Annual mentor update 2012 - Nursing Mentors in the School of

Mentor Update 2013
NMC standards
 Criteria for mentorship
 Role of the ‘sign off’ mentor
 Triennial review
 Supporting students who have a disability or a
weak student
 Assessment of competence/ professional attitude
 New curriculum – ‘Nursing 2012’
Standards to Support
Learning and Assessment in
Practice - NMC standards
for mentors, practice
teachers and teachers
Implemented September
2007 – updated 2008
Full document available
from NMC website
Framework to support learning
and assessment in practice – 8
Establishing effective working relationships
Facilitation of learning
Assessment and accountability
Evaluation of learning
Creating an environment for learning
Context of practice
Evidence based practice
Local Register of mentors and
practice teachers NMC
• Placement providers responsible for:
– Holding and maintaining up to date local register of
current mentors and teachers
– Regular review of register to ensure currency
– E roster – register
• Educational providers should use register to:
– Ensure sufficient mentors and PT to support students
 Mentor
at least two students within a three
year period
 Attended
an annual update
 Demonstrated maintenance
and development
of knowledge skills and competence as a
mentor as part of triennial review
Criteria for becoming Sign Off
• Same part of register and same field of practice
• Meet NMC requirements to remain on mentor register
• Been supervised on at least 3 occasions for signing off
proficiency at end of course by existing sign off
mentor (first 2 can be simulated)
• Knowledge of programme / assessment requirements
• Understanding of NMC registration requirements and
contribution made
• Understanding of their accountability to NMC for
decisions made to pass or fail a student
Sign off mentors
• Must be identified on local registers
• Accountable for decision that student:
– Is fit for practice with necessary
(1 hr per week in addition to 40% of time with student)
• Registration provides licence to practice
• Prime means of protecting of public
 Mentor
and assess 2 final placement
students in a three year period
 Attended an annual update
 Demonstrated maintenance and
development of knowledge skills and
competence as a mentor as part of
triennial review
requirement of the NMC standards is that
each mentor and practice teacher undergoes
a review every three years (triennial review)
to ensure they continue to meet the
requirements to remain on the local mentor
 It is the responsibility of the Mentor or ‘Sign
Off’ Mentor to undertake a self assessment
and complete documentation prior to their
Triennial Review.
Review of mentors
 The ward/department Sister or Charge Nurse
 The deputy ward/department Sister/Charge Nurse
 A nurse mentor with a minimum of two years experience
as a mentor or sign off mentor who is able to facilitate any
development and/or action plans that may arise from the
Review of sign off mentors
 The reviewer can be the ward/department Sister or
Charge Nurse or deputy with a minimum of two years
mentoring experience.
Copies of (anonymous) student/mentor
learning contract
 Evidence of placement audit report inc student
 Reflective accounts of learning situations
 Record of meeting/ liaison with HEI staff
 Student placement info / induction pack
 Individual student feedback
 Documentation re action plans/ extra learning
contracts if drawn up
Lack of practical skills commensurate with the
student’s level of training
Inconsistent clinical performance
Exhibits poor preparation and organisational skills
Poor communication / interpersonal skills
Lack of interest
Absence of professional boundaries
(Duffy, 2004)
The NMC have reprinted
their guidance on
professional conduct
for nursing and
midwifery students
(NMC 2011)
 Opinions
of others/ colleagues
 Review portfolio
 Reflective discussions with students
 Triangulation of evidence - attitude scales/
learning outcomes/ learning contract
 Avoid making snap judgments/ stereotyping
 Make individualised judgments, not
comparisons to other students
 Students with learning differences - support
‘Nursing 2012’
Service Users
and Carers
Generic and Field
• More generic elements in year 1 which reduce as
course progresses
• Fewer field elements in year 1 which increase as
course progresses
Year 3
Year 2
Year 1
Overview of year 1
19 weeks theory
Wk 5 -19 1 day/week
in practice
Holidays and reading weeks
interspersed throughout the
10 week placement
with 7 study days
11 week placement
with 8 study days
50% of Modular Credits - Clinical/Practice
Overview of year 2
16 weeks theory
1) 12 week HUB placement with
SPOKE placements(1-3 weeks)
- arranged by HEI.
Short spokes negotiated between
student & mentor.
PLUS 7 study days set by HEI
Holidays and reading weeks
interspersed throughout the
2) 12 week placement as for
placement1 but with 8 set
study days
Overview of year 3
16 weeks theory
Holidays and reading weeks
interspersed throughout the
1) 11 week HUB placement with
SPOKE placements(1-3 weeks) arranged by HEI.
Short spokes negotiated between
student & mentor.
PLUS 5 study days set by HEI
13 week placement with
NO Spoke placement
Plus 5 set study days
Assessment of competencies in
HUB placement
 Students
summatively assessed as previously
 Responsibility of hub mentor to assess and sign
 Decision informed through documentation by
SPOKE supervisor
NB: In placement 2 – yrs 1& 2 achieved practice
outcomes must be completed by set submission
date to enable student progression into
following year.
SPOKE placements
No formal summative assessment required but the
learning must contribute to students ability to
achieve NMC competencies
 Appropriate learning opportunities must be
identified to ensure learning needs are achieved in
 Staff in SPOKE to liaise with mentor in HUB if there
are areas of concern or excellence
 Practice Learning Experience Record must be
completed by the qualified supervisor
Meeting NMC standards in Wales
• Course 360 credits – 120 at level 4, 5 & 6
• Opportunity to select English medium or bi-
lingual module
• Exit Awards:
• 120 credits level 4 - Certificate
• 120 credits both level 4 and level 5 - Diploma
• BN (Hons) for achievement of all credits
How to access mentor information & student documentation on the
BCUHB intranet
Go to home page then:
1. Click on ‘Nursing and Midwifery’ link on left hand side column
2. Click on the picture below ‘Local learning and Development’
3. Click on ‘Nursing and Midwifery education’ on top right hand side
of page in the LINKS section
4. Click on ‘Mentor Newsletter’ on top right hand side of page in the
LINKS section
In addition to the mentor newsletter this link includes other useful
mentorship information, and all current mentor training/ update
Gopee, N; (2010), Mentoring and Supervision in Healthcare, 2nd edition London: SAGE
Publications Ltd
Kinnell, D; Hughes, P; (2010) Mentoring, Nursing and Healthcare students. SAGE Publications Ltd
Learning and Teaching Support Network (2003) Continuing professional development series.
York: LTSN Generic Centre.
Nash, S., Scammell, J., (2010), Skills to ensure success in mentoring and other workplace learning
approaches. Nursing Times, 106, 2.
Nursing & Midwifery Council (2008) Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice,
2nd edition. London: NMC
RCN Toolkit (2007)
Rhodes, C ;Stokes M Hampton G (2004) A practical Guide to Mentoring, Coaching and Peernetworking London: Routledge Falmer
Scholes, J. Webb, C. Endacott, R. Miller, C. Jasper, M. McMullan, M. (2003) Making portfolios work
in practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 46 (6) 595 - 603
Stuart C.C, (2007) Assessment, Supervision and Support in Clinical Practice: A Guide for Nurses,
Midwives and Other Health Professionals, 2nd edition. Oxford: Churchill Livingstone
Veeramah, V., (2012), What are the barriers to good mentoring? Nursing Times,108, 39, pp12-15
Walsh, D (2010) The Nurse Mentor’s Handbook: Supporting Students in Clinical Practice. Berkshire:
Open University Press
 Karen
 Sandra Roberts:
 Alison Owen Traynor:
 Gill Truscott: