Module 1 Activities Purpose: These activities support instruction provided for COUMADIN® QuickLearn Module 1: Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of Thrombus Formation Screen prompt: Unless otherwise noted the screen prompt should be “Click Next to continue.” Knowledge check screen prompt:: KC prompts are as indicated on storyboard; each KC prompt should be REPLACED by the standard prompt once the user has clicked Done. First / Second prompts are indicated as follows (slash between them): “Answer each question, then click Done. / Click Next to continue.” Navigation availability: Prev/Next are always available and go to the previous or next sequential storyboard, respectively, unless otherwise noted. Graphics: All graphics requested that come from outside published sources should be redrawn “based on” the photocopies or files provided (“stock” accelera graphics may be used as a basis for animations and building of other graphics). Button operation: Unless otherwise indicated: – Next goes to the next screen – Prev goes to the previous screen – Done returns feedback on the student’s response. If student clicks Done before answering question (or all of question’s elements), show pop-up box: “You must answer all parts of the question before clicking Done.” – Exit closes the program (show dialog prompt with Yes/No response to question “Do you really want to exit the program?”). Common Audio Standard/Common Audio: clicknext1.wav: Click Next to try the next activity. clicknext2.wav: Click Next to continue. [NEEDED for BMS?] Module 1: Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of Thrombus Formation Bristol-Myers Squibb COUMADIN® QuickLearn GRAPHICS/PROGRAMMER NOTES Storyboard # C1_010 ON-SCREEN TEXT AND IMAGE LAYOUT Graphics: c1_010.jpg Module Introduction (1 of 2) Graphics Specs: Grab coumadin.gif from home page of (or coumadin_com.gif from rawgraphics folder provided. Remove “Welcome” and resize to fit right pane. Programming Specifications: onEnter: display c1_010.jpg and play c1_010.wav AUDIO / VIDEO SCREEN PROMPTS c1_010.wav: Welcome to Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of Thrombus Formation, the first module in the COUMADIN® (Warfarin Sodium) training series. The first section of this module covers Pathophysiology, including how blood is circulated, how blood clots normally form and dissolve, and abnormal clotting, known as thrombosis. Click Next to continue. BRANCHING The next section provides background on the clinical implications of thrombus formation, reviewing the epidemiology, symptoms, and diagnosis of typical disorders. 4/13/2015 Developed for BMS | by Accelera Corporation Proprietary and Confidential Page 3 Module 1: Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of Thrombus Formation Bristol-Myers Squibb COUMADIN® QuickLearn GRAPHICS/PROGRAMMER NOTES Storyboard # C1_020 ON-SCREEN TEXT AND IMAGE LAYOUT Graphics: c1_020.jpg Module Introduction (2 of 2) Graphics Specs: Stock photo of Pharm Rep interacting with doctor. Altering image for each Module (e.g., female/Doctor for Module 1 and male/doctor for Module 2-different docs and nationalities). Programming Specifications: onEnter: display graphic and play c1_020.wav Stock photo of Pharm Rep (Professional) having a discussion with Doctor. AUDIO / VIDEO c1_020.wav: Knowledge about the processes involved in thrombus formation will help you understand the mechanism of action of COUMADIN® and the implications for its use in a variety of medical conditions and situations. This knowledge will be valuable when discussing the advantages of using COUMADIN® with physicians and other healthcare professionals and when comparing COUMADIN® to competitive agents. SCREEN PROMPTS Click Next to continue. BRANCHING Click Next to begin reviewing the first section of this module, Pathophysiology of Thrombus Formation. 4/13/2015 Developed for BMS | by Accelera Corporation Proprietary and Confidential Page 4 Module 1: Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of Thrombus Formation Bristol-Myers Squibb COUMADIN® QuickLearn GRAPHICS/PROGRAMMER NOTES Storyboard # C1_030 ON-SCREEN TEXT AND IMAGE LAYOUT Graphics: c1_030.jpg Section 1: Pathophysiology of Thrombus Formation Graphics specs: resize/use existing Accelera graphic c1_hemo.jpg showing Thrombus Formation (see raw graphics folder) This section covers the following topics: • The Circulatory System • The Coagulation Cascade Programming Specifications: • Thrombus Formation OnEnter play audio, display graphic; sync text display to audio as indicated AUDIO / VIDEO c1_030.wav: [a] In section 1, we begin with a review of the anatomy and physiology of the circulatory system, which will be helpful in understanding the process of hemostasis. [b]Next, we’ll examine the roles of clotting factors, focusing on how the body’s release of clotting factors initiates a series of events that trigger the platelet cascade and the clotting cascade, known collectively as the “coagulation cascade.” SCREEN PROMPTS Click Next to continue. BRANCHING [c]Finally, we take a look at the how the coagulation cascade affects thrombus formation and dissolution. Let’s review our objectives. 4/13/2015 Developed for BMS | by Accelera Corporation Proprietary and Confidential Page 5 Module 1: Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of Thrombus Formation Bristol-Myers Squibb COUMADIN® QuickLearn GRAPHICS/PROGRAMMER NOTES Storyboard # C1_040 ON-SCREEN TEXT AND IMAGE LAYOUT Graphics: Learning Objectives After completing this section, you should be able to: • • • • • • Describe the path of blood circulation to and from the heart Define Virchow’s Triad and discuss its significance Delineate the steps involved in hemostasis Discuss the roles of various clotting factors Describe the coagulation cascade Differentiate the roles of intrinsic and extrinsic pathways in the coagulation cascade • List the medical conditions that result in altered hemostasis • Explain the process that leads to thrombosis Programming Specifications: onEnter play audio, display first line of text. Sync text display to audio as marked. AUDIO / VIDEO c1_040.wav: After completing this section, you should be able to: [a]Describe the path of blood circulation to and from the heart ·[b]Define Virchow’s Triad and discuss its significance ·[c]Delineate the steps involved in hemostasis ·[d]Discuss the roles of various clotting factors ·[e]Describe the coagulation cascade ·[f]Differentiate the roles of intrinsic and extrinsic pathways in the coagulation cascade ·[g]List the medical conditions that result in altered hemostasis ·[h]Explain the process that leads to thrombosis SCREEN PROMPTS Click Next to continue. BRANCHING We’ll begin by reviewing the circulatory system. 4/13/2015 Developed for BMS | by Accelera Corporation Proprietary and Confidential Page 6 Module 1: Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of Thrombus Formation Bristol-Myers Squibb COUMADIN® QuickLearn GRAPHICS/PROGRAMMER NOTES Storyboard # C1_050 ON-SCREEN TEXT AND IMAGE LAYOUT Graphics: c1_050.swf The Circulatory System Graphic Specs: Figure 1-1 (animation: arrows moving in directions indicated and blood moving through--style to match other module graphics [see c1_hemo.jpg]): Blood Flow through the Arterial and Venous Systems1 [based on Goldhaber, continuous flow of blood through heart, through arteries to body, through veins back to heart] [1/Goldhaber, p. 1437] Programming Specifications: Figure 1-1 (animation): Blood Flow through the Arterial and Venous Systems1 [based on Goldhaber, continuous flow of blood through heart, through arteries to body, through veins back to heart] [1/Goldhaber, p. 1437] onEnter, play audio, play animation (blood flow in continuous motion) continuously AUDIO / VIDEO SCREEN PROMPTS c1_050.wav: Blood circulates within the body through the circulatory system, an elaborate network of arteries, arterioles, veins, venules, and capillaries that transports nutrients throughout the body to provide nourishment to the tissues. Click Next to continue. BRANCHING Blood also carries wastes away from the tissues for excretion. 4/13/2015 Developed for BMS | by Accelera Corporation Proprietary and Confidential Page 7 Module 1: Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of Thrombus Formation Bristol-Myers Squibb COUMADIN® QuickLearn GRAPHICS/PROGRAMMER NOTES Storyboard # C1_060 ON-SCREEN TEXT AND IMAGE LAYOUT Graphics: c1_060.jpg Major Pathways Graphic Specs: see raw graphics folder for c1_060.jpg, resize Programming Specifications: onEnter, play audio, display graphic. Sync display of a “highlight” of the title of each section with audio as marked (highlight = yellow “glow” behind bold head? Pick something to use throughout modules) Sync points = [a] Systemic circulation [b] Pulmonary circulation [c] Coronary Circulation AUDIO / VIDEO c1_060.wav: The circulatory system has three major pathways: [a] In systemic circulation, arteries carry oxygenated blood and nutrients from the left side of the heart to the body tissues, and the veins carry deoxygenated blood and carbon dioxide (CO2) back to the right side of the heart. [b] In pulmonary circulation, deoxygenated blood and CO2 are carried from the right side of the heart to the lungs, where blood is oxygenated and CO2 expelled, then oxygenated blood is returned to the left side of the heart. [c]Coronary circulation carries blood through the arteries of the heart, supplying heart muscle with oxygen and nutrients while carriying deoxygenated blood and wastes back to the right side of the heart. 4/13/2015 SCREEN PROMPTS Click Next to continue. BRANCHING Developed for BMS | by Accelera Corporation Proprietary and Confidential Page 8 Module 1: Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of Thrombus Formation Bristol-Myers Squibb COUMADIN® QuickLearn GRAPHICS/PROGRAMMER NOTES Storyboard # C1_070 ON-SCREEN TEXT AND IMAGE LAYOUT Graphics: Knowledge Check Graphic Specs: 1. In systemic circulation, which side of the heart are oxygenated blood and nutrients carried from? left right [answer = left] 2. Systemic circulation returns deoxygenated blood and carbon dioxide (CO 2) back to the which side of the heart? left right [answer = right] Display “answer all” dialog: “You must answer all parts of the question before clicking Done.” if user clicks done before choosing answers for each. 3. In pulmonary circulation, which side of the heart are deoxygenated blood and CO 2 carried from? left right [answer = right] Feedback (Display on click of Done): 4. Pulmonary circulation returns oxygenated blood to the which side of the heart? left right [answer = left] 5. Coronary circulation supplies heart muscle with oxygen and nutrients and carries deoxygenated blood and wastes back to which side of the heart? left right [answer = right] Programming Specifications: onEnter, play audio. Program radio buttons for left vs. right choices; both unselected by default. Correct = That's correct. Incorrect = Incorrect. The correct answers are (1) left, (2) right, (3) right, (4) left, and (5) right. Please review Major Pathways, then try again. DONE AUDIO / VIDEO SCREEN PROMPTS c1_070.wav:Let’s review. Answer each question, then click Done. / Click Next to continue. For each of the following statements about the circulatory process, click the button before left or right to indicate the correct direction of blood flow. BRANCHING Answer each question, then click Done. 4/13/2015 Developed for BMS | by Accelera Corporation Proprietary and Confidential Page 9 Module 1: Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of Thrombus Formation Bristol-Myers Squibb COUMADIN® QuickLearn GRAPHICS/PROGRAMMER NOTES Storyboard # C1_080 ON-SCREEN TEXT AND IMAGE LAYOUT Graphics: c1_080.swf, c1_080.jpg Hemostasis (1 of 2) Graphic Specs: c1_080.jpg = Play Animation button c1_080.swf = Take file c1_hemo.jpg from raw graphics folder; see also c1_hemo2.jpg. Crop to use TOP of graphic and animate (1) to show blood cells flowing through the artery (no clump at bottom), (2) small break in vessel, (3) white and red cells start to clump at the break (others keep flying by), (4) yellow fibrin appears/threaded through clump to hold it together, (5) dissolve clump piece by piece and fill in break in vessel wall, (6) end with blood flowing freely [as in Step 1]. Programming Specifications: onEnter, play audio, play animation once then stop. Play Animation AUDIO / VIDEO SCREEN PROMPTS cl_080.wav: In a normal, healthy individual, the process of blood coagulation is delicately balanced. Blood remains fluid as it flows through the vessels, but clots rapidly when the vessels are injured. When an injury causes a break in a blood vessel wall, it triggers hemostasis, the process of clot formation and dissolution. 4/13/2015 Click Next to continue. BRANCHING onClick of Play Animation: replay c1_080.swf Developed for BMS | by Accelera Corporation Proprietary and Confidential Page 10 Module 1: Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of Thrombus Formation Bristol-Myers Squibb COUMADIN® QuickLearn GRAPHICS/PROGRAMMER NOTES Storyboard # C1_090 ON-SCREEN TEXT AND IMAGE LAYOUT Graphics: Hemostasis (2 of 2) Graphic Specs: Programming Specifications: onEnter, play audio; display first line of text. Sync display of numbered items to audio as marked. Hemostasis involves a series of four major events that occur in order: 1. Vascular constriction 2. Platelet adhesion, activation, and aggregation 3. Formation of a clot, or thrombus 4. Dissolution of the clot AUDIO / VIDEO SCREEN PROMPTS cl_090.wav: Hemostasis involves a series of four major events that occur in a particular order: · [a] Vascular constriction · [b] Platelet adhesion, activation, and aggregation · [c] Formation of a clot, or thrombus, and · [d] Dissolution of the clot. Click Next to continue. BRANCHING Each event is described in greater detail in the next topic, The Coagulation Cascade.2 [2/King,/p. 1] 4/13/2015 Developed for BMS | by Accelera Corporation Proprietary and Confidential Page 11