Teaching is a profession …
 Therefore,
teachers are expected to
display appropriate, professional
behavior, appearance and
Professional Dispositions
The values, commitments, and professional ethics that…
Influence our behaviors toward students, families,
colleagues and communities…
Affect our student’s learning, motivation, and
Guide our professional growth, guided by beliefs and
attitudes related to global values such as:
Professional Dispositions
Caring, fairness, and honesty
Responsibility and sense of social justice
Attendance and punctuality
Self-initiative & independence
Reliability & dependability
Desire to improve,with appropriate response to feedback
Critical thinking skills
Appropriate think-on-your-feet,“with-it-ness”& multi-tasking
Commitment to the teaching profession
Professional ethics & demeanor
Developing challenging curriculum
Professional Conduct
Have classroom & material prepared &
Consistently demonstrate professional
writing skills- all writing will be evaluated as if you were a
professional educator in a public classroom. Neatness,
spelling, grammar, penmanship, tone, citation and referencing
Professional Conduct
Consistently demonstrate professional oral
language skills
Appropriate language, tone of voice, etc. is
Common concerns and issues:
-cursing/swearing or use of objectionable words
-derogatory, racist, sexist, or demeaning jokes,
remarks, and ‘slurs’; personal remarks about
religious or political views to students or staff
-personal remarks about students or staff
-argumentative or aggressive verbal tones
-incorrect grammar and usage
Professional Conduct
 Avoid
use, distribution or dispensing
of tobacco products, drugs (illegal or
legal), or alcohol on site or away from
site with students
Dresstake a more conservative approach
Observe staff, then go up a “notch or two”
 Guys – shirts with collars, ties optional,
 Gals – Comfortable skirts & dresses, avoid
revealing attire
 Either guys or gals - Khakis, cords, slacks,
Dockers style pants
 Fridays with competition – Pirate gear!
Dress - continued
Be conservative, practical & professional
 Do
a mirror test:
Bend over, stretch, lean down, and kneel –
if you can see skin where you shouldn’t,
don’t wear it to school.
Common personal appearance
Casual, worn blue jeans – except Pirate
gear days
Mini and low-rise skirts
Crop tops, low cut tops, or spaghetti straps
T-shirts with logos/words –other than
school sanctioned
Common personal appearance
Low-cut pants & “baggy britches”
Strong scented perfumes, aftershaves, tobacco
“Spiky-high fashion” shoes & beach-y “flip-flops
Obvious/excessive body piercings or tattoos
Gum, food, tongue studs which affect oral
speech enunciation
Always be respectful of colleagues,
mentors, supervisors, staff and students.
-respect staff and administration’s
practices, beliefs, classroom management,
instructional styles, etc.
Consistently demonstrate professional
social skills CAUTION: Teachers’ Lounge
Maintain confidentiality of students & staff
Never discuss anything about a student
outside of appropriate professional setting.
Respect Professional Boundaries
DO NOT Date students
 Develop “personal” friendships with students
 Transport students in a vehicle at anytime,
under any circumstances
 Invite students to meet you off school
Sexual Harassment
Use caution & common sense when alone
with a student.
-Sit in full view (to hallway) with an open door
-Sit on opposite side of desk or table – or at
least on adjacent side (avoid shoulder to shoulder)
-Do not sexually harass any student, staff
member or visitor. Make every reasonable effort
to avoid even the appearance of actions that could
be interpreted as sexual harassment of students
and/or co –workers.
Learn school’s safety regulations
Fire & other safety drills and evacuations
 Weapons, active shooter, & bomb threats
 Medical emergencies & first aid situations
 Lock down procedures – see safety manual
 Communicable Diseases / blood
Liability – there is always a risk that you can
be held liable for a situation while teaching.
Most school districts will not “cover”
personal liability cases or judgments
against an individual.
Acquire liability insurance
 Personal
insurance policies
 MEA-MFT membership ($1 million liability)
Dealing with students Respect personal, physical boundaries
 Regardless of intent, every time we touch a
student we put ourselves at risk…
 Do not use corporal punishment! Hitting,
slapping, shoving, paddling, grabbing,etc.
 Use EXTREME CAUTION with all physical
contact including hugs,“back pats,” touching.
Use of public property
Learn and follow district’s rules in
computer use. Do not leave teacher
computer unsupervised.
Report problems
Report drug use, sexual or physical abuse,
potential suicide, harm to self or others, etc.
Teachers are required to report.
Career Killers Gossip, whining, griping – being negative
 Breach of confidentiality
 Substance use or abuse
 Tardiness & absenteeism
 Academic incompetence
 Inappropriate computer use
 Poor speaking / writing skills
 Unprofessional behavior or demeanor
Career Builders –
Always seeking to improve skills –
speaking, writing, vocabulary, etc.
 Participating in student activities
 Participating in professional organizations
 Working with others to be a professional
Much of the material comes from the MSU-Billings Pre Service Educators Program
Thanks to principal Rick Rafter for his suggestions.
Written by Judie Woodhouse, Polson Mentoring Committee Member
Developed for Fall Orientation 2008