Student input in teacher evaluation

Educator Evaluation:
Research-Informed Practice
Dr. Don Beaudette
Rachel Bradshaw
Richard Fournier
Elizabeth Nolan
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
September 18, 2014
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1. Student Input in Teacher Evaluation (Rachel Bradshaw)
2. Instructional Leadership in the Context of Teacher
Evaluation (Elizabeth Nolan)
3. The Evaluation of Special Educators (Richard Fournier)
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
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Part 1
September 18, 2014
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
What is worth knowing?
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In University
this class,
we learn to correct our mistakes.
2. This teacher is nice to me when I need help.
3. We learn a lot in this class.
4. I look forward to coming to this class.
5. In this class, we stay busy and do not waste time.
6. This teacher pushes us to use our thinking skills.
7. Students do what this teacher wants them to do.
8. This teacher makes learning interesting.
9. This teacher wants us to share our ideas.
10. This is a good teacher.
September 18, 2014
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
September 18, 2014
Are student perceptual data trustworthy?
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 Yes …with a well-designed survey
 Witnesses to behaviors, not judges of skill
 Redundant, research-based items
 Reliability
 Inter-rater: ten or more students
 Test-retest: two or more years?
 Validity
 Convergent: observations, self-reports
 Predictive: test scores
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
September 18, 2014
What roles can student surveys play among
multiple measures?
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 Monitoring implementation processes
 Alignment with Danielson framework
 Adding nuance to evaluation
 Complementing, not just verifying
 Providing “fast and frequent feedback”
 Multiple administrations per year
 Engaging and empowering students…
 …and teachers!
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
What are best practices for
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 Understanding and buy-in
 For data as well as for people
 Equity and protection for students
 Translations, accommodations, proctors
 Norming by age, subject, etc.
 National data sets, anti-bias algorithms
 Focus on improvement
 Actionable feedback, professional development
September 18, 2014
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
September 18, 2014
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Part 2
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
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September 18, 2014
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
September 18, 2014
Which do you emphasize more in your
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Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
September 18, 2014
What is the purpose of teacher evaluation?
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 State/District Standards
 Formative Evaluations
 Retention
 Feedback
 Dismissal
 Professional
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
September 18, 2014
What does the research say about observation
as a tool for improvement?
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 Error Marzano (2012)
 Measurement
 Sampling
 3 Types of Lessons
 Introductory
 Practice and Understanding
 Application
 Assumptions
 Principals are content experts
 Generic Instruments
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
September 18, 2014
How can observations be more accurate and promote teacher
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“Differentiating” the number of observations
Looking for content expertise
Conferring with teachers
Strategically planning observations
Conducting walk-throughs
Videotaping lessons
Peer Assistance and Review (PAR)
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
September 18, 2014
How can a principal make this all work?
 Use Technology
 TeachPoint
 Evernote
 Excel
 Limit the focus
 Ask teachers to do some homework
 Pre-conference worksheets
 Data
 Devote a day
 Setting targets and goals
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Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
September 18, 2014
What is instructional leadership in the
context of teacher evaluation?
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 Traditional Idea
 Focus on curriculum and instruction
 Limited if any improvements in student growth
 Contemporary Idea
 Focus on organizational management
 Growth in student achievement
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
September 18, 2014
How can central office administrators support
as instructional leaders?
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 Training
 Ongoing professional development
 Time with staff to focus on the evaluation
 Instructional coaching
 Credentialing
 Provide opportunities for principal feedback on the
evaluation process
 Allow for flexibility with the number of observations
 Allocate funding for support personnel to assist
 Provide technology to facilitate observations
Special Education Teachers:
Current Issues & Recommendations
Richard Fournier
Doctoral Fellow
Introduction: Why Special Education?
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Evaluating Special Education Teachers:
Major Issues
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 Special education has unique characteristics
evaluation models rarely consider
• These features challenge current models of
evaluating teacher effectiveness:
① Diversity in population of students
with disabilities
② Intensive, individualized instruction
found in SPED
Evaluating Special Education Teachers:
Major Issues
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 Problems
 Current mixed-method measures (e.g., VAM) are not easily
transferrable to special education
 Current models tend to be “one-size-fits-all”
 Current teacher observations problematic
What does the research say?
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Rigorous research is limited, but
Little understanding of what
models work or of alternative
What does the research say?
Observation of Special Education Teachers
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•Danielson’s Framework for Teaching (FFT)
• Meant to be comprehensive of all aspects of one’s teaching
•Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)
• Focuses on teacher-student interactions
Recent Findings:
observations scores tend to be unstable
Raters tend to remain high or low in ratings
Consistency with observation systems
Not strongly correlated with VAM scores
BIG ISSUE: How do we deal with issues of fairness?
Dr. Nathan Jones (2013), Presentation with Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)
What does the research say?
Observation of Special Education Teachers
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Practical, Common Issues:
• Evaluators unfamiliar with environment
• Differences in ideas and definitions of effective teaching
• Roles & Responsibilities not captured in protocol
Dr. Nathan Jones (2013), Presentation with Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)
What does the research say?
Observation of Special Education Teachers
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Unique roles and
Johnson, E., & Semmelroth, C. L. (2014).
What does the research say?
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Title Goes Here
What doesn’t work?
What can be done to improve existing models?
Practical Recommendations for Observations:
Ensure that special education teachers are familiar with
checklist items OR rubric (e.g., FFT)
Have evaluators and teachers select specific domains to
work on
Encourage and allow time for teachers to explain their
lesson plans or actions during evaluation
Video exemplars for administrators
Provide extra training for administrators evaluating
special education teachers
What does the research say?
Observation Tool in Development
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Recognizing Effective Special Education Teachers
What will it include?
① Video component
② Acknowledge unique roles and settings
③ Scoring on specific instruction
④ Collecting student growth data (still in
Johnson, E., & Semmelroth, C. L. (2014).
What does the research say?
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PEER Observation/Review of Special Education Teachers
Recommendation to improve observations for special education teachers
Inform general education observers/reviewers
Document peer observer notes and review
Peer observer and teacher identify specific areas
Encourage teachers to take feedback seriously
What does the research say?
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Portfolios for Special Education Teachers
May want to consider e-portfolio system
Administrators should review often
(with teachers)
Provide model portfolios & handbook
Enlist special education
teacher/administrator to review portfolios
with main reviewer
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
September 18, 2014
What does the research say?
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Dynamic Instructional Practices Portfolio Tool
MyiLOGS My Instructional Learning Opportunities Guidance System
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
September 18, 2014
Lastly . . .
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 Recognize professionalism
 Incorporate Research
 Where?
Regional Educational Laboratory (Northeast & Islands)
Educator Evaluation: Research-Informed Practice
September 18, 2014
Free Research Resources!
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