MSc Economics Dissertation Department of Economics Mathematics

MSc Economics
“What about the Dissertation?”
Department of Economics Mathematics and Statistics
Birkbeck University of London
Luca Andriani
PhD Candidate Economics
Key Information: Deadlines
Proposal deadline 3rd May 2011
After proposal
Proposal can be modified only in exceptional cases (lack of
data, new data set or very innovative approach to the topic)
Submission deadline 30th September 2011
Point of Contact (P.O.I)
Key Information: P.O.C and not only
Communication better before the end of June
(July and August?)
The student can ask material and suggestions to the P.O.C
(papers, useful links, data?)
The student can ask material and suggestions to other
members of the department including PhD students (papers,
useful links, data?)
From the Handbook
The dissertation is an INDEPENDENT work
Set a question about a specific topic (Interesting question:
new way or/and new data)
Good knowledge of the relevant literature
Good understanding and application of techniques (only
critical survey is not enough!)
From the Handbook
Good presentation of the work
problems with the written English
no page numbers
abstract missing
the discussion is not focussed: a paragraph is often
followed by another that contradicts it
From the Handbook
Good presentation of the work
spends too long on unit root testing (7 pages)
Repeat the same exercise three times and reports them
separately. These should have been aggregated into one
Not enough literature review to be a good dissertation
From the Handbook
Data and analysis replication
examiners have to be able to replicate the exercises
developed in the dissertation
entire data set required
confidentiality issue
Choosing a Topic
Your interests
Employers’ interests
P.O.C interests
Data and research material
Your Interests
What did capture more your interests during the master
What are you planning to learn?
Employers’ Interests
Dissertation on your CV
Interesting title
Skills and abilities acquired during the dissertation
(confidence in applying some econometric technique, ability
in data manipulation etc…)
Interesting topic to discuss during an interview
P.O.C Interests
Read the staff web page
Your topic might match the interests of one or more
members of the Department
Talk to several members of the Department (It is not rude!)
PhD students might help as well (suggestions, hints etc…)
Dissertation is a good route into a PhD…
Data and Research Material
Birkbeck e-Library
Google Scholar
General Structure of Dissertation
 Introduction
 Literature review
 Data summary and description
 Methodology and econometric technique
 Results of analysis
 Conclusions
Very difficult!!! In 100-200 words you have to explain:
the importance of the question of the dissertation
the methodology and the data you have used
the results of the analysis
Abstract: “Social Norms and Community Enforcement”
Kandori 1991 (Game Theory)
Abstract: “Credit Cycles” Kiyotaki and Moore 1997 (Credit
Market Imperfections)
Show that the paper is related to something interesting
Ex 1. Y matters: when Y rises or falls people are hurt or helped
Ex 2. Y is controversial: some argue one thing while other say another
Question: tell the reader what the paper actually does
Compare this paper with prior works and explain the
List two or three potential contributions of your work
Road map of your work: explain the structure of your paper
Section 2 introduces the formal model of public game
Section 3 shows regression results on the relationship between
corruption and decentralisation using country level data
Section 4…
Section 5 concludes the paper
Literature Review
No chronological way!!!!
Less than 50% of your entire paper
Less than 50% of your efforts (try not to focus most of your
work on reading papers and summarise them)
Classical papers are very welcome but do not forget most
recent papers as well!!
Good and accurate descriptive analysis
Descriptive statistics might help to interpret the econometric results and
to develop final recommendations
Econometric analysis
Underline the results on line with the theoretical framework
Focus on original findings
It is not the Econometric project so do not spend 6-7 pages on
explaining the technical procedures adopted for unit root
Make tests and mention them but in a concise way
Not Just what you did!!
You should put in context of the literature you have
mentioned (literature review) the value added of your results
Possible extension of your work in the future?
Keep in Mind!!!!
Dissertation is full of constraints (time, resources,
data, personal ability, learning process)
Start as soon as possible!
Data = topic (especially for empirical works)
Play with your data as soon as you can (problems are
behind the corner: incompatible series, unexpected
gaps etc… These problems cannot be solved the last
few days)
Keep in Mind!!!!
Make the P.O.C part of your academic life as soon as
you can
The P.O.C will not correct the draft of your dissertation
but he/she will provide useful suggestions
Use the papers as your template
Some Useful References
Hamermesh D “How to Publish in a Top Journal (I wish that
I knew!)”
Smith, W “How to choose a
Dissertation Topic”
“The Introduction Formula”
Good Luck!!