Solving transport problems in Sofia historical city centre Prof. Lucia Ilieva, CSDCS, BULGARIA ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 SOFIA TRANSPORT SITUATION Population: 1.6 Mio Surface:1310 km2 Level of motorisation: 720 Modal share: Cars – 47% PT – 32% Food – 14% Cyclists – 3% Motors - 1% ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 SOFIA MAIN TRANSPORT PROBLEMS 800 000 cars running every day, average age 15-20 years old, causing congestions, emissions, noise Most cars run with 1-2 passengers 13 300 parking places available on the streets, and 2600 in garages (in the city center) At least 32 000 parking places necessary ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 SOFIA PARKING PROBLEMS Existing situation: small blue zone (7000 places), recently enlarged under the pressure of BENEFIT-project with 700 new places Price: 0.5 EUR/hour, permitted time 2 hours Low price for annual business subscribtion – 50 EUR. Streets and pavements occupied by parked cars – no places for traffic and pedestrians. ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 INNOVATION:NEW MOBILITY MEASURES 2 MOBILITY PROJECTS RUNNING IN SOFIA – BENEFIT (SINCE 09.2008) AND EPOMM PLUS (SINCE 06.2009) THE NOTION OF MM SUCCESSFULLY INTRODUCED CITY MOBILITY CENTER CREATED IN MARCH 2009 MORE THAN 10 EVENTS FOR PROMOTING MM CONDUCTED (LOCAL STAKEHOLDERS FORUMS, SEMINARS, CONFERENCES, PT SURVAY) MORE THAN 1000 BROCHURES DISTRIBUTED, LARGE MEDIA CAMPAIN MAINTAINED, NATIONAL RADIO INVOLVED LARGE SPECTRE OF STAKEHOLDERS INVOLVED: MT, SOFIA MUNICIPALITY, PT COMPANIES, TRANSPORT SYNDICATES, TRANSPORT ASSOCIATIONS, EXPERTS, SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS, UNIVERSITIES, ENERGY AGENCIES, NGOS ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 PROPOSALS FOR NEW PARKING MEASURES ESTABLISHMENT OF 3 ZONES: blue, green and yellow; Prices increased to:1.5 EUR (blue), 1 EUR (green) and 0.5 EUR (yellow); Parking time: 2 h. (blue), 3 h. (green) and 4 h. (yellow) INCREASE THE TAXES FOR BUSINESS PARKING SUBSCRIBTION (350, 250, 150 EUR/YEAR) INTRODUCE PARKING TAX FOR PERSONS LIVING IN THE HISTORICAL CITY CENTER (THROUGH PURCHASE OF STICKERS AT PRICE ABOUT 30 EUR/YEAR) FREE OF CHARGE PARKINGS ARROUND PERIFERICAL METRO STATIONS AND IN NEW SUBURBS CONSTRUCTION OF 43 NEW UNDERGROUND PUBLIC GARAGES ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 PROPOSALS FOR NEW TRAFFIC MEASURES ENLARGEMENT OF EXISTING PEDESTRIAN ZONES CLOSING THE HISTORICAL CENTER FOR CARS COLLECTING A FEE FROM CARS ENTERING IN THE HISTORICAL CITY CENTER CLOSE MAIN BOULVARDS FOR CARS IN ORDER TO FACILITATE THE MOVEMENT OF THE PT ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 LESSONS FOR INNOVATION IN CITY MM Changes in the legal framework – new parking zones, access to city center; increased taxes for second-hand cars, etc. Find a way to make money – 3 parking zones; annual parking taxes Look at the whole value chain, where does you innovation fit in – if we want improved quality of PT, we have to solve traffic and parking problems Double your planning. Your counterpart (city) may not be as fast as you Know you target group – research necessary to be conducted regularly. Forget your offer! look at the demand. You will need to adapt your idea accordingly – the enlarged blue zone has shown its relevance Not only the director is important. Employees will use your product – BENEFIT just focus on employees The innovation can be in small things – we started with RISING THE AWARENESS AND INTRODUCTION OF THE TERM ‘MM” Government, create an innovation friendly climate – GOOD RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE MT AND MUNICIPALITIES ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! ECOMM 2010, Graz, 4-6.05.2010