R. C. Palmer Grade 10 & 11 Presentation January 2014 GRADUATION PROGRAM 1. Required 48 credits: • Language Arts 10, 11, 12 • Social Studies 10 • Social Studies 11 or 12 • Science 10 • Science 11 or 12 • Mathematics 10 • Mathematics 11 or 12 • Physical Education 10 • FNA or ASK 10, 11 or 12 • Planning 10 12 credits 4 credits 4 credits 4 credits 4 credits 4 credits 4 credits 4 credits 4 credits 4 credits 2. Graduation Transitions 4 credits 3. Electives (Grade 10, 11 and 12) TOTAL 28 credits 80 credits *** A minimum of 16 credits must be at the Grade 12 level. (This includes 4 credits for a Language Arts 12 course, but does not include Graduation Transitions). GRADUATION PLANNING CHECKLIST PROVINICAL EXAMS Required for Social Studies 11, worth 20% Required for English 12, Communications 12 and First Nations Studies 12 Grade 12 Provincial Exams worth 40% (except First Nations Studies 12, worth 20%) COURSE SELECTION Required Courses Grade 11 • Language Arts 11* • Mathematics 11* • Science 11* • Social Studies 11 • GraduationPlanning * Multiple options available. Grade 12 • Language Arts 12* • Graduation Transitions 12 (not included in course selection) Elective Courses Grade 11 • 3 elective choices • Consider post-secondary Grade 12 • 7 elective choices • 3 must be grade 12 • Consider post-secondary http://palmer.sd38.bc.ca Course Selection Sheets due to math teachers by February 25. ELL – English as a Second Language ELL level for next year is based on the Spring Assessment ELL Level 1 ELL Level 2 ESL 1 ESL 1 ESL 1 MATH ESL 2 ESL 2 ESL 2 MATH PE* ELECTIVE ELECTIVE ELECTIVE SCIENCE PE* ELECTIVE ELECTIVE ELL Level 3 ELL Level 4 ESL 3 ESL 3 MATH SCIENCE ESL 4 MATH SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES PE* SOCIAL STUDIES ELECTIVE ELECTIVE *PE is required in Gr. 8, 9,10 ENGLISH (9 or 10) PE* ELECTIVE ELECTIVE *ELL 3 & 4 students in Grade 11 take Planning 10 FOR GRADE 11s . . . Required Courses – Options: Language Arts 11: Communications 11, English 11, English 11 Incentive Mathematics 11: Apprenticeship & Workplace Math 11, Foundations of Math 11, Pre-Calculus 11, Pre-Calculus 11 Enriched Science 11: Biology 11, Chemistry 11, Environmental Science 11, Physics 11, Science & Tech 11 Social Studies 11: Grad Planning: Social Studies 11, Social Studies 11 Incentive Grad Planning, Grad Planning Online, Leadership Other Considerations: Fine Arts or Applied Skills Course Second Language Course District Career Programs Post Secondary Options FOR GRADE 12s . . . Required Courses – Options: Language Arts 12: Communications 12, English 12, AP English 12 District Career Programs • School Based Apprenticeship Programs • College/University Based Programs Study Block Post Secondary Options… GRADUATION TRANSITIONS Students in grades 10 - 12 must complete the following mandatory components: Students need to perform an average of 150 minutes a week of physical activity in grade 10, 11 and 12 A graduation transition plan that will help students set goals for post-secondary education or career pursuits 30 hours of work experience or community service. Students who meet the standards will receive 4 credits that count toward graduation. POSSIBILITIES ??? Careers ??? ??? Areas of Study ??? ???? Programs ??? ??? School/Institution ??? Have a Plan A, B, C, etc. Places to start: www.careercruising.com (Username: palmer, Password: career1) www.educationplanner.bc.ca Career Information Advisor/Counsellor WHERE Find out where you can pursue further studies/training in your chosen area. (University? College? Private Institute? . . . Local? Provincial? National? International?) www.educationplanner.bc.ca www.careercruising.com Consider more than 1 institution. (There is no such thing as guaranteed admission). College vs University ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Check admission requirements for the institution AND the program of study. General Requirements vs Program Requirements Admission requirements are institutionspecific. (i.e. Admission to UBC Science is different from SFU Science) Go to the institution’s website for the most up-to-date information. Navigating Post-Secondary Websites • Keywords: Prospective/Future Students Undergraduate Studies/Programs Admissions (BC/Yukon) Admissions - Required Courses Approved Grade 12 Courses Required Courses vs Courses for Admission Average Calculation HIGH SCHOOL COURSE SELECTION Select a course load that will keep all of your post-secondary options open. Select a course load that is manageable. Review and consider your extra-curricular commitments - job, clubs, teams, etc. Factor in Grade 12 responsibilities applications for admissions, scholarships, etc. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Applying to an American School? • Need to write SAT/ACT • Consult your Counsellor. Financing Post Secondary Studies • Loans • Bursaries • Scholarships www.aved.gov.bc.ca/studentaidbc/getstarted/welcome.htm SCHOLARSHIPS Provincial Exam Scholarship Entrance Scholarships Special Affiliation Scholarships School Scholarship Program Career Centre News Website http://www2.sd38.bc.ca/~CCNews@sd38.bc.ca www.studentawards.com HELPFUL WEBSITES Graduation Program Information www.bced.gov.bc.ca/graduation Career Planning www.educationplanner.bc.ca/careerdeveloper/ Overview of options for post-secondary, training, and careers in BC, Canada, abroad www.bced.gov.bc.ca/careers/planning/educate Guide to BC’s Public Post Secondary Institutions www.aved.gov.bc.ca/institutions/welcome.htm SUMMER SCHOOL Remedial Summer School for students with INCOMPLETE standing (40 - 49%) in: ENGLISH 8 – 11 MATH 8 - 11 SCIENCE 8 – 10 SOCIAL STUDIES 8 – 11 Full Credit Summer School Students taking a full credit summer school course need to make sure that they do not select the course on their program planning sheet NEED MORE HELP? Counsellors Mrs. U. Pedersen Mr. M. Bamford Surnames A - K Surnames L - Z Information Advisor Mrs. M. Mayer (Monday, Thursday, alternate Wednesdays) Program Planning Guide http://palmer.sd38.bc.ca