The presentation template

Working After Studies
Phill Wilcox and Tim Rhodes
International Student Office
University of Leeds
What this presentation will cover
• Tier 2
• Tier 4 - 12 months leave to
remain for completed PhD
Tier 2 – Sponsored Employment
Tier 2 (General) is for graduates who have a job
o The offer must be from a licensed sponsor
o The employer must issue a Certificate of Sponsorship
o The job must be a graduate occupation – as per the
UKBA Standard Occupational Classification (SOC)
o Minimum salary level of £20,300 gross P.A
Tier 2 (General)
To qualify, the applicant must score:
o 50 points for attributes; and
o 10 points for English language; and
o 10 points for maintenance
Tier 2 Attributes
30 points will be awarded
You are switching into Tier 2
from holding a Tier 4 visa
and that leave remains valid
and you are applying within
the UK OR
You are switching into Tier 2
from holding a Tier 1 PSW
visa and that leave remains
valid and that you are
applying within the UK OR
The role is on the shortage
occupation list OR
The resident labour market
test is met OR
The role has a salary of
20 points will be
awarded if:
The role is paid at the
appropriate salary rate
Switching from Tier 4 to Tier 2
• You have current leave which has not expired
• You have successfully completed a degree at
Bachelor level or higher or have done at least 12
months UK study towards a PhD at a recognised
institution and
• You had a valid visa for the time you were
studying and
• You are applying from inside the UK
Tier 2 – Documents Required
Passport and 2 recent passport sized photos
Police registration certificate (if applicable)
Degree certificate
Certificate of sponsorship
Bank statements – showing £900 held for last 90 days ending
at date of application OR employer agrees to cover
• If you had official sponsorship during your studies, written
consent from your sponsor if sponsored within last 12 months
Tier 2 - Conditions
o Leave will be granted for 3 years or end date of
sponsorship certificate
o Leave is granted to work only for the specified employer
o Permission is required to change employer
o An extension will be granted providing requirements are
still met
o Leads to indefinite leave to remain after 5 years, but
from April 2016, you need to earn £35000 per year or
appropriate salary for job
o Family members can be Tier 2 dependents
Your immigration status while waiting
for a decision
• You can begin working for your employer from the
moment you submit your Tier 2 application
• Under Section 3c of the 1971 Immigration Act, your
leave is automatically extended and the same
conditions, including right to take employment,
• This means if you apply to move from Tier 4 to Tier 2
before your Tier 4 leave expires, you retain the rights
of a Tier 4 visa holder until a decision is made.
Doctorate Extension Scheme
• From 1st April 2013, completing PhD students are
eligible for 12 months further leave to remain
• Must apply before Tier 4 visa expires and within
60 days before completing course – after viva!!
• Must meet maintenance requirements for Tier 4
• Must maintain contact with institution during 12
Doctorate Extension Scheme
• Request CAS from ISO – may need ATAS
• Need to show financial documents before CAS
can be issued
• Apply in person or by post – ISO can check
• Dependents can apply
• No restrictions on type of work you can do
If you need further advice…..
• Please see: for
further information on Tier 2
• http://www.internationalstudentsupport.leed Tier 4 - DES
• – for external legal advice
• Any Questions?