TOPIC: Contemporary Japan

Volda-Griffith Austral-Asian Study
Immersion Program 2010
An Introduction to Japanese Society
Wayne Muller
Griffith University
21st September 2010
(1) Main historical trends since World War
(2) The Japanese "economic miracle".
(3) Some Japanese social characteristics. ***
(4) Some critiques of post war Japan.
(5) Some challenges for contemporary Japan.
(1) Main historical trends since World War Two.
The devastation of WW2
(1) Main historical trends since World War Two.
The Occupation
 Demilitarization
 War trials
 New constitution
 Economic rebuilding
The Korean War- towards the “Economic
(2) The Japanese "economic miracle".
Geographical limitations
The duration and scope of the “boom”
“Those successful Japanese”
 “The Japanese economic miracle”
 “The fragile superpower”
 “Japan as number one”
 “The too successful Japanese”
 “The electronic tribe”
Explanations of the “economic miracle”
(2) The Japanese "economic miracle".
Geographical limitations
Shizuoka City
Landuse Concentration
Tokyo Motorways
Shinkansen-Land Use Concentration Tokyo
(2) The Japanese "economic miracle".
The duration and scope of the “boom”
“Those successful Japanese”
 “The Japanese economic miracle”
 “The fragile superpower”
 “Japan as number one”
 “The too successful Japanese”
 “The electronic tribe”
Explanations of the “economic miracle”
Some Japanese social characteristics.
Some cultural and social paradoxes
Monocultural identity
Group identity
Shame and obligation ("on")
A meritocracy
Consensus decision making
A formal people given to strict ritual and
Some Japanese social characteristics.
Some cultural and social paradoxes
Lack of violence vs Manga, Samurai films,
 Friendliness and courtesy vs “rudeness”
 Chauvinism vs power of wife in the home
 “Company man” vs contractors
 Hierarchy vs classlessness
 Landscape beauty vs ugliness
Manga Comics
Manga Comics
Manga Comics
Authentic Samurai
Samurai-Movie Depiction
Suburban Ugliness Tokyo
The Beauty of Japanese Gardens
Some Japanese social characteristics.
Monocultural identity
Limited minorities- Koreans, Ainu, Eta
Japanese calendar
Japanese celebrations- Adult Day, Shichi-Go-San,
Respect for aged day, Emperor’s birthday
Japanese food
Artificial Window Food Display
Some Japanese social characteristics.
Contributions of Feudalism, Confucianism,
Buddhism, status of Emperor, etc
Japanese as a “respect language”
Bowing and hierarchy
Core values of “displaying respect” and
“knowing one’s proper place”
Osaka Castle
Kinkajui Buddhist Temple- Kyoto
Some Japanese social characteristics.
Group identity
Group identity at the national level
Group identity within the workplace- company practices which
develop a sense of “the group”
Group identity at school, in the family and “the village”
Group protest
Group behaviour while on vacation
Group less individuals- “Ronin”
Some Japanese social characteristics.
Shame and obligation ("on")
“On” as a core value cf sin and guilt
Meaning in English- “mutual obligation”, etc
Levels of “on”- Emperor, family, teacher, etc
“On” and gift giving
Some Japanese social characteristics.
A meritocracy
Legacy of Confucianism
Significance of education-
Institutional hierarchies
“Examination hell”
Employability linked to educational
Some Japanese social characteristics.
Consensus decision making
Decision by consensus- “root binding”
 Lower salary differentials than in West
 Bosses located with the workers
 Quality control circles
Some Japanese social characteristics.
A formal people given to strict ritual and
The tea ceremony
The role of Geisha
Department store etiquette
Business protocols
Ritual and trains
Ritual protest Yoyogi Park and Unions
Kamikaze pilots
“Irrashaimase” “Welcome”
Department Store Etiquette
Yoyogi Park Ritual Protest
Ultranationalist Protest in Japan
Ultranationalist Protest in Japan
Shinto Wedding Ceremony
Some critiques of post war Japan.
Environmental issues
Gender issues
Life chances
Trading practices
Some critiques of post war Japan.
Environmental issues
Some critiques of post war Japan.
Gender issues
Life chances
Trading practices
Some challenges for contemporary Japan.
 Demographic issues
 Economic challenges
 Political instability and inertia
 The perceived demise of “traditional values”
among the younger generations- “Shinjinrui”
 Concern over North Korea
Some challenges for contemporary Japan.
Demographic issues
 Low birth rate
 A shrinking population
Some challenges for contemporary Japan.
Economic challenges
Some challenges for contemporary Japan.
Political instability and inertia
Some challenges for contemporary Japan.
The perceived demise of “traditional
values” among the younger generations“Shinjinrui”
Fads amongst Japanese youth and young
“Kawaii”- “cuteness”- “hello Kitty”
Some challenges for contemporary Japan.
Fads amongst Japanese youth and young
Young adult males- “grass eaters”
 Concern over North Korea