greece
A non-European society that contrasts with British
history such as Islamic or Mayan civilisations
Religious Education
Follow Harrow’s locally agreed syllabus
Focus on major religions
Major themes that link religions
Modern Foreign Languages
Learning a modern foreign language at KS2 is now
Focus on practical communication
Pupils should make substantial progress in that
The Arts
Content slimmed down
Sketch books to record observations
Mastery of art and design techniques such as
drawing, painting, sculptures etc.
Learn about great artists, architects and designers in
Practising, rehearsing, and presenting performances
Exploring and explaining ideas and feelings about
Making improvements to their own and others work
PSCHE & Physical Education
Citizenship is not statutory at KS2
Personal, Social & Health Education is also not
statutory but covers friendships, growing up,
understanding differences between people, being
responsible citizens as well as SRE
Physical Education
Has been greatly slimmed down
Rules, conventions and tactics of different
Competitive games are essential
Gymnastics, athletics and dance
Outdoor adventurous activities
Design, write and debug programs to accomplish
specific goals
Use sequences and repetition
Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple
algorithms work and to detect errors in them
Understand computer networks and the internet
Select, use and combine a variety of software on a
range of digital devices
Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly
A further massive change….
So…schools have the freedom to develop
their own means of assessing pupils
progress towards the end of key stage
How can parents support with the
new national curriculum and new
year group expectations?
In Maths…
• ensure children know timetables up to 12x12
by the end of year four
• Counting in multiples forwards and backwards
in steps of 10 up to 100,000
• Add and subtract mentally – number bonds
• Written calculations – working towards
standard methods
The following standard calculation
methods are the suggested
methods in the new primary
The standard calculation methods may
be faster calculation methods but for
many children, they can confuse them
if they are not secure in their
understanding of place value. Children
can end up manipulating numbers &
digits without really understanding how
or why it works!
Weekly Maths Basic Skills
In English…
Reading Record - Three Times A Week
Spellings practice each week
Key words practice reading and spelling
Grammar practice – homework set each
More parent workshops to come….
What would parents like to see as part
of the workshops?
How can we help you to help at
Don’t Forget…
Library Club & Homework Club
every Thursday 3.30-4.30pm
Get your homework done!
Get some help from a teacher!
Information from today will be on the
school website. You can also
download more curriculum details from
the school website
Thank you for coming….