Limitations of Adaptive Control David Hale University of Florida Preview Ineffective heuristic methods Ineffective at certain congestion levels Lack of accountability Low market share Competing technologies Heuristic Methods Fast, but ineffective Equisat (SCATS) Greedy algorithm (InSync) Hill-climb (TRANSYT) Slow, but effective Simulated annealing Genetic algorithm Derivative-free methods Improvement Percentage (%) 35.0 30.0 25.0 SA HC GA (T) GA (R) 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 Run Time (seconds) 150.0 z y C Optimality B x A Run Time Delay Increased Complexity Signal Timing Adapting vs. Optimizing Non-Adaptive, Quasi-Adaptive Quick Optimization Thorough Optimization Synchro, T7F, Vistro HCS-Streets, T7F, Vistro, ArteryLite Fully Adaptive SCATS, InSync (none) Accountability Capacity analysis? NO Simulation? DIFFICULT Most simulation products can’t do it VISSIM API = extra $$$ High level of expertise Time-consuming Expensive Market Share Decades of availability (1960’s) SCATS (1976), SCOOT (1981) Fewer than 5% of signals Why? Costs too high? Uncertainty about benefits? Lack of accountability? Competing Technologies Data-driven Quasi-adaptive Stronger algorithms “automated performance measures allow agencies to optimize and manage signals without extensive field data collection, a central traffic management or adaptive system, or a communications infrastructure” Limitations of Adaptive Control David Hale University of Florida