•What countries are part of the E.U? •What do you know about European Union? •What does the E.U. do? •How is the E.U organized? EU INSTITUTIONS EUROPEAN UNION INSTITUTIONS The EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT represents the EU’s citizens and is directly elected by them The COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION represents the individual member states The EUROPEAN COMMISSION seeks to uphold the interests of the Union as a whole. To use in Commission documents dealing with Community policy To use for Commission documents of a purely internal nature These three institutions produce the policies and laws that apply throughout the EU. EUROPEAN UNION INSTITUTIONS COURT OF JUSTICE COURT OF AUDITORS COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS GENERAL RESOURCES http://europa.eu/about-eu/institutionsbodies/index_en.htm http://www.european-studies.org/eu.htm http://europa.eu/abc/12lessons/index_en.htm http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/in_depth/euro pe/2001/inside_europe/eu_institutions/default.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/in_depth/euro pe/2001/inside_europe/milestones/ GROUP 1 Answer the questions: Where is the Parliament based? What does the Parliament do? How is the Parliament’s work organized? http://europa.eu/a bouteu/institutionsbodies/europeanparliament/index_e n.htm http://www.apeeurope.eu/ GROUP 2 Answer the questions: What does the Council do? Which are the ten Council configurations? How is the Council’s work organized? Council of the European Union: http://ue.eu.int/cou ncil?lang=en European Convention http://europeanconvention.eu.int/o rganisation.asp?lan g=EN GROUP 3 Answer the questions What does the Commission do? How is the Commission’s work organized? Explain its composition Explain its departments or policies European Commission: http://europa.eu/abou t-eu/institutionsbodies/europeancommission/index_en. htm http://ec.europa.eu/ab out/ds_en.htm http://ec.europa.eu/po licies/index_en.htm GROUP 4 Answer the questions: What is the Court of Justice? What type of cases are there? Explain why it is a multilingual institution. What is the General Court? What is the European Union Civil Tribunal? http://europa.eu/abou t-eu/institutionsbodies/courtjustice/index_en.htm http://curia.europa.eu /jcms/jcms/Jo2_6999/ http://curia.europa.eu /jcms/jcms/Jo2_7033/ http://curia.europa.eu /jcms/jcms/T5_5230/ GROUP 5 Answer the questions What is the Court of Auditors? What is its most important job? What is the mission of the Anti-Fraud Office? http://europa.eu/a bouteu/institutionsbodies/courtauditors/index_en. htm http://eca.europa. eu/portal/page/por tal/Organisation SUMMARY http://www.nicurriculum.org.uk/docs/ key_stage_3/areas_of_learning/learni ng_for_life_and_work/eu4u/session1/ ResourceSheets1_12.pdf GAMES http://europa.eu/europago/explore/in it.jsp?language=en http://europa.eu/europago/games/m emory/memory.jsp?language=en